Borrowing In Digital Camera Magazine Published Indonesian For March 2014 Edition


A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)


ACHMAD YUSUF 1110026000098





In this research, the writer’s objectives of this research is to know what types of borrowing word and what types of procedures of translation used in translating borrowing words in the magazine. The focus is on borrowing word types and the translation procedure of borrowing word from Digital Camera Magazine by Geoff Harris: the magazine is translated in team led by Yuliandi Kusuma publish in Indonesia.

The writer applies descriptive qualitative methods. The writer describes translation procedures used by the translator to translate the words belong to the types of borrowing word. He analyses the translation by reading the source language and its translation, marking with Adobe Photoshop operation, selecting words, grouping into kinds of borrowing, and analyzing them based on Imam Taufik’s theory of procedures of borrowing, then determining the words into their group of borrowing word in Indonesian written language.

The research found that there are 19 selected borrowing words and two procedures. They can conclude as follows: first, ten Loan Blends with nine Adaptation procedures; and one Translation procedure; second, six Loan Shifts with six same Translation procedures, and third, three Loan Words with three Absorption procedures. All types that find, Loan Shift appears as the most occurrences in the data analysis.

While, the Adaptation procedure from Imam Taufik is the most occurrence procedure in data analysis with 12 times found, comparing with Translation procedure with 6 times found.





of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, March 6, 2015



First of all, the writer would like to express the most gratitude and and praise to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe for his help, affection and favor in completing the writer’s study in the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Then, peace and blessing be upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW and all of his family, his disciplines, and his followers.

The thesis is submitted in partial accomplishment of the requirement for the Strata 1 Degree to The Faculty of Adab and Humanities, English Letters Department State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In the terms of completion the study, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Komar, The Head and my master teacher of English Letters Department, Drs. A. Saefudin, M.Pd, The secretary of English Letters, Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, and to Miss Jessica and to all his lecturers who have taught his a lot of things during the study.

His own family deserves the deepest esteem more than whoever; my beloved parents since they whose always support the writer; financial assistance, moral and spiritual. This is the only his initial step to the future and the motivation to fulfill their pretension for me as their last children. To all my neighbors who



to mention who have sent him and her suggestions, corrections, and criticisms, especially for Mr. Muhammad Farkhan and Mrs. Danti Pudjianti as his thesis advisors, since the writer is awfully aware of his and her every guidance and patience.

In addition the writer would like to thank the following fellows and acquaintances: to Sarah Levida his most sharing friend who has supported him in doing the thesis, his other best friends Ernawati, Dwi Santika, Muhamad Vikry, Liyon Akbar, The student of class C 2010 and the other friends in Translation class 2014 for being his classmates. He really enjoyed friendship with all of them, and to his great partner at home is Ustadz Agus Sulton. And whom he cannot mention, by their memories their laughs, their activities, their supports, their spirit, their souls, their love conveyed him into life-mature and finally his great thanks to the entire places that gave his pleasures within the study process.

Jakarta, April 2015 The Writer










A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Focus of Study ... 4

C. Research Question ... 5

D. Significance of Study ... 5

E. Research Methodology... 5

1. Objective of Study... 5

2. Method of Research ... 6

3. Technique of Data Analysis ... 6

4. Unit of Analysis ... 7



1. Definition of Borrowing ... 9

2. Types of Borrowing ... 10

C. Translation... 11

1. Definition of Translation ... 11

2. Process of Translation ... 12

D. Procedures of Translation ... 13

1. Imam Taufik ... 13


A. The Data Description ... 15

B. The Data Analysis ... 15

1. Borrowing Word for Loan Word and Its Procedures ... 16

2. Borrowing Word for Loan Blend and Its Procedures .. 17

3. Borrowing Word for Loan Shift and Its Procedures .... 17


A. Conclusion ... 19

B. Suggestion ... 20



Appendix 3 The Writer ... 47 Appendix 4 The Editor ... 48





Language is used by people to communicate. Language may be understood if the speaker and the listener have the same language. The misconception between the speaker and the listener came if they do not understand the languages from each other. That is why a translation is needed in order to reduce the misconception. There for, a translation is necessary. According to Arif Rokhman, “the translation is a work to restate an idea about one language to other language.”1 There are two languages that implicate a translation they are source language (SL) and target language (TL). SL and TL are used by translators and researchers to learn about language translations.

Languages can evolve from time to time. According to Chaer, “there is a relationship between language and human being. Human activities which are constantly changing and developing, leads a specific changes for the language.”2

In the development of Indonesian culture, it is possible that there is a relation with other countries, especially to introduce the culture. Cultural relation from one country to another country may also cause a language contact. Under such a contact situation, it is possible for a certain language to borrow some particular words from another language. According to Champbell, “a lexical item (a word) which has been


Muh Arif Rokhman, Penerjemahan Teks Inggris, Teori dan Latihan, (Yogyakarta: Hanggar kreator, 2006), p. 9



„borrowed‟ from another language, a word which originally is not part of vocabulary of the recipient language but is adopt from some language and made part of the borrowing language‟s vocabulary is called loanword.”3

English language has spread all over the world for the last two centuries and influenced many aspect of globalization. The cultural, economic, politic, medic, military and scientific from United States and United Kingdom has given English pre-eminent status as a language of international communication. English language is spread through film, music, internet, documentary, games, and media. In Indonesia, so many forms from media such as newspaper, tabloid, journal, and magazine use English to explain some new terms for Indonesian languages. Some words are borrowed to fulfill the gap between the source language meaning and target language meaning.

According to Kachru, “The deficit hypothesis presupposes that borrowing entails linguistic “gaps” in a language and the prime motivation for borrowing is to remedy the linguistic “deficit”, especially in the lexical resources of a language.”4 This is quite similar with explanation from Champbell, and based on this statement it can be assumed that a certain words are borrowed, because there is no equivalent word in the native language to explain the intended meaning. A large number of borrowing words which are adopted from English to Indonesian language draw the


Lyle Champbell, Historical Linguistic: An Introduction, (Eidinburg: Eidinburg University, 1998), p. 62


Kachru, Braj B. Englishization and Contact Linguistics, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 135


function of the loanwords. First, loanwords are aimed to fulfill the need of new vocabularies, and the second is for prestige.5

Loanwords are many used in Indonesian language, one of the loanword from English is such as televisi from television.6 One of the borrowing words from Arabic to Indonesia is syetan from .7 In other country like Japan, the loanword such as

コミュニケーション (ko-myu-ni-ke-to) is word from communication in English.8

These words are used when the native speaker of the words above to do contact and communicate with indigene people for some decades, until their languages became language that is used by native speaker for daily activity.

However, not all the loanwords and their counterparts (or synonym) have the same meaning when they come in different contexts. As stated by Sumarsono, “In linguistics nowadays, it almost becomes axiomatic that an absolute synonym does not exist.”9

In his book, he also quotes Macauly who said that change the structure of the sentence, replace one synonym with the other, then the overall effect of that sentence would be destroyed. Those statements lead into a question whether or not absolute synonym exists. This is one of the so many problems of translating borrowing words. That is why the study of terms is necessary to reduce misunderstanding by readers.


