Object of the Study Approach of the Study


3. Careful

Artemis was also portrayed as a careful person. He always looked for every possibility that his action would never end up in a mess. This careful personality made Artemis always plan everything first before he acted. “Know the enemy” was Artemis’ motto. His careful personality was also added with a very sharp instinct. It was described when Artemis recognized his contact while his contact was in undercover as a waiter on page 2: “You are wearing handmade loafers, a silk shirt and three gold signet rings. Your English has a tinge of Oxford about it and your nails have the soft sheen of the recently manicured. You are not a waiter. You are our contact, Nguyen Xuan, and you have adopted this pathetic disguise to discreetly check for weaponry.” His careful characteristic also can be seen when Artemis studied the photo from Nguyen. He studied the photo carefully because that time everything could be manipulated with the help of technology 2001: 8. This careful characteristic brought Artemis to have a well-prepared characteristic. It also can be used to describe Artemis’ characteristics. He knew everything and prepared everything before he worked. It can be seen while Artemis was dealing with his purpose. Artemis was looking for a new creature, in this case a fairy. He matched the gift of tongues and the physical condition of the fairy in purpose 2001: 5. It was true that he was the mastermind in planning. 26 Well-prepared plans affect on people’s courage. Artemis was not scared with that weird creature’s threat. He knew that the rice wine had dulled the fairy’s senses 2001: 6. Artemis was really well-prepared in this kind of work and for some motives of course. In the end, this kind of characteristics would put him in the advantage. Before Artemis planned to abduct one of the fairies to be used as a hostage to get some gold, Artemis also gave a command to Butler to prepare some basic field equipment, even the weird one for moonlight jaunts 2001: 47. Careful characteristic of Artemis could also be seen again when he successfully took down Holly. Butler helped him with it. It can be seen as follows: “Sir? Hmm? Butler was pointing to the creatures helmet. It was half- buried in a drift of leaves where the fairy had dropped it. A buzzing noise was coming from the crown. Artemis picked up the contraption by the straps, searching for the source. Ah, here we are. He plucked the viewcam from its slot, careful to point the lens away from him. ’Fairy technology. Most impressive, he muttered, popping the battery from its groove. The camera whined and died. Nuclear power source, if Im not mistaken. We must be careful not to underestimate our opponents.” 53 This kind of characteristic made him worked like a pro. Artemis always checked all the probabilities he might had when he worked. It can be seen when he found a locator and he decided to believe that the other fairies would chase him and Butler and he had to make a new plan 2001: 58-59.