their daily life. They suppose to know that turn-taking irregularities have certain purposes and intentions, such for disagreement , agreement , annoyance , clarification , topic-change , floor taking , assistance , urgency , correction , and tangentialization . 3. To English Teachers The English teachers are expected to give clear image of how to study Linguistics. After reading this study, it is expected to give them live pictures of how practical linguistics studied and hopefully they can be more creative in teaching such using movie as their teaching media. So that students may understand linguistic materials easily. 4. To future researchers The future researchers are expected to do and develop other researches in turn-taking irregularities with different approaches and maybe different theories. The future researchers may explore turn-taking irregularities related to social level or between different ages, level of conflicts between speakers, or even their psychological condition. Thus, turn-taking irregularity is still a very wide topic to analyze and develop. 99 REFERENCES A. Printed Sources Bogdan, R.C., Biklen, S.K. 1982. Qualitative Research for Education: An introduction to theory and methods Third Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Cook, G. 1990. Discourse . Oxford University Press. Cutting, J. 2002. Pragmatics and Discourse . London: Rouledge. Giannetti, L. 2002. Understanding Movies Ninth Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Griffiths, P. 2006. An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics . Edinburgh University Press. Jefferson, G. 1983. Two Explorations of the Organization of Overlapping Talk in Conversation: Notes on Some Orderliness of Overlap Onset and On a Failed Hypothesis: „Conjunctionals‟ as Overlap -vulnerable With an appended glossary of transcript symbols . Tilburg University. Krathwohl, R. A. 1993. Methods of educational and social science research: An integrated approach . New York: Longman. Kurtic, E., Brown, G. J. and Wells, B. 2009 Fundamental frequency height as a resource for the management of overlap in Talk-in-interaction. In: Where Prosody Meets Pragmatics. Studies in Pragmatics , 8 . Emerald Group Publishing Limited , Bingley, UK ISBN 978-1-84950-631-1. Levinson, S. C. 1983. Pragmatics . Cambridge University Press. Li, et al. 2005. Interruption and Involvement in Discourse: Can Intercultural Interlocutors be Trained?, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research , Vol. 34, No. 4, December 2005, pp 233-253. Li, H. Z. 2001. Cooperative and Intrusive Interruptions in Inter- and Inracultural Dyadic Discourse, Journal of Language and Social Psychology . Vol. 20 No. 3, September 2001 259-284. Sage Publication. Leech, G. 1983. Principles of Pragmatics . New York: LongmanGroup, Ltd. Wardaugh, Ronald. 2010. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics sixth Eds.. Oxford: Wiley Blaxwell. Mayes, P. 2003. Language, Social Structure, and Culture: A Genre Analysis of Cooking Classes . Amsterdam: John Benjamin. Moleong, L. Y. 2001. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif . Bandung: PT Penerbit Remaja Rosdakarya. Prabesti, M. U. 2012. A Pragmatic Analysis of Interruptions Presented by the Characters in Rhymes‟ Grey‟s Anatomy Series-Season 1. Skripsi S1 . Yogyakarta: Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, FBS UNY. Schauer, G. A. 2009. Interlanguage Pragmatic Development, The Study Abroad Context . London: Continuum International Publishing Group. Sacks, H., E. A. Schegloff and G. Jefferson 1974. A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation. Language, Vol. 50 4, Part 1 December 1974 696 –735. Linguistic Society of America. Wardaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics Fifth Eds. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Warren, Martin. 2006. Features of Naturalness in Conversation . Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publising. Xiaoquan, Z., Walter, G. 2003. “Disruptive and Cooperative Interruptions in Prime- Time Television Fiction: The Role of Gender, Status, and Topic.” Journal of Communication , June 2003. Pennsylvania: International Communication Association. Yang, L. 1995. Visualizing Spoken Discourse: Prosodic Form and Discourse Functions of Interruptions. Kyoto: Japan Science and Technology Information Sciences Division, ATR Seika-cho Soraku-gun. 619-0288. Yule, G. 1996. Pragmatics . Oxford University Press. Zimmerman, D. H., West. C. 1975. “Sex roles, interruption, and silence in conversations . ” In B. Thorne N. Henley Eds., Language and Sex: Difference and Dominance. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

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