Lyle Champbell op. cit., p. 64


John M. Echols and Hasan Sadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 2003), p. 582


Mahmud Yunus, Kamus Arab Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Mahmud Yunus Wa Dzurriyyah, 2007), p. 209


Bachtiar Harahap, Kamus Kata Serapan Bahasa Jepang, (Gramedia: Jakarta, 2006), p. 384



From the explanation above, the writer uses Digital Camera Magazine to do research. Then the writer tries to analyze the photographical terms found in The Digital Camera World Magazine from English to Indonesia which using translation procedure for translating borrowing words.10 Then, the types of borrowing words which are found in Digital Camera Indonesia magazine will be classified by theory of Charles F. Hockett who is explaining theory of loan word, loan blend, and loan shift.11 The writer‟s interest is in this topic are based on the view that borrowing word should be considered as an independent discipline. However, we must be aware of the fact, most of the translation terms are still applying foreign terms. Thus, the purpose of this study is to provide further understanding of borrowing equivalence.

B. Focus of Study

Based on the research background above, this study focuses on the process of translating source language (English) into target language (Indonesian) of photographical term. Then, the writer reads, identifies, marks, and analyzes loan word, loan blend, or loan shift found in Indonesian borrowing words of Digital Camera Magazine March 2014 edition.


Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation StudiesTheories and applications. (London and New York: Routledge,2001), p.56


Charles F. Hockett, A Course in Modern Linguistics, (New York: The McMilan Company, 1958), p. 408


C. Research Questions

From the focus study above, the research question is:

1) Why borrowing word types are applied in the translation of Digital Camera Magazine?

2) How do the translation procedures of borrowing words occur in Digital Camera Magazine?

D. Significance of Study

Generally, this research can help other researchers to examine the problem of translation of borrowing words in various fields and better analyzing in translation process of borrowing words. The writer hopes the reader can also understand kinds of borrowing words in Indonesian photographical magazine.

E. Research Methodology 1. Objectives of Study

The objectives of the study as follow:

1) Discovering the types of borrowing words occur on the Digital Camera Magazine for March 2014 edition.

2) Discovering the procedures of translation occur on the Digital Camera Magazine for March 2014 edition.


2. Method of Research

The method of this study is descriptive qualitative method by describing the theory of borrowing, describing the theory of translation procedure, writing down the whole data analysis, and collecting the information from the research, in which the data collected are read, compile, and analyze using the theories of equivalence and borrowing words. Research findings are displayed with the results of its analysis.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of Data Analysis is conducted in several steps:

1) Reading and understanding the theories of translation from Roger T. Bell, Eugine Nida, and Benny H. Hoed, then read procedures of translation from Imam Taufik, and read types of borrowing from Charles F. Hockett‟s theory carefully.

2) Reading the unit of analysis of both Digital Camera Magazine English and Indonesian version for comparing the translation process.

3) Compiling and grouping the data according to SL borrowing.

4) Each datum qualitatively is analyzed by applying the theories and assessed for the type of borrowing from Charles F. Hockett‟s theory that occurs in the translation process.


4. Unit of Analysis

Materials analysis used in this research are Digital Camera worldMarch 2014 Edition. It is published by Future Published Limited. Its translation is Digital Camera Indonesia march 2014 Edition. It is published by PT. Kompas Gramedia, Indonesia, Jakarta.

Table 1:

Comparison Biography of the Magazines.


Name Digital Camera World Digital Camera Indonesia

Editor Geoff Harris Yuliandi Kusuma

Year of Publication 2014 2014

Publisher Future Publishing Limited Kompas Gramedia

Number of Pages 172 92

5. Place and Time of Research

The writer begins this study in March 2014 and is studying the field of study English Language and Literature seventh semester Adab and Humanities Faculty of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Moreover, this study is located in the Faculty of Adab and Humanities Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Main Library, Library of Adab, and at the house of the writer.




A. Previous Research

This is not the only research of borrowing word because the writer found other relevant researches. They are; Translation Via Borrowing of Sony Ericsson W200I Mobile Phone Guide by Mohammad Zubaidi Ashfar (2013), An Analysis of English Borrowing Word In Indonesian Computer Terminology by Hervan Prianggi Rezardy (2013), and The Analysis of English Borrowing Words in Indonesian Political Terminology by Lorania (2013).

The first study is entitled Translation Via Borrowing of Sony Ericsson W200I Mobile Phone Guide Book by Mohammad Zubaidi Ashfar (2013). The focus is on analyzing English Borrowing words and the purpose is to categorize types of borrowing word. He is using theory of borrowing word from Charles F. Hockett to classify the words and using the theory of Benny H. Hoed for the technique but he focused on the process of translating source language into target language. He found eighteen words of the guide book. In this study, he described each word and the equivalence but he did not write what equivalent he used, however, he wrote it down in the data description.12


Mohammad Z. Ashfar, Translation Via Borrowing of Sony Ericsson W200I Mobile Phone Guide Book, (Jakarta: UIN Syahid, 2013), p. 36


The second is entitled An Analysis of English Borrowing Word In Indonesia Computer Terminology by Hervan Prianggi Rezardy (2013). The focus is acceptation of English borrowing to computer fields in Indonesian which describes kinds of condition of borrowing. The process is by using semantic change, such as extensions, narrowing, and the same meaning and describing process of word formation. He found twenty borrow words of computer terminology. In this case, the writer used process of translations substantively, the process of translations may use if the result of a translation is not foreknown yet.13

The third is entitled The Analysis of English Borrowing Words in Indonesian Political Terminology by Lorania (2011). This research used descriptive qualitative method. This research is focused on English Borrowing in political terminology and the words those experienced the change of meaning, such as Extension, Narrowing, and same in meaning. Then, she categorized the borrowing words into Loanword, Loanblend, and Loanshift from Charless. F. Hockett‟s theory. She found twenty borrowing words with only two kinds of meaning change which occurred in the Kompas newspaper, the words rest are have no changed. This analysis should add more data to be analyzed and categorized. So, the kind of meaning change can be found more often.14


Hervan P. Rezardy, An Analysis of English Borrowing Word In Indonesia Computer Terminology, (Jakarta: UIN Syahid., 2013), p. 24


Lorania, The Analysis of English Borrowing Words in Indonesian Political Terminology, (Jakarta: UIN Syahid, 2011), p. 24


All the three latest survey is research on borrowing word with focus on types of borrowing words, condition of borrowing, and the change of meaning words. These theses are significant research because the borrowing words have many focusing topics to be studied. And the writer will analyze borrowing words with focus on technique of a translation and types of borrowing word in chapter three.

