Theory of Achievement Motivation

19 in the Artemis Fowl series: Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox 2008; and a novel, Airman 2008. His influences are diverse: elements of Sherlock Holmes, The Simpsons and Batman comics combine with Colfer’s deep-rooted knowledge of Irish mythology and folktales. The result, like the work of Colfer’s hero, Terry Pratchett, is a modern, technological version of the fairytale. 2. Background of the Novel Artemis Fowl, published in 2001, was written by an Irish author, Eoin Colfer. It brought a phenomenal success and put Eoin Colfer in the same line with J.K. Rowling, the author of the most phenomenal novel, Harry Potter. Harry Potter itself is in the gold period at that time. The novel takes a setting in Ireland. Ireland is a crucial setting because it is fundamental to fairy legends and history. It is mentioned in the novel that “the old country, Eiriu, the land where time began. The most magical place on the planet.” It was there, 10,000 years ago, that the ancient fairy race, the De Danann, had battled against the demon Fomorians, carving the famous Giants Causeway with the strength of their magical blasts. It was here that the Lia Fáil stood, the rock at the centre of the universe, where the fairy kings and later the human Ard Rí were crowned. And it was also here, unfortunately, that the Mud People were most in tune with magic, which resulted in a far higher People-sighting rate than you got 20 anywhere else on the planet. Thankfully the rest of the world assumed that the Irish were crazy, a theory that the Irish themselves did nothing to debunk. They had somehow got it into their heads that each fairy lugged around a pot of gold with them wherever they went. While it was true that LEP had a ransom fund, because of its officers high-risk occupation, no human had ever taken a chunk of it yet. This didnt stop the Irish population in general from skulking around rainbows, hoping to win the supernatural lottery. But in spite of all that, if there was one race the People felt an affinity for it was the Irish. Perhaps it was their eccentricity, perhaps their dedication to the craic, as they called it. And if the People were actually related to humans, as another theory had it, odds on it were the Emerald Isle where it started. It is in the beginning of twentieth century when the story happens.