The Effect of Pocket Money on CBB


4.6. Discussion

4.6.1. The Effect of Pocket Money on CBB

Previous studies had shown different results regarding the effect of pocket money and income to CBB. Faber et al . 1987 noted that the CBB problem might be confined to the middle or lower income individuals who had a high desire for things and little willpower to resist urges . Different result came from Ergin 2010 who found that the level of income was a significant predictor of CBB. This study however seemed to confirm that compulsive buyers appeared to come from all income groups as stated by O‟Guinn Faber 1989 as well as by Scherhorn et al . 1990 since there was no significant effect of pocket money to CBB. One of two reasons that might explain why pocket money did not have a significant influ ence on CBB in this study was about the students‟ biggest spending. The additional information showed that generally the students‟ biggest proportion of spending were for food, telecommunication, and for printing and copying papers and books. Only a few of them had mentioned clothes, shoes, and make up as their biggest spending. It clearly showed that the students spent their pocket money for their basic needs as a student. The fact that most students came from outside Salatiga and lived in boarding houses, they also had to pay for their food everyday may become the reason why food took the biggest proportion of their spending. 55 The second reason was that 80.0 of the students had saving, meant that they saved some of their pocket money. After spending much of their money on food and their needs as students, many of them only had a little money left to save since the descriptive statistic showed that generally the students had low pocket money. However, 80 of the students still saved the money. This habit they built made it possible that no matter how much pocket money they received every month, they still prefered to spend it on their basic needs and saved the rest of their money to spend it on shopping or buying things they did not need. In conclusion, regardless how much their pocket money, the students chose to spend it for their needs and for saving, and not for buying things they did not need. Their good habit about to prefer needs than wants and their saving habit saved them from being compulsive buyers. Although pocket money did not signifantly affect CBB, there were many antecedents of CBB found on previous studies. Personality was a factor that has been widely tested and proved as a factor that influenced CBB. Shahjehan et al . 2012 for example, had investigated the impact and effect of Big Five Personality Traits on CBB. Their investigation proved that CBB was positively affected by the personality traits, even not by all of them. They also found that significant amounts of variance in CBB could be 56 accounted for extraversion. The same result also came from the study conducted by Mikolajczak 2012.

4.6.2. The Effect of Peer Acceptance on CBB

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