B. Borrowings

1. Definition of Borrowing

Borrowing words are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language.15 The evidence can process from the non-native speaker who is write or speech willfully or not take the word in order that the reader can understand what is being spoken because borrowing is not always from language into another, sometimes it is merely between dialects.16 A borrowing can also be called a loan word.17 The abstract noun borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. Loan and borrowing are of course metaphors, because there is no literal lending process. There is no transfer from one language to another, and no returning words to the source language.18 They come to


Martin Haspelmath, Understanding Morphology, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 107


Charles F. Hockett, A Course in Modern Linguistics, (New York: The McMilan Company, 1958), p. 389


Azhari Hasan, Borrowing and Lexicon, (Karbala: Kerbala University, 2009), Vol.7, No.3, p. 41

18 Ibid.


be used by a speech community that speaks a different language from the one they derived it.

Languages borrow primarily to communicate; borrowing, therefore, occur to necessity or need where a language does not have a readily available word for something. Other reasons for borrowing include prestige and foreign influence. Borrowing occurs when speakers of a given language have had some contact with another/other language(s).

2. Types of Borrowing

Charles F. Hockett is a professor of linguistics explained that there is four types of borrowing words processes depending on phonological and semantic characteristics.19 Hockett has organized as follows:

1. Loan word: Loan word is the process of morphological importation involving no morphological substitution but with or without substitution in phoneme. Example: Data = Data, Skill = Skill, Fellow = Fellow, Window = Window, Skin = Skin, Tax = Tax, Religion = Religion, Saint = saint.20

2. Loan blend: Loan blend is the combination of more than one loan-word, is a form in which one element is a loanword and the other is a native


Charles F. Hockett, op.cit., pp. 408-413



element, as in the borrowed preost (priest) plus the native -had (hood) in Old English to produce preosthad (priesthood).21

3. Loan shift: another process that occurs in adapting native words to the new meanings. Examples of loanwords in English are God, heaven, and hell.22 Example in Indonesian: efficient = tepat guna, performance = dayaguna.23

C. Translation

1. Definition of Translation

A translation is an operation performed on languages; a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another24, on the other hand, are a process of replacing a text in one language by a text in another.25 There has been a plethora of definitions which Eugene A. Nida has elaborately surveyed. He elucidates: Definitions of proper translating are almost as numerous and varied as the people who have undertaken to discuss the subject. This diversity is in a sense quite


Bates L. Hoffer, Language Borrowing and the Indices of Adabtability and Receptivity, (San Antonio: Intercultural Communication Studies, 2005), Vol. XIV, No. 2, p. 54

22 Ibid.


Dendy Sugono, Pengindonesiaan Kata dan Ungkapan Asing, (Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa, 2003), p. 132


J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1965), p. 1



understandable; for there are vast differences in the materials translated, in the purpose of the publication, and in the needs of the prospective audience.26

According to Brislin, a translation is a general technical term that pointed on mind and concept from one language (source language) to other language (target language),27 either in writing language or spoken language; either both language have a basic system on writing language or not.28 This translation is supported by theory of J.C. Catford who clarifies that translation is replacement textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language29.

Rochayah Macali explains the definition of a translation as said by Newmark, that “the translation rendering the meaning of text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.”30

The translation works not only in writing text also make a clear communication with global areas in dialogue. Like Newmark said, as a means of communication, a translation is used for multilingual notices, which have at last appeared increasingly conspicuously in public places; for instructions issued by exporting companies; for tourist publicity, where it is too often produced from the native of the „foreign‟ language by natives of a matter of national pride; for official documents, such as treaties and contracts; for reports, papers, articles,


E.A Nida, Toward a Science of Translating. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1964), p. 161


Richard W Brislin, Translation; Application and Research, (New York: Gardner Press, Inc, 1976), p. 1


Zuchridin Suryawinata, Translation: Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan, (Kanisius: Yogyakarta, 2003), p. 13


J. C. Catford, op. cit., p. 20



correspondence, textbooks to convey information, advice and recommendations for every branch of knowledge.31

2. Process of Translation

Anuradha Dingwaney said, that the processes of translations involved in making another culture comprehensible entail varying degrees of violence, especially when the culture being translated is constituted as that of the “other”.32 According to Nida and Taber, there are three processes of a translation:


(Source language) (Receptor language)

(Analysis) (Restructuring)

X Transfer Y

Figure: 1. Nida‟s three stages system of translation


Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (Prentice Hall International: UK, 1988), p. 7


Anuradha Dingwaney, Carol Maier, eds., Between Languages and Cultures Translation and Cross-Cultural Texts, (London: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995), p. 4


This system translation used when the translator did not understand what the purpose of the word or sentence or paragraph of the translation text. Second, the translator had in trouble translates the source text, even have comprehended the source text. The explanation for below:

1. Analyzing the Source language

The translator learns the language text from aspect structure, semantic style and message into the target language support33 and they should know the connection of meaning in between words and combines words. In this case, the translator‟s way of thinking is cover by experience, speaking ripeness level, and social aspect mastery, culture and technology influenced of translation quality result.34 So, the translator does not capable to comprehension in two languages, but two “worlds”, they are language, culture, society, and the way of life of citizen that pertinent in the translation language.35

According to Newmark, text is distinguishable by depending on language functions those are the expressive function, the informative function, the vocative function, the aesthetic function, the phatic function, and the metalingual function. If translation text has informative function like text that has knowledge inside it such as technology, economy, commercial and so on,


Ibid, p. 33


Frans Sayogie, Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: UIN Syahid), p. 24



with standard format like in text book, report book, articles, science of journals and so on.36

Beside, text can be distinguishable into two those are fiction text and non-fiction text. Fiction text does not have a real reference or it is just in the text. Non-fiction text has a real reference that clear and obvious because its text was wrote by the fact.37

2. Transferring

The translator analyzes the material transferred in the translator‟s mind from source language into target language.38 The translator is maintaining order and information which has translate classically, without cutting the meaning of source language by the means of translator of the text. It is done by depends on translator‟s method of translation.39

3. Restructuring40

In this method, the translator changes the grammatical structure and semantic of SL into TL while check the translation whether appropriate to target design and important analysis.41 In this step, translator can adjust the text that felt “stiff”. Despitefully, the process may occur adaptation verbality, for example


Ibid. p. 26

37 Ibid. 38

Benny, H. Hoed, Penerjemahan dan kebudayaan, (Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya, 2006), p. 11


Frans Sayogie, op. cit. p. 28


E.A. Nida and C.R Taber, The theory and Practice of Translation, (Leriden: E.J. Brill, 1982) p. 33



if it is wether using the general form of text or phrase or wether standard once.42

D. Type of Translation

Relation between languages can generally be regarded as two-directional, though not always symmetrical. As a process, translation is always uni-directional: it is always performed in a given direction, from a Source Language into a Target Language.43 We can call Source Language as SL and Target Language as TL. The writer will defines some broad types of categories of a translation as explained by Catford, in terms of the extent, levels, and ranks.44


1. Full translation: the entire part of SL text is replaced by TL text material. 2. Partial translation: some part or parts of the SL text are left untranslated. Levels:

1. Total translation; grammar and lexis SL is replaced by equivalent TL grammar and lexis with consequential replacement of SL phonology/graphology by (non-equivalent) TL phonology/graphology.

