The Last Song Theoretical Description

analyzes a movie entitled The Last Song , while Prabesti‟s research analyzes a TV series entitled Grey‟s Anatomy.

C. Conceptual Framework

To analyze data in The Last Song movie, this research employs descriptive-qualitative approach, by which the data are described. In addition, a table contains number to help the descriptions of the findings. Meanwhile, theories used to analyze turn-taking irregularities in The Last Song movie are Pragmatics theories, especially theories on turn-taking irregularities. This study analyzes the occurrences of turn-taking irregularities in The Last Song movie based on the theory of context which means context has strong influence to the occurrences of turn-taking irregularities in the movie. There are some theories from some experts used in this research. For the main theory, this research uses theory from Zimmerman and West 1975 who divide turn-taking irregularities into two types; interruptions and overlaps. In order to analyze the turn-taking irregularities in more detail, this research also employs theory from Murata to classify types of Interruptions. Murata 2006 divides interruptions into two types; cooperative and intrusive interruption. While for the partition for overlaps, this research uses theory from Jefferson 1983 who divides overlaps into three types; progressional, transitional, and recognitional overlap. Nevertheless, the analysis does not stop in turn-taking irregularities and their types. This research goes further to seek out reasons for doing turn-taking irregularities. For the partitions of the reasons for doing turn-taking irregularities, this research uses other theories from different experts. For reasons of doing overlaps, this research uses theory stated by Cook 1989 who conveys three reasons in doing overlaps. They are for showing correction, urgency, and annoyance. While for the reasons in doing interruptions, this research uses theory proposed by Cennedy and Camden 1983 who present seven reasons for doing interruptions. They are for agreement, assistance, clarification, disagreement, floor-taking, topic-change, and tangentialization. In order to give picture of how this research is conducted, an analytical construct is provided as follow.

D. The Analytical Construct

Figure 2: The Analytical Construct Turn-taking Irregularities Turn Taking The Last Song Movie Pragmatic Study

1. Interruptions a. Cooperative

b. Intrusive 2. Overlaps

a. Transitional b. Progressional

c. Recognitional

Reasons for Overlaps:

1. to signal annoyance

2. to signal urgency 3. to correct

Reasons for Interruptions:

1. agreement 2. assistance

3. clarification 4. disagreement

5. floor-taking 6. topic-change

7. tangentialization

Verbal Communication