Data Analysis Research Methodology

cohesion. The result of the research was that all kinds of grammatical and lexical cohesion devices utilized in the journalistic texts which she analyzed. They are reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction as grammatical cohesion device, while repetition, synonym, near-synonym, superordinate, general word, and collocation as lexical cohesion device. But generally lexical cohesion devices are very rarely utilized in the text, except repetition. 8 The third research is entitled References As Cohesion Marker in Alice in Wonderland Script Movie by Cut Rosa Meilisa in 2012. Her object study is to find the reference types which are used within the script of Alice in Wonderland movie which was aired in 2010. She used Halliday and Hasan‟s theory; it is reference in grammatical cohesion. the patterns of reference types used in the script are personal references personal pronouns and possessive adjectives, demonstrative references this and that function either as head or modifier; demonstrative adverb here, there, now, and then; definite article the. And comparative references general comparison: as soon as, as happy as; and particular comparison: better, smaller, eldest. 9 The next research is by Piccesius Yunki Pradana, entitled Cohesion Devices Use in News of in 2012. He discussed the using of cohesion devices on editorial news of to find out the kind of cohesion devices in the editorial news of He described some theories of cohesion, including theory of Halliday and Hasan. The result of the research was that he found that implementation of cohesion devices and its distance contributes to the unity. 8 Nurul Laili Mariani Fadjrin, An Analysis of Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion of Journalistic Text in Online Media, Thesis, Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2011, not published 9 Cur Rosa Meilisa, References as Cohesion Marker in Alice Wonderland Script Movie, Thesis, Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2012, not published Among the text, the existence of grammatical cohesion devices by the use of personal reference, demonstrative reference, comparative reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction gave a major effect to the unity of texts. Then, the lexical cohesion: reiteration, used to describe the repetition of the same identical item, superordinate and collocation gave contribution to the continuity of lexical meaning within the text in order to create a cohesive tie as well. He viewed that the texture as the concept of tie clearly distinguished text from non-text and become an indicator to create sentence to be understood as a text. 10 The last research is A Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of reading texts in Get Along with English Published by Erlangga in2013, made by Karimatul Rofikoh. This research was aimed to study the types of grammatical cohesion found in the reading texts which were provided in the textbook „Get Along with English ‟, a textbook which was published by Erlangga and used in SMK Nusantara Ciputat. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method by using qualitative approach. She took sample of reading texts randomly. The result of the research was that all four types of grammatical cohesion reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction were found in the reading texts. Cohesive items of reference were applied most in the reading text, and then it was followed by cohesive items of conjunction, ellipsis, substitution. 11 In this research, the similarity between the five researches and the writer‟s study is theory of cohesion from M.A.K Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan. The writer makes different from other researches that is from the subject of the study, the 10 Piccesius Yunki Pradana, Cohesion Devices Use in News of, Thesis, Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2012 not published. 11 Karimatul Rofikoh, A Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of Reading Texts in Get Along with English Published by Erlangga, Thesis, Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2013, not published.