2. Restricted translation; it means placement of SL textual material by equivalent TL textual material at only one of the two levels of grammar and lexis. Respectively, substitution of SL grammar for equivalent TL grammar, but


Frans Sayogie, op. cit. p. 29


J. C. Catford, op. cit., p. 20



with no replacement of lexis, and substitution of SL lexis for equivalent TL lexis but with no replacement of grammar.

Besides the type of translation mentioned above, Catford distinguishes the other two types, they are:

1. Phonological Translation; SL phonology is replaced by equivalent TL phonology, but there are no other substitutions, except such grammatical or lexical changes as many result accidentally from phonological translation. 2. Graphology Translation; SL phonology is replaced by equivalent TL

graphology with no other substitutions, except accidental changes. Ranks:

1. Rank-bounded translation; an attempt is made always to select TL equivalents of the same rank, e.g. word. A word-rank-bound translation is useful for certain purposes, often, however, rank-bound translation is „bad‟ translation, in that it involves using TL equivalents which are not appropriate to their location in the TL text, and which are not justified by the interchangeability of SL and TL texts in one and the same situation.

2. Rank-unbounded translation; a free translation is always unbounded -equivalences shunt up and down the rank scale, but tend to be at the higher ranks-sometimes between larger units than the sentence.45



E. Procedures of Translation

Method of translations is different to strategy and technique of translation, method is focus of the option whether the way used by the translator to translate the source language.

1. According to Imam Taufik, absorption process of borrowed word is consists of four ways procedures which are explained as follows:46

1.1Adoption, if the translator takes form and meaning SL which is absorbed totality. The word supermarket, plaza, mall, hotdog are the examples of adoption.

1.2Adaptation, if the translator is only takes meaning of foreign word which is absorbed then process of writing and spelling area appropriated with target language rules. Such as pluralisasi, akseptabilitas, maksimal, dan kado are examples of adaptation. Those words are experience changing spell from the original (pluralization and acceptability).

1.3Translation, if the translator takes a concept consisted of foreign language then looking for the comparison of TL. Such as tumpang-tindih, percepatan, proyek rintisan, and uji coba are born from translation process of English overlap, acceleration, pilot project, and try out. Translation of foreign term has some profits. Other than enrich Indonesian words with synonym, foreign terms also increase expression of Indonesian language. In figuration by translation, it is necessary to look up these orientations.

a. Translation is not always translates word for word. Example:



Psychologist ahli psikologi Medical practitioner dokter

b. Foreign terms in positive are translated into TL with positive form too, as well as negatives. Example:

Inorganic tak organic

Bound form bentuk terikat

c. Word class in foreign term if possible defends in target term. Example:

Merger (nomina) gabung usaha

Transparent (adjectiva) bening (adjektiva)

d. In translation of plural form of SL, the plural marker is vanished. Example: Master of ceremonies pembawa acara

1.4Creation, if translator is only takes basic concept of SL then searching its equivalence in TL. Although as quickly similar with translation, this one is different. Creation does not sue similarity of physical form of the translation. The word that in SL is written in two or three words, in TL may just one word or vice versa. Example:

Effective daya guna, manjur47 Shuttle ulang alik48

2. According to Dendy, doing the translation works for foreign word and expression is doing through Translation and Absorption.49


Hasan Alwi. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai pustaka, 2005), p. 185



2.1Translation, translate the word or combined words into target language, for example:

Shophouse become rumah toko; ruko

Industrial estate become kawasan industry

Playground become taman (ber)main50

2.2Absorbtion, this absobtion step is through orthographic adaptation by focus on the form of the text. The result of the absorption is articulated with Indonesian language. for example:

Villa become vila

Mall become mal

Agent become agen51

Dendy also said that pattern of the name that indicates new word or combined word in Indonesian language is using first, “diterangkan-menerangkan”.52 For example:

Bank Alita not Alita Bank

Plaza Arion not Arion Plaza

Balai Pertemuan Jakarta not Jakarta Convention Center


Dendy Sugono. Pengindonesiaan Kata dan Istilah Asing, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2003), p. 10

50 Ibid. 51

Ibid. 52


Second, pattern of “menerangkan-diterangkan”.53 For example:

Adikarya Betawipura

Artagraha Swakarsa

F. Analogy and Anomaly Perspectives Borrowed Word in Indonesian Language Analogy is language regularity and anomaly is divergence or irregularity of a language. Where there is development there is a n anomaly and analogy issues. The description of both is below:

1. Analogy Perspective

Analogy is language regularity which a language unit can be analogy if that unit appropriate with valid conventions.

A borrowed word needs to see the original form only for detect the borrowed word is really borrow or not without has to find out how is the changing process or equivalence happen. Then, compare the borrowed word by prevail agreement. Because analogy clarifies regularity of a language related to language agreements, it is related with norms of language certainly, even in phonologic system, spelling system, or structure system.

1.1Analogy in Phonologic system



It is so many borrowing words in Indonesia turned out to have appropriate system of phonology, either through adaptation process or not. Those words as follow:54

Aksi - action (English) Derajat - darrajat (Arabic) Dansa - dance (English) Fajar - fajr (Arabic) Ekologi - ecology (English) Hikmah - hikmat (Arabic) Galaksi - galaxy (English) Insan - insan (Arabic)

Phonemes /a/, /b/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /i/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /0/, /r/, /s/, /t/, and /ng/that use in words as above is phonemes appropriate by phonologic system in Indonesia. Besides, there are other phonology like: /kh/, and /sy/, which come from Arabic read by Latin written language. For Indonesian, /kh/, and /sy/ reputed as deviation symptom or anomaly, but after so long it lasts and with high appears frequency sooner or later it can be considered as natural indication, no longer reputes as divergence.

1.2 Analogy in Spelling System

Spelling system is a matter relating to stardardization. This analogy is based on spelling prevail that is Spelling Enhanced (Ejaan yang disempurnakan).

Following its integration level, loan element into Indonesian is divisible by two big classes. First, loan element not absorb stark into bahasa yet, like word:



reshuffle, shuttle cock. These elements use on Indonesian language contexts but process of writing and pronouncing are still following foreign rules. Second, loan element that process of writing and pronouncing are adjusted with Indonesian language principle. Of course, the second criteria is an analogy which element of loan word already adjusted. In Indonesian Spelling Enhanced, it has compiled as valid norm for borrowed elements. Some examples such as:

Kaustik - caustic Aksen– accent Sentral - central Kolera– cholera Akomodasi– accommodation Efek– effect

2. Anomaly Perspective

Anomaly is deviation or irregularity of a language. A unit can be anomaly if it does not appropriated or divergence with prevail conventions.55

The method used for determining language anomaly on borrowing words in Indonesian language is equal with the method used for it that is weigh with intern elements of target language. if the word does not show equivalences with valid rules it can be said consist of anomaly word. This is same with analogy; it can be counted into spelling phonology or structure phonology.

