Genius How Artemis Fowl is depicted in the novel


7. Full of Confidence

Artemis had a great self confidence. His works require this kind of characteristic. It made him have no fear when he dealt with his enemies. Other characteristics such as careful, well-prepared and genius built this confidence. Artemis felt that he knew everything and he always two steps ahead. Guarded by Butler, a giant European-Asian bodyguard made him feels more confident. It can be seen when Artemis intimidated Nguyen Xuan, his contact in Ho Chi Minh City. He told all the weapons that were brought by Butler 2001: 7. Other confidence showed when Artemis was dealing with the fairy in Ho Chi Minh City. He totally knew what he had to do while he was dealing with this fairy. He spoke with no fear and successfully got the fairy’s book. It can be seen in page 11: “Artemis turned back to the healer. Now, madam, you have something that I want. The healers tongue caught a drop of alcohol at the corner of her mouth. Yes, Irish. Sore head. Bad tooth. I heal. Artemis replaced the night-vision goggles and squatted to her level. I am perfectly healthy, madam, apart from a slight dust- mite allergy, and I dont think even you can do anything about that. No. What I want from you is your Book. The hag froze. Bright eyes glinted from beneath the shawl. Book? she said cautiously. I dont know about no book. I am healer. You want book, go to library. Artemis sighed with exaggerated patience. You are no healer. You are a sprite, pshóg, fairy, ka-dalun. Whichever language you prefer to use. And I want your Book. For a long moment the creature said nothing, then she threw back the shawl from her forehead. 34 In the green glow of the night-vision goggles, her features leaped at Artemis like a Halloween mask. The fairys nose was long and hooked under two slitted golden eyes. Her ears were pointed, and the alcohol addiction had melted her skin like putty. If you know about the Book, human, she said slowly, fighting the numbing effects of the whiskey, then you know about the magic I have in my fist. I can kill you with a snap of my fingers Artemis shrugged. I think not. Look at you. You are near dead. The rice wine has dulled your senses. Reduced to healing warts. Pathetic. I am here to save you, in return for the Book.” His confidence also showed when he was dealing with Holly Short for the first time when Artemis was trying to abduct her. He was brave to threaten Holly with words and saved himself from a Mesmer using his sunglasses 2001: 51-52. The time when he had a negotiation with Commander Root also showed his confidence. He put pressures to the Commander and said that he had the ace to escape from the time-field. It made the Commander have a will to negotiate 2001: 102-105. Even when his plans that had been working nicely for a third quarter went on a ruin, Artemis still had the confidence that he was going to smile in the last line. He was hoping for the LEP to send their bio-bomb. It can be seen in: “The Fowl character in question was watching it all from the surveillance room. There was no denying it. Things were not good. Not good at all. But certainly not irredeemable. There was still hope. Artemis catalogued the events of the last few minutes. The manors security had been compromised. The safe room was in a shambles, blown apart by some sort of fairy