Respondents’ Characteristics Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Compulsive Buying Behavior: The Effects of Pocket Money, Peer Acceptance, Money Retention And Its Impact On Borrowing Habit T2 912012034 BAB IV


4.1. Respondents’ Characteristics

The respondents‟ descriptive statistic was clearly reported in table 4.1. There was only 1 of students who had pocket money more than 2 million, while 5 had a high pocket money, which were around 1.5 million to 1.95 million. 18 students had a medium pocket money, which were around 1 million to 1.45 million. Most students 43 had a low pocket money around five hundred thousands to nine hundred and fifty thousands per month. The rest of students 33 had pocket money less than five hundred thousands where mostly were the students who stayed with their parents in Salatiga. Therefore in general the students had a low pocket money. Table 4.1. Respondents’ Characteristics Characteristics Categories Number Percentage Gender Male 72 36.0 Female 128 64.0 Age 18-19 79 39.5 20-21 92 46.0 22-23 29 14.5 Origin Salatiga 61 30.5 Outside Salatiga 135 69.5 Pocket Money 500,000 66 33.0 500,000 – 950,000 86 43.0 28 1,000,000 – 1,450,000 36 18.0 1,500,000 – 1,950,000 10 5.0 2,000,000 2 1.0 Set aside money for savings Yes 160 80.0 No 40 20.0 In case lack of pocket money Ask parents to give money 121 60.5 Take from saving 37 18.5 Borrow from friends or relatives 25 12.5 Others 17 8.5 Three biggest spending Food, telecommunication, printing and copying study-related material Source: Primary Data, 2014 The finding from the questionnaires also showed that the number of female was greater than male since there were 36 male students. It was also reported that 85.5 of the students were nineteen to twenty one years old. Interestingly, although SWCU was located in Salatiga, the students mostly came from outside Salatiga, while only 30.5 students were originally from Salatiga. The students also indicated to love saving since the data showed that 80.0 of the students used to set aside money for savings. As students used to experience lack of money especially in the end of the month, 60.5 of the students chose to ask their parents to give them more money. 18.5 of the students who chose not to ask from their parents chose to take money from their savings while the other 12.5 chose to borrow from their friends or relatives. The rest 8.5 of the students chose other ways such as taking part time job and selling some of their stuffs to get money. 29

4.2. Goodness of Fit

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