Selfish How Artemis Fowl is depicted in the novel

32 Its your father, sir. Artemis Senior. Madam Fowl says hes come back For a split second, Artemis could have sworn his heart had stopped. Father? Back? Was it possible? Of course hed always believed his father was alive. But lately, since hed hatched this fairy scheme, it was almost as if his father had shifted to the back of his mind. Artemis felt guilt churn his stomach. He had given up. Given up on his own father.” The love Artemis had was not only for his family, but also for the people around him and a particular woman. Artemis let Juliet to call him with his short name his mother gave, Arty 2001: 47. When Artemis abducted Holly he got a guilty feeling when he realized that the fairy he just abducted was a female. For a moment, he felt the doubt. This fact can be seen from the following quotation: “Artemis saw the pain in the creatures eyes as the hollow hypodermic plunged into her body. And for a moment he experienced misgivings. A female. He hadnt expected that. A female, like Juliet, or Mother. Then the moment passed and he was himself again. Good shooting, he said, bending to study their prisoner. Definitely a girl. Pretty too. In a pointy sort of way.” 2001: 52 Artemis also cared and loved his servant, Butler. He was the one who was closest to Artemis as a friend and also a father. Artemis warned Butler to hide when a troll got inside Fowl Manor. Although he believed that Butler had a great skill and ability in guarding, but a monster like a troll was an exception 2001: 148. 33

7. Full of Confidence

Artemis had a great self confidence. His works require this kind of characteristic. It made him have no fear when he dealt with his enemies. Other characteristics such as careful, well-prepared and genius built this confidence. Artemis felt that he knew everything and he always two steps ahead. Guarded by Butler, a giant European-Asian bodyguard made him feels more confident. It can be seen when Artemis intimidated Nguyen Xuan, his contact in Ho Chi Minh City. He told all the weapons that were brought by Butler 2001: 7. Other confidence showed when Artemis was dealing with the fairy in Ho Chi Minh City. He totally knew what he had to do while he was dealing with this fairy. He spoke with no fear and successfully got the fairy’s book. It can be seen in page 11: “Artemis turned back to the healer. Now, madam, you have something that I want. The healers tongue caught a drop of alcohol at the corner of her mouth. Yes, Irish. Sore head. Bad tooth. I heal. Artemis replaced the night-vision goggles and squatted to her level. I am perfectly healthy, madam, apart from a slight dust- mite allergy, and I dont think even you can do anything about that. No. What I want from you is your Book. The hag froze. Bright eyes glinted from beneath the shawl. Book? she said cautiously. I dont know about no book. I am healer. You want book, go to library. Artemis sighed with exaggerated patience. You are no healer. You are a sprite, pshóg, fairy, ka-dalun. Whichever language you prefer to use. And I want your Book. For a long moment the creature said nothing, then she threw back the shawl from her forehead.