Avoidance Ralationship Rebu in Karonese Ralationship Rebu Touch Part of The Body.

3.1 Avoidance Ralationship Rebu in Karonese Ralationship

There are avoidance relationship in Karonese called Rebu Taboo. So this words contained a negative meaning that is a prohibition for someone to do something. The people who again this prohibition is a people did not know the tradition, and did not obey the prevail tradition. This people would be made fun of the people. It is happen between Mami mother in law and Kela son in law, between Bengkila father in law and Permain daughter in law and the relationship between parents in law Turangku. There are some kinds of Rebu : Rebu speak directly without mediator. According to the prevail tradition in Karonese, it is Rebu if Mami talk to her son in law Kela and on the cotrary. Is is taboo if mami and Kela in converstaion without a mediator or third person. Through third person they can inform their message, question and answer. There are two ways speak directly with mediator i.e : first, son in law use words nina mami means mother in law said and mother in law use nina Kela in every sentences or words they want to say. With this way is seems as if the communication not a direct communication. The expression of Kela feels as his Mami expression and on the contrary. The second, use the things around of them as a mediator in their conversation. In this thing every sentences should follow with words nindu. For example : mau kemana Kela nindu o batu? Mau ke sawah Mami, nindu o batu. In this case, they feels that the communication in not direct communication, because they was used batu rock as a mediator which the function is equal with Universitas Sumatera Utara the third person. And it is very strange and funny for the people who do not know the Karonese custom.

a. Rebu Touch Part of The Body.

The second Rebu is Rebu touch part of the body. It is called Mereha, means very disgraceful and contemptible thing. If it is happened, people would be made fun by the people and become topic of conversation. There is a exception if they say Sentabi, it means excuse me or sorry. For example : if Mami or Kela had an accident or sick.

b. Rebu Sit Face to Face