The Background of Team Teaching’s Implementation The Objective of Team Teaching

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a. The Background of Team Teaching’s Implementation

SMPN 1 Pitu Ngawi has 13 classes and there are 6 English teachers, those are: Dra. Dwi Purwani, Rosyidatul AA,S.Pd, Suparmi,S.Pd., Tutik Handayani, S.Pd, Agus Supriyanto,S.Pd, and Nanik Purnawati, S.Pd. It is hoped that the English language competence of students can be improved well and the quality of the students’learning process is good so the headmaster has to make decision that there must be team teaching in English . To conduct team teaching of English, the headmater states in SK SMPN 1 Pitu Number: 800032404.101.17.P.012010 issued on 1 February 2010. The headmaster answered the writer’s interview that “saya selaku kepala sekolah ingin pelayanan pada process belajar akan berjalan lebih baik”. It means that the students will learn English better and they should have good process in learning English in their School. In Team Teaching, the process of learning will be focused on the learners because the learning process is planned by more than one teacher, and more than one teacher in a class causes the time to practice speaking to be longer. And the students’ learning can be controlled by teachers well. It is said by the head of school in my interview on 9 March 2010. He said: anak yg biasanya diajar oleh satu orang di kelas akan lebih baik hasilnya bila diajar lebih dari satu orang. Prosess belajar akan terfocus pada anak” and also “kalau commit to user praktek speaking umpama, anak yang biasanya ngantri waktu hanya dengan 1 guru di klas akan lebih panjang waktunya praktek karena ada 2 guru di kelas. Guru juga akan bisa lebih mengontrol siswa lebih longgar”CL.01

b. The Objective of Team Teaching

According to the English teachers, the aim of team teaching English is that the teachers are able to monitor the process of students’ learning well. Students will get guidance from more than one teacher in class. If they have difficulties, they can ask the teachers easily. For example: when a student speak English with wrong pronunciation, the teacher will correct it as soon as possible he hear without lack of attention because there are more teachers in class. In relation to the aim of team teaching English, the researcher conducted an interview with teachers included in the process of teaching. One of them is RA who gives the description about the aim. She said: “ Process belajar bahasa Inggris para siswa tentu saja akan lebih mendapatkan perhatian yg lebih baik karena di dalam kelas ada guru lebih dari satu. Jadi anak akan mendapatkan bimbingan belajar yang lebih baik”. In addition, by implementation of team teaching of English, the students will be center of learning process well. There will be process of collaboration between teachers involved in designing of teaching, process of teaching and learning, and evaluation. The teachers commit to user involved have to share the knowledge of subject so that the learning process runs successfully. All of them happens to focus to the learners in the class. Therefore, the language competence of the students, especially English, can be improved well. Related to the interview with the headmaster, he said that: “ dengan diajar oleh lebih dari satu guru di kelas akan lebih baik hasilnya dibanding bila diajar oleh satu orang”. To achieve the above goal, teachers conduct the process of learning by giving some examples of sentences based on individual teacher model. After that, they split the class into group of learning consisting of 5 students. Each group has to set up 3 sentences based on the example given to them. While the groups are discussing, both teachers go around giving guidance and checking the result of discussion. By grouping of learning, teachers will give more attention to students’ learning and students can exchange their ideas in smaller members in their group. Sometimes, a teacher explains a subject and gives some examples and the other gives additional example on the board. And then the first teacher makes summary of the explanation together with the students, while the second teacher asks them whether there are any questions about the lesson or not and discuss to answer the questions before they close the learning process. commit to user

c. The Legal Foundation of Team Teaching Implementation

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