The Effect of Money Retention on CBB The Effect of Pocket Money on Borrowing Habit

57 Peer acceptance was found to be a significant predictor of CBB in some previous studies as well. Chaplin John 2010 ever commented about the relationship between adolescents‟ peer acceptance and their buying behavior: “when adolescents communicate with their peers about consumption and observe the acquisitive desires of their peers, they are likely to model such behavior and want the same things their peers want or have.” Noted here that adolescents were also more likely to want the same things their peers wanted. Without trying to evaluate whether they needed the things or not, peer acceptance pushed them to buy that things. It was also noted by Furaiji et al . 2012 that as a part of social factors, reference groups have significant influence on consumers purchasing behaviors. The result of current study that peer acceptance had a positive significant effect on CBB supported the result of some previous studies and proved the comment of Chaplin John and also Furaiji et al .

4.6.3. The Effect of Money Retention on CBB

Hypothesis testing also proved that money retention had a negative and significant effect on CBB. This meant that by having high money retention, the students are capable on restraining themselves to be compulsive buyers. Looking closely to the students‟ characteristics and the descriptive statistics of money retention, some information might help to 58 explain this result. They were capable on managing their pocket money even made saving as reported by the additional information that 80.0 of the students had saving. This information that the students loved to save money supported by the high score of the statement „in times when I have extra money, I save it‟. The students also did not spend money easily since the score of this statement reported in table 4.10 was high. They did not spend money easily for buying things they did not need since they were capable of managing their pocket money. Therefore the students could restrain themselves to be compulsive buyers and they did not buy just to face the stress. However, the effect of money retention on CBB had been explored and investigated by some previous studies. Because of their high level of money retention, the students also tended to do planned purchases, as noted by Wong 2010 that high money retention directed people to avoid unplanned purchases. One form of the unplanned purchases was the CBB. Therefore they would only buy things they needed, and were less likely to experience post-purchase guilt because of their CBB. This finding supported the finding of Roberts and Jones 2001 as well as Hafez et al . 2013 that money retention had negative effect on CBB. 59

4.6.4. The Effect of Pocket Money on Borrowing Habit

As well as the effect of pocket money to CBB that found not significant, the effect of pocket money on borrowing habit was also found not significant. This result suggested that higher pocket money did not lead the students to have a high tendency of borrowing habit. In the other side, lower pocket money also did not lead the students to have a high tendency of borrowing habit. Therefore no matter how much pocket money the students received every month, the tendency to borrow money from others might exist. However in this study it was found that the students had low tendency of borrowing habit. They would think carefully before deciding to borrow money and tried as much as possible not to borrow money. A reason why pocket money did not affect borrowing habit might be explained by the fact that 60.5 of all students would ask their parents to give them more money in case they needed more money, while 18.5 of them chose to take from their savings. Only 12.5 of them that chose to borrow money from their friends and relatives when they needed more money. This data supported the unsignificant effect of pocket money to borrowing habit. Interestingly, even not significant the effect of pocket money to borrowing habit was found to be negative, not positive as stated by the hypothesis. The logical thinking below might be used to explain the negative 60 effect. People with large amount of pocket money had enough money to cover their needs and wants. In the other side, people who had limited or small amount of pocket money would need extra money to cover their needs and wants. Therefore they would borrow money to get that extra money. The more often they borrowed because of their needs for extra money, the higher their borrowing habit.

4.6.5. The Effect of Peer Acceptance on Borrowing Habit

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