Transposition Borrowing Structural Strategy

the readers. Let us take an example, the word ‘samurai’ Japanese could not be translated as ‘bangsawan’ in Indonesian because the word contains Japanese culture and history, so Descriptive Equivalent strategy should be used. The word ‘samurai’ is translated to ‘aristokrat Jepang pada abad XI sampai XIX yang menjadi pegawai pemerintahan ’. This kind of translation is usually found in glossary at the end of a book. Another strategy that is close to Descriptive Equivalent is Componential Analysis. Componential Analysis is used in a condition where the words in SL should be described one by one to have a good translation in TL. Sample: SL : Gadis itu menari dengan luwesnya. TL : The girl is dancing with great fluidity and grace. Using this strategy, the word ‘luwes’ is same with ‘bergerak dengan halus dan anggun ’ in Indonesian, therefore it is translated to ‘dancing with great fluidity and grace’ in English.

3.2.4. Synonym

Translation could be done by using the synonym of words in TL and feels the result would be better than using Componential Analysis. Sample: SL : Alangkah lucunya bayi Anda TL : What a cute baby you’ve got The sample above shows that ‘lucu’ is translated to ‘cute’. ‘Cute’ in English means something little or beauty, while ‘lucu’ in Indonesian actually means something that is interesting to play with.

3.2.5. Formal Translation

Formal strategy is used for words that are already standardized by local government. The translators who translate foreign language to Indonesian need to have “Pedoman Pengindonesiaan Nama dan Kata Asing” that is published by Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. For example, “red-only memory’ becomes “memori simpan tetap”. The translators would gain two benefits by using this strategy, the first is they may save time and the second is they help developing Indonesian language through the right track.

3.2.6. Subtraction and Elaboration

Subtraction and Elaboration are done in the component of SL. As the example of Subtraction, the word ‘automobile’ in English becomes ‘mobil’ Indonesian, subtracts the word ‘auto’. The opposition of Subtraction is Elaboration that makes the word has element extension. The sample is the word ‘whale’. If it’s translated into Indonesian, it would become ‘ikanpaus’. It adds the word ‘ikan’ as the sign that ‘paus’ could not stand alone because it would have the same meaning with ‘the Pope’, and it also signs that ‘paus’ is a kind of fish for Indonesian speakers.

3.2.7. Addition

Addition is a different kind of strategy from structural strategy. Addition is done when a translator feels that the readers need additional information so they