2.1 Anomaly in Phonologic System



Foreign words that absorbed into Indonesian intact without experiencing changing written form have read as their original, then causing anomaly on phonology. Examples:56

Export from export Ekspos from expose

2.2 Anomaly in Spelling System

Foreign words which still absorb intact without crossing adaptation in written language in general, it is anomaly words in Indonesian. Example:

Bank - bank (English) Qur'an - Qur'an (Arabic) Intern - intern (English) Jum'at - Jum'at (Arabic) Modem - modem (English) Fardhu - Fardhu (Arabic)

Those words above are including to anomaly because they did not appropriate with valid norm in Indonesian language. The things that did not appropriate are: <nk>, <m>, <‟>, and <dh>. These spelling did not agree with Indonesian spelling systems.

Sometimes foreign word that found absorb and written as its origin but appears as anomaly symptoms, because it does not diverge with Indonesian principle coincidentally. Example:

Era - era (English) Formal - formal (English) Label - label (English) Edit - edit (English)



2.3 Anomaly in Structure

A word sometimes consists of one phoneme, but sometimes arranges by two or more phoneme. Example:57

Federalisme - federalism (English) Edukasi - education (English) Bilingual - bilingual (English) Eksploitasi - exploitation (English) Dedikasi - dedication (English)

Process of absorption of words above is done intact unity. So, word

federalismedoes not absorb separately as “federal” and “isme”. Word bilingual does not absorb as “bi”, “lingua”, and “al”. Word dedikasi does not absorb from “dedicate” and “tion” as follow as “edukasi” does not absorbfrom “educate” and “tion”. Borrowing word from English which has “tion” suffix is absorb into bahasa experience adaptation until becomes “si” at suffix by pass off with high frequency. This fact uttering language problems namely appearing suffix “sasi” adhering with words that did not originated from English, like:

Islamisasi - Islam + sasi Neonisasi - neon + sasi Kristenisasi - Kristen + sasi Polarisasi - pola + sasi

In other words, if the reader compares with grammatical rules especially word morphology, suffix sasi in Indonesia is never exist. So, this matter includes language anomaly symptoms. But if this suffix is acceptable as common suffix in Indonesia, it can be said that there is a changing from anomaly becomes analogy.



The strategies above will be used by the writer to analyze the source text from Digital Camera Magazine and its Translation Magazine.



A. The Data Description

The data are compiled by highlighting, comparing, and agglomerating the words that found in Digital Camera Magazine in English and Indonesian version into borrowing category. The technique, theory of borrowing and types of borrowing are used in determining the borrowing category and procedures of translation. After applying the category, the writer rechecks the words which classified by looking up both the English and Indonesian dictionary for detecting the word meaning. Then, the writer also finds out how the procedures of translations is applied in translating the borrowing words by reading and understanding the procedures of translations, types of translation, theory of borrowing, and types of borrowing word that found in The Magazine.

The data of borrowing or loan words are described below. Begin by rewrite SL and TL data from The Magazine. Describe each datum by the fittest dictionary explanation, then finding the appropriate meaning to TL by the closest meaning and the right form of the datum. The writer uses some dictionaries to support the analysis data to find the meaning of each word for whole data as the standard research of the thesis. The next explanation below is the data descriptions for English Borrowing Words in Digital Camera Magazine for March 2014 Edition:


B. The Data Analysis

Analysis is starting by (1) understanding the source text type, (2) determining the source text function, (3) searching comparison source language through comparison word for word, (4) analyzing the data with searching comparison word in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia and Oxford Dictionary for English words searching. (5) displaying the data analysis.

The analysis will be explained The Source Language and The Target Language. The writer uses theory of Charles Francis Hockett to analyze the types of borrowing word and process of translation theory by E. A. Nida, Vinay and Darbelnet‟s theory of translation procedure to analyzed procedures of translation of each datum. Based on the tabulated data above, the writer uses the dictionaries to get the meaning of each word from SL to TL and also classify to the types of borrowing words. The analyses are below:

1. Borrowing Word for Loan Words and Its Procedures

The analysis of borrowing word for loan word and its procedures will be discussed here:

a. SL : Tripod (Digital Camera World) TL: Tripod (Digital Camera Indonesia)


The word Tripod in sentence “Use tripod that enables you to position the camera high enough” is translated into “Gunakan tripod agar kamera dapat diposisikan cukup tinggi”. This word is borrowing word for loanword type when writer found the translation. This word exists in Indonesia dictionary, because there is no equivalences into other form. It is better to use directly this word for the translation. Tripod means three-legged supporting stand used to hold the camera steady.58

The translation does not have the change analogy, it is still tripod. The reason of the translator that uses SL word is because tripod is international word for camera‟s equipment which not from Indonesia. The translator is maintaining the meaning and spelling with “adoption” procedure that makes the reader can easily understand it. Tripod is new for Indonesian language but it is probably familiar for photographer in everywhere in the world for many years before, so defending target text meaning by keep that word is completely succeeded.

b. SL : Manual (Digital Camera World) TL: Manual (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Manual in “we’d recommended using manual focusing and Live View” is translatedinto “kami sarankan untuk menggunakan pemfokusan manual dan Live View”. The synonym above is right word, manual is manual in Indonesia. This


Rochester. A Glossary of Photographic Terms, (New York: Eastman Kodak Company, 1999), p. 7


word already has the equivalences long time ago together along with that word. Manual in camera means that the photographer adjusts the focus of a lens by hands.59

This word use “adoption” procedure from Imam Taufik in the writer analyses even if the word does not experience analogy changing form but manual already exist in TL Dictionary, there are new synonym word more suitable than manual itself, so it is easier to understand it. Manual means dilakukan dengan tangan if the translator wants to translate it literally.60

c. SL : Sensor (Digital Camera Indonesia) TL: Sensor (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Sensor in the sentence “rather than worrying about the detail of sensor resolution and lens quality” is translated into “daripada mengkhawatirkan tentang detail resolusi sensor dan kualitas lensa”. This is kinds of borrowing word for loanword that directly uses without any changes. Sensor is used because not only exist in Indonesia dictionary, it is also no matching word left that can change it and defends meaning better than sensor itself. Sensor is the electronic component that replaces film, light falls on the individual pixels that make up the sensor and this gets


Paul L.G, Morris, Digital Photography Glossary for Beginners.(UK: PM Studios, 2014), p. 7



converted to a digital signal which then makes the image.61 Literally is elemen yg mengubah sinyal fisik menjadi sinyal elektronik yg dibutuhkan komputer.62

The translation uses “adoption” procedure, because Indonesia itself has no words which have the same form and meaning with it before, so the editor is put from English word directly. Generally it is borrowing procedure and the text of translation becomes easier to understand with TL reader. Though, it is international word but Indonesia already has this word as its language.

