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B. Electronic Sources

The Last Song : Film DVD. Dir. Julie Anne Robinson. 2010. Touchstone Pictures. The Last Song. http:subscene.comsubtitlesthe-last-songenglish350741 . Retrieved on January 10 th , 2013. APPENDIX 101 Appendix: Types Purposes of Turn-taking Irregularities Presented by the Characters in The Last Song Movie TTI: Turn-taking Irregularity CO: Cooperative RE: Recognitional AG: Agreement

S: Setting IN: Intrusive

SA: Signalling annoyance AS: Assistance TC: Topic change

T: Topic TR: Transitional

SU: Signalling urgency CL: Clarification TG: Tangentialization Ir: Irregularity PR: Progressional TC: Topic change DS: Disagreement P: Participant =: Interruption I: Interruption

O: Overlap Oth: Other FT: Floor-taking : Overlap

TTI01IINTG00:08:46-00:08:53  Number of the DataTime No Data Types of Turn-taking Irregularities Purposes of Turn-taking Irregularities Context Description Code Conversation Interru ption Overlap Reasons for Overlap Reasons for Interruption O t h e r C O IN T R P R R E S A S U T C A G A S C L D S F T T C T G 1. TTI0 1IIN TC0 0:02: 00- 00:02 :14 Jonah: Wow Dad Steve: Hi, Joe-boy. How are you, man? Jonah: I‟m great. How are you? Steve: Here we are. I missed you. Jonah: =Me too Steve: =Look how big you are. You’re like six-three now. √ √ P : Jonah and Steve S : Steve‟s house

T: Steve and

Jonah‟s excitement Ir : intrusive interruption The conversation taken when Jonah arrives at his father‟s house. Meeting each other, they are very happy. Thus, they excitedly talk about each others ‟ feelings. Their excitement makes them speak at the same time and creates an interruption in their conversation. 102 No Data Types of Turn-taking Irregularities Purposes of Turn-taking Irregularities Context Situational context Code Conversation Interru ption Overlap Reasons for Overlap Reasons for Interruption O t h e r C O IN T R P R R E S A S U T C A G A S C L D S F T T C T G 2. TTI0 2IC OAG 00:0 2:15- 00:02 :22 Jonah: Wow You live on the beach? Steve: You bet. Jonah: That is awesome Kim: Don’t= go in the water. Steve: =Be careful if you go in the water. √ √ P : Jonah, Kim and Steve S : at S teve‟s house

T: beach warning

Ir : cooperative interruption Meeting his father, Steve, Jonah is very happy. He is very excited knowing Steve lives on the beach. Then he hurriedly runs to the water. Immediately Steve and Kim warn him to not go in the water. Their utterances spoken at the same time create cooperative interruption. 3. TTI0 3IIN FT0 0:05: 41- 00:06 :06 Kim: She told you she got into Julliard, right? Steve: No. Without playing? Kim: They said they‟ve been watching her since she was five. Not that it matters. She says she‟s not going. Steve: Well. She‟ll make the right decision. Kim: I‟m glad you‟re so sure. Steve: Kim=,.. Kim: =We hurt them, Steve, especially Ronnie. √ √ P : Kim and Steve S : in Steve‟s house

T: Steve and

Kim‟s children Ir : intrusive interruption Kim interrupts Steve by cutting his utterance very far from their TRP. Her purpose is to take Steve ‟s floor. Also, this interruption is categorized into successful because Steve gives his floor to Kim.