Anomaly Perspective Analogy and Anomaly Perspectives Borrowed Word in Indonesian Language

reshuffle, shuttle cock. These elements use on Indonesian language contexts but process of writing and pronouncing are still following foreign rules. Second, loan element that process of writing and pronouncing are adjusted with Indonesian language principle. Of course, the second criteria is an analogy which element of loan word already adjusted. In Indonesian Spelling Enhanced, it has compiled as valid norm for borrowed elements. Some examples such as: Kaustik - caustic Aksen – accent Sentral - central Kolera – cholera Akomodasi – accommodation Efek – effect

2. Anomaly Perspective

Anomaly is deviation or irregularity of a language. A unit can be anomaly if it does not appropriated or divergence with prevail conventions. 55 The method used for determining language anomaly on borrowing words in Indonesian language is equal with the method used for it that is weigh with intern elements of target language. if the word does not show equivalences with valid rules it can be said consist of anomaly word. This is same with analogy; it can be counted into spelling phonology or structure phonology. 2.1 Anomaly in Phonologic System 55 Ibid., p. 51 Foreign words that absorbed into Indonesian intact without experiencing changing written form have read as their original, then causing anomaly on phonology. Examples: 56 Export from export Ekspos from expose 2.2 Anomaly in Spelling System Foreign words which still absorb intact without crossing adaptation in written language in general, it is anomaly words in Indonesian. Example: Bank - bank English Quran - Quran Arabic Intern - intern English Jumat - Jumat Arabic Modem - modem English Fardhu - Fardhu Arabic Those words above are including to anomaly because they did not appropriate with valid norm in Indonesian language. The things that did not appropriate are: nk, m, ‟, and dh. These spelling did not agree with Indonesian spelling systems. Sometimes foreign word that found absorb and written as its origin but appears as anomaly symptoms, because it does not diverge with Indonesian principle coincidentally. Example: Era - era English Formal - formal English Label - label English Edit - edit English 56 Ibid., p. 52 2.3 Anomaly in Structure A word sometimes consists of one phoneme, but sometimes arranges by two or more phoneme. Example: 57 Federalisme - federalism English Edukasi - education English Bilingual - bilingual English Eksploitasi - exploitation English Dedikasi - dedication English Process of absorption of words above is done intact unity. So, word federalisme does not absorb separately as “federal” and “isme”. Word bilingual does not absorb as “bi”, “lingua”, and “al”. Word dedikasi does not absorb from “dedicate” and “tion” as follow as “edukasi” does not absorb from “educate” and “tion”. Borrowing word from English which has “tion” suffix is absorb into bahasa experience adaptation until becomes “si” at suffix by pass off with high frequency . This fact uttering language problems namely appearing suffix “sasi” adhering with words that did not originated from English, like: Islamisasi - Islam + sasi Neonisasi - neon + sasi Kristenisasi - Kristen + sasi Polarisasi - pola + sasi In other words, if the reader compares with grammatical rules especially word morphology, suffix sasi in Indonesia is never exist. So, this matter includes language anomaly symptoms. But if this suffix is acceptable as common suffix in Indonesia, it can be said that there is a changing from anomaly becomes analogy. 57 Ibid. p.53 The strategies above will be used by the writer to analyze the source text from Digital Camera Magazine and its Translation Magazine.


A. The Data Description

The data are compiled by highlighting, comparing, and agglomerating the words that found in Digital Camera Magazine in English and Indonesian version into borrowing category. The technique, theory of borrowing and types of borrowing are used in determining the borrowing category and procedures of translation. After applying the category, the writer rechecks the words which classified by looking up both the English and Indonesian dictionary for detecting the word meaning. Then, the writer also finds out how the procedures of translations is applied in translating the borrowing words by reading and understanding the procedures of translations, types of translation, theory of borrowing, and types of borrowing word that found in The Magazine. The data of borrowing or loan words are described below. Begin by rewrite SL and TL data from The Magazine. Describe each datum by the fittest dictionary explanation, then finding the appropriate meaning to TL by the closest meaning and the right form of the datum. The writer uses some dictionaries to support the analysis data to find the meaning of each word for whole data as the standard research of the thesis. The next explanation below is the data descriptions for English Borrowing Words in Digital Camera Magazine for March 2014 Edition: 28