2. Borrowing Word for Loan Blend and Its Procedures

The analysis of borrowing word for loan blend and its procedures will be discussed here:

a. SL: Compensation (Digital Camera World) TL: Compensation (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Compensation in the sentence “so be prepared to dialed in positive exposure compensation to keep things bright” is translated into “jadi bersiaplah untuk mengaplikasikan exposure compensation positif agar foto tetap terang”. This synonym must be kompensasi with adding suffix “i”, because any word that come from English language that has suffix –tion it should be adding “i” as Indonesian word anomaly structure not still compensation. This borrowing word for loan blend is


Paul L.G, Morris, op. cit., p. 8



experiencing blending form into kompensasi with experience anomaly “sasi”, so the type of borrowing is loan blend. In the Oxford Dictionary, this word has no explanation with the collocation, it is written just as exposure which has the meaning a length of film in a camera that is used to take a photograph, or as the length of time for which light is allowed to reach the film when taking a photograph.63

The procedure that appeared is “adaptation” procedure that changing the form but has the resemble pronunciation. Ganti rugi is the literal translation for that SL phrase but this cannot be used for the translator because the reader may confuse with the meaning of the TL text. Moreover, this phrase had patented on camera, then, it makes someone still uses the SL phrase as his/her translations.

b. SL : Portraits (Digital Camera World) TL: Portrait (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Portraits is the title of the page 10 Things theme, so it has no sentence on it. The right translation is potret not portrait even loosing suffix “s”. this borrowing word for loan blend was experiencing form into different form but has resemble pronunciation. This type of word found because in TL sentence it is wrong form, so the right form of TL should put in into TL translation sentence. So, the right translation can gain right.


Sally Wehmeier, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. (London: Oxford University, 2000), p. 464


Portrait word is similar with the TL meaning and use “adaptation” procedure as its kinds of anomaly. By the translator, it has the same meaning but different spelling. It is just fading “s” and changing form word. So, the translator directly uses this word as its translation, with adaptation procedure and without watching the word class, except it becomes singular word from plural in SL. The Digital Camera

Indonesia’s translator is directly uses this word as its text of translation under the

cloak of maintaining the means of SL. In sketchy point of view, the word portrait is pronounceable because it is common word to speak.

c. SL : Lens (Digital Camera World) TL: Lensa (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Lens I decide to use my extreme wide-angle lens” is translated into “saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan lensa extreme wide-angle”. This borrowing word for loan blend type has experienced into lensa as its synonym in bahasa. It is a curve piece of glass or plastic that makes things look larger, smaller or clearer when you look through it.64 Indonesian said kaca65 that means benda yg keras, biasanya bening dan mudah pecah (untuk jendela, botol, dsb)66.

The translation found that the right procedure is “adaptation” procedure that experiencing blending form into lensa. For general procedure it is calque that better


Ibid, p. 768


Dendy Sugono, Thesaurus Bahasa Indonesia Pusat Bahasa, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2008), p. 289



use. Since Indonesian borrows this word, it has no more equivalence in bahasa for photograph area, except the word lensa. It has same meaning but different spelling because lens has one syllable, whereas lensa has two syllables. Kaca does not use for photograph, it is more appropriate to use lensa for calling a lens.

d. SL: Landscapes (Digital Camera World) TL: Lanskap (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Landscapes is one of the page 10 Things of the magazine on it has no sentence on it. The translation is lanskap because in KBBI, word landscape has its synonym with lanskap.67 This borrowing word for loan blend changes into singular word in bahasa. It means button to hold the camera in its normal orientation to make a horizontally oriented photograph or commonly said as landscape mode.68 According to Oxford Dictionary, landscape is a painting of a view of the countryside; this style of painting.69 In Indonesia means tata ruang di luar gedung (untuk mengatur pemandangan alam: or jumlah total aspek setiap daerah, baik pedesaan maupun kota.70

The word lanskap is borrowed from English in “adaptation” procedure, but it has experienced into lanskap that shows this word has calque procedure in general translation, which experiencing blending word form, that changing as singular word,


Ibid, p. 468


Dennis P. Curtin, An Extension to The Textbook of Digital Photography. (Massachusetts: Short Courses, 2007), p. 5


Sally Wehmeier, op. cit., p. 751



this word does not have collocation in any TL, and having the same meaning and spelling, that word means panoramic viewing of nature or impression of culture.

e. SL : Memory card (Digital Camera World) TL: Kartu memori (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Memory card in the sentence “but record a color version of the image on the memory card for convention later” is translated into “tapi merekam versi berwarna dari foto pada kartu memori untuk nantinya dikonversi”. It has the right synonym, and the sentence has a good form. The editor uses kartu memori because this word has been familiar around the people. It is use to memory card for handphone, camera, and so on. This borrowing word is the type of loan shift that experienced shifts in TL form but has the same meaning.

Memory card is the part of computer where information is stored; the amount of space in a computer for storing information.71 The translation procedure that found is “translation” procedure which according to Imam and Dendy.72 If this word does not separate, the translation is never existed. Indonesia has this phrase as its own language. So, literal translation procedure in general form becomes the best way to investigate this word. However, kartu memori is new for Indonesian language.


Sally Wehmeier, op. cit., p. 833



f. SL: Focus (Digital Camera World) TL: Fokus (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Focus in sentence is “use wider apertures and selective focus” is transalted into “menggunakan aperture lebar dan fokus selektif”. The synonym is focus that the translation has the right word. This borrowing word for laon blend has experienced into fokus changing letter “c” in SL into “k” in TL but the meaning is same. Focus in Oxford, is to aim rays of light onto a particular point using a lens.73 Indonesian says fokus as substitution of focus in English. Fokus is titik atau daerah kecil tempat berkas cahaya mengumpul atau menyebar setelah berkas cahaya itu menimpa sebuah cermin atau lensa, berkas cahaya yg datang berada dl keadaan paralel dng sumbu cermin atau lensa itu.74

This translation procedure is “adaptation” that changing one letter to different form. The meaning from SL to TL has the same meaning and spelling. The word fokus is used to many writing text and one of the words in Indonesian dictionary. The word focus has been already inside the camera text as a guide to take a photograph. So, this translation is useful for understanding the translation text of photography because of the similarity of meaning text.

g. SL : Macro (DigitaL Camera World) TL : Makro (Digital Camera Indonesia)


Sally Wehmeier, op. cit., p. 519



The word Macroin the sentence “the typical approach when shooting macros subjects is to use smaller apertures” is translated into “cara yang umum digunakan ketika merekam objek makro adalah menggunakan aperture lebih kecil”. The synonym is makro in TL. So, it includes loan blend type of borrowing word. Nikon often calls macro lenses Micro.75 Macro in bahasa is makro, where “c” is substitute with “k”, this is same with focus and fokus word. It is found because Indonesia has been already used this word but it was experiencing blending form.

The procedure becomes “adaptation” with the result is makro, this borrowing word is experiencing anomaly structure blending situation, so it becomes makro not macro anymore. The editor uses calque procedure in general to translate this word. He does not use borrowing procedure because Indonesian has equivalence as same as its meaning.

h. SL : Extreme (Digital Camera World) TL : Extreme (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Extreme in the sentence “I decided to use my extreme wide-angle lense” is translated into “saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan lensa extreme wide angle”. The word synonym is ekstrem with changing consonant “X” with combine consonant “KS” and loosing the vocal letter e in the ending of TL word. This word includes loan bled type of borrowing word changing some letters in TL translation.76


Paul L.G, Morris, op. cit., p. 7



The editor should be used ekstrem as Indonesian synonym, because the word has already been absorption form into ekstrem. Furthermore, the meaning is same with the SL word.

The data analysis used “adaptation” as its procedure, the sentence meaning does not change far away because word extreme has ekstrem as TL translation that clearly have the same meaning. So the translation is easier to understand. However, the whole translation text in this section is clearly understandable with this ordinary word of many texts.

i. SL : Reflectors (Digital Camera World) TL: Reflektor (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Reflectors in sentence “Use reflectors to bounce light into darker areas” is translated into “Gunakan reflektor untuk memantulkan cahaya pada area gelap”. This word is camera device and it is one of international words. According to KBBI reflektor is benda yang memantulkan cahaya (suara atau panas).77, this word as loan blend type has experienced blending form of original word, because “c” in original word is turned “k” in target word and even if it‟s plural, any word become singular in Indonesia because there is no additional meaning if plural word from English become singular in bahasa. The reason is, any plural word from English in this modern era always said singular in melayu language that used by Indonesian.



The editor reason for using reflektor is no option left to use word that defending meaning of reflectors more than reflektor itself. If the editor uses literal translation, of course, it becomes pemantul. He uses “adaptation” procedure in translation magazine for reflektor. Reflectors has equivalence in bahasa, it was reflektor. Meaning and spelling do not have a change, however, there is substitution of word “c” in reflectors (English) become “k” in reflektor (Indonesia). Reflektor does not have collocation, it is independent. So it does not need it or something else.

j. SL : Resolution (Digital Camera World) TL : Resolusi (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Resolution in sentence “worrying about the detail of sensor resolution and lens quality” is translated into “mengkhawatirkan tentang detail resolusi sensor dan kualitas lensa”. Resolution becomes resolusi with adding suffix “si” in Indonesia.78 Resolusi is putusan atau kebulatan pendapat berupa permintaan atau tuntutan yang ditetapkan oleh rapat (musyawarah, sidang).79 Literal translation is not the right method in this text. In other word, resolution is the power of a computer screen, printer, etc., to give a clear image, depending on the size of the dots that make up the image.80

The translator uses “adaptation” procedure to translate the word because in target language that word has the equivalence. Resolusi from target language is loan


John M. Echols and Hasan Sadily, op. cit, p. 481


Hasan Alwi, op. cit., p. 952



word from English because meaning is equal, however, the spelling is experiencing blending form. It is the culture of Indonesian in reducing the word from other language, such as television becomes televisi, communication becomes komunikasi, action becomes aksi, and so on. Therefore, this translation is acceptable text that makes reader is easier to understand.

3. Borrowing Word for Loan Shift and Its Procedures

The analysis of borrowing word for loan shift and its procedures will be discussed here:

a. SL : Raw (Digital Camera World) TL : Raw (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The source language raw found in page 18 from English Magazine is translated into “raw” too in translation magazine that found in page 14 that word has already been synonym in Indonesia. The synonym is “bahab baku/bahan mentah”.81 The word bahan baku/bahan mentah is borrowed word shifting meaning in Indonesia with full translation way.

The sentence of raw in the magazine is “shoot it in raw format”, in the target language is become “rekam dalam format raw”. The writer found raw and choose it because that word has synonym in Indonesia. By the means of editor who still uses


Dendy Sugono, Pengindonesiaan Kata dan Ungkapan Asing, (Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas, 2003), p. 150


SL word as in translation magazine may to maintain his style language, and the purpose is letting the reader or someone who had hobby of photograph to understand its sentence, so the meaning of sentence is captured easier. According to procedure that published by Depdiknas Indonesia, matching word is done through “translation” and “absoption”.82

The word raw is translated into bahan baku/bahan mentah and equivalencing to the new concept in TL, so the sentence should be “rekam dalam format mentah/baku”. To defend loosing word from foreign word that go into our language, the editor should use baku/mentah as the translation of raw in Digital Camera Magazine Indonesia.

b. SL : Preview (Digital Camera World) TL: Preview (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The SL preview that found in page 18 is translated into “preview” too in TL page 14, whereas this borrowed word has synonym as “pratonton” in Indonesia.83 The sentence “this will give a Black and White preview on the camera’s screen” on SL is translated into “ini akan memberikan preview Hitam dan Putih pada layar kamera”. This anomaly word includes of loan shift which maintain the taste of sentence in order to give an easier meaning for the reader. Preview is a small LCD display screen on the back of the camera used to compose or look at photographs.84


Ibid. p. 10


Ibid. p.



Preview always appears after capturing a picture situated in back of a SLR camera, DSLR, digital camera, and cellular phone that has screen camera feature.

The preview of a picture on a camera is always said for many photographers, even Indonesian photographers use this word rather than pratonton. The translator uses borrowing translation because the meaning and spelling were kept by this procedure, so the reader is easier to understand the text clearly. Preview word is new for Indonesian language dictionary. Nonetheless, it is acceptable word for Indonesia‟s photographers.

c. SL : Black & White (Digital Camera World) TL : Hitam dan Putih (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The words Black & White in the sentence “This will give a Black & White

preview on the camera’s screen” is translated into “Ini akan memberikan preview

Hitam dan Putih pada layar kamera” appear because the synonym of that words

have been already exist in TL, so the editor is easier to translate. This is a full translation that shifting that combined borrowing words.

Black is having the darkest color, like night or coal.85 White is having the color of fresh snow or milk.86 Hitam in bahasa means warna dasar yang serupa dengan warna arang,87 whereas, putih means warna dasar yang serupa dengan


Sally Wehmeier, op. cit, p. 121


Ibid, p. 1537



warna kapas.88 The procedure used is “translation” from Dendy Sugono‟s theory because those words have already been become one of the Indonesian anomaly structure words, as general. Indonesian usually communicates with hitam and putih of many situations. The literal translation as general procedure is found on these words because one by one word is translated clearly and they are existed in TL dictionary.

d. SL : Close ups (Digital Camera World) TL: Close up (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Close up in the sentence “why not try shooting close-ups with the opposite intension?” is translated into “mengapa tak mencoba merekam close up dengan tujuan sebaliknya?”. The synonym in Indonesian language is jarak dekat.89 This word means to make the distance or difference between two people and things smaller; to become smaller or narrower.90 This borrowed word for loan shift is one of word that experiencing shifts that TL translation is become another form but same meaning of both words.

The translator put close up as the translation to maintain the SL meaning. If the editor uses “absorption” procedure that the phrase becomes jarak dekat, the translation becomes “mengapa tak merekam dengan jarak dekat dengan tujuan sebaliknya?”. For general procedure, the editor is better uses equivalence because the


Ibid. p. 913


Dendy Sugono, op. cit. p. 52



word has had adapted for many years before, and to keep the meaning of the sentence the editor still uses close up rather than jarak dekat as its translation.

e. SL : Background (Digital Camera World) TL : Background (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word Background in the sentence “too little, and the background may be blur” is translated into “jiika terlalu sedikit mungkin background akan kabur”. Background has the synonym “latar belakang/dasar” in bahasa. It is the part of the scene that appears behind the principal subject of the picture.91 The translation is still background not latar belakang.92 Latar belakang is keterangan mengenai suatu peristiwa guna melengkapi informasi yg tersiar sebelumnya.93 In the Translation Magazine, latar belakang from TL word does not use in order to reduce misunderstanding between text and the reader. Because background is text of software inside camera‟s screen, if background is translated with latar belakang the meaning becomes awkward. But in the right translation, background should be translated into latar belakang/dasar so the translation sentence becomes “jika terlalu sedikit mungkin latar belakang/dasar akan kabur” or it is better to use additional information inside parenthesis of endings by the sentence.

The word background that becomes latar belakang/dasar is borrowed word for loan shift type. It is not use in translation text because the editor wants to maintain


Paul L.G, Morris, op. cit., p. 1


John M. Echols and Hasan Sadily, op. cit., p. 50



the meaning of word in order to gives the easily reading for the reader. However, the translation has “absorption” for the right procedure, because Indonesia itself has already been had this word by absorb that word into latar belakang/dasar. For general procedur, it has equivalence as the procedure by translating the word into TL word.

f. SL : Balance (Digital Camera World) TL : Balance (Digital Camera Indonesia)

The word balance in the sentence “I know I can adapt my white balance” is translated into “saya tahu saya bisa mengadaptasi white balance”. Balance in TL has the synonym into keseimbangan94. So the type of this borrowing word is loan shift changing the whole form and the spelling word. The target text should be “saya tahu saya bisa mengadaptasi keseimbangan white-nya”. The type of loan shift found because Indonesian language has the synonym of the word and it is better to use keseimbangan for enrich the Indonesian words. The translation is still balance, however, it can be translated into keseimbangan and this translation better and it does defend the meaning of SL.

The editor chooses borrowing procedure because the text will not be complicated to read. If the translation is uses “absorption” procedure-keseimbangan

the meaning of SL does reach TL text meaning too. So, it is acceptable if the translator uses the absorption procedure to maintain SL meanings.





A. Conclusions

Based on the result by the research that has been conducted by the writer, about translation procedures and types of borrowing word of the borrowing words translation from English into Indonesian language can be concluded as follow:

1. Borrowing word for loan blend appears as most in Indonesian translation. Loan blend type has ten words and all of them have the adaptation as their procedure. This shows as if Indonesian language has many loan blends, especially for digital photography area. Borrowing word for Loan shift type has six words. Ten words have the adaptation as the procedures. Borrowing word for loan word has three words. All of the words have adaptation as the procedures. In this research, Borrowing Word for Loan Shift shows as most happen in research findings, this shows that in Indonesia has equivalence for some words from other language.

2. The procedure from Imam Taufik and explained procedure of foreign word translation has four and procedures, it is through Adoption, Adaptation, Translation, and Creation. Adaptation appears at most with the total 12 times found from loan word and loan blend types rather than “translation” procedure is six times found.


3. The borrowing words type does not have the same pattern of procedures. Loan blend words appear with almost absorption procedure, this shows as if not all borrowing words have the same procedure in translation. This result shows as if the translator of the magazine may directly used the source language word for defends the meaning sentences because some reasons. But the facts are, there are many source words found on target text that experiencing loan, blending, and shifting form.

B. Suggestions

After finishing this research, there are some suggestions the writer would like to give as follows:

1. To the editor of Digital Camera Magazine Indonesia, since many sources words could be found on TL it is important to pay attention about the project and who is the translator and how good is his or her work. In data analysis, a number of loan words still have a big amount whereas they are in target text. If the translator chooses to use word in SL form, it is necessary to write additional information, because the reader is not always people who know about the photography.

2. To translator for general, the digital photography issue is a new field to be understood. Open minded for this sector of study is valuable in order to get additional knowledge not only for photographer but also for common


people because digital photograph can detectable in our hands easily, as example cellular phone or gadget.

3. It is a good choice to use borrowing method to translate particular text, such as a word in digital photography area, borrowing word in law area and so on. Sometimes, the word that comes new in people‟s conversation is borrowed from another languages, it is useful for using borrowing word translation to study on it.



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_____ _____=id-ID&s=1


APPENDICES Appendix 1 The Source of Data























Appendix 3 The Writer

Editor of Digital Camera Magazine, Geoff Harris, is the latest in a string of high profile journalist, author & photographers to join Premium Digital Photography School, MyPhotoSchool.

He is as the former of best-selling photography title Digital Camera Magazine, has joined MyPhotoSchool today as chief blogger and Commercial lead. MyPhotoSchool ( is part of MyOnlineSchools Ltd, a rapidly expanding internet group of online only school for vocational & hobby subjects. MyPhotoSchool and its sister school MyGrandSchool, two of the world‟s first virtual live vocational schools, and are fast attracting the best authors and journalists in their respective industries who are turning their skills to online tutoring and writing.

Founder Duncan Heather commented: “We‟re delighted to welcome Geoff to the team. He joins our other high profile writers and author including Heather Angel (former president of The Royal Photographic Society) and many more author as best friend. Many were from the publishing industry, but Geoff was a clear lead in terms of both editorial and commercial skills for MyPhotoSchool.






He is as the former of best-selling photography title Digital Camera Magazine, has joined MyPhotoSchool today as chief blogger and Commercial lead. MyPhotoSchool ( is part of MyOnlineSchools Ltd, a rapidly expanding internet group of online only school for vocational & hobby subjects. MyPhotoSchool and its sister school MyGrandSchool, two of the world‟s first virtual live vocational schools, and are fast attracting the best authors and journalists in their respective industries who are turning their skills to online tutoring and writing.

Founder Duncan Heather commented: “We‟re delighted to welcome Geoff to the team. He joins our other high profile writers and author including Heather Angel (former president of The Royal Photographic Society) and many more author as best friend. Many were from the publishing industry, but Geoff was a clear lead in terms of both editorial and commercial skills for MyPhotoSchool.


Appendix 4 The Editor

Yuliandi Kusuma, more than 10 years works in media and photography industry. Managing local and internasional (licenced) photography and computing magazine in Indonesia. Professional photographer for landscape and architectural (endorsed by various brand). Writer for various best seller photography and computing books tutorial published by large publisher. Experienced as jury of photography contest and tutor/lecturer photography and it workshop-seminar.

Judges; Lomba Foto BNI - Java Jazz 2013 (held by BNI) – Jakarta, Color of Jakarta 2012 (held by Pemprov DKI) Jakarta, Canon Photo Marathon 2012 (held by PT Datascrip - Canon) Yogyakarta, Lomba Foto Mudik - Canon 2012 (held by PT Datascrip - Canon) Jakarta, Canon Photo Marathon 2013 (held by PT Datascrip - Canon) Jakarta, Color of Jakarta 2014 (held by Pemprov DKI) Jakarta. Managing photography and technology magazine (print, digital, and online) namely:

Digital Camera Indonesia (photography magazine) Travel Fotografi (travel and photography magazine)

TipTapNet (gadget and mobile computing digital magazine) Laptop1 (mobile computing magazine)

Writer and Photographer 2007 – 2011 (4 years) Jakarta. Writer of various best seller photography and computer books published by various publisher. Some of book translated and distributed in Malaysia.