Bacground of Study INTRODUCTION


1.1 Bacground of Study

The Karo people or Karonese are the indigenous people of the Karo plateau in North Sumatera, Indonesia. They linguistically to the Batak people but often consider themselves as separate. They speak the Batak Karo language. There are six Bataks in North Sumatera : Batak Karo, Batak Toba, Batak Mandailing, Batak Simalungun, Batak Angkola and Batak Pak-Pak. As a Karonese, the writer interst to analyze about Batak Karo, There are som many interesting cultures in Karonese. For example : the traditional dance, wedding ceremony, ancient calendar, funeral ceremony etc. and in this paper the writer will explain about “The Historical in Karonese Surname”. It is very important to know, especially for Karo people. Every ethnic group have a clan marga. We should studying and knowing the relation each other. Such as in Karonese, there are five clans in Karones : Ginting, Tarigan, Perangin-angin, Sembiring, and Karo-karo. Each one of the five clans have separate history. People from the same caln are not allowed to marry. Their relation system is patrilinial. Karonese have ethical and regfulations that are made by their culture. Karonese have a chacteristic ini their culture. It is an avoidance relationship Rebu that is considered as taboo concept. There are three kinds of avoidance relationship in Karones : avoidance relationship between mother in law and son in law, between father in law and daughter in law and the relationship beween plarents ini law. The tghird avoidance relationship have the Universitas Sumatera Utara same taboo concept, there are : speak directly without mediator, have contact with part of the body, sit face to face etc. the function of the avoidance realtionship is to avoid the negative effects free sex. But nowadays the use of avoidance relationship has change. It is influenced by education, the different culture, environmental etc. because of that, the use of avoidance relationship in Karonase relationship express the values of culture and view of socio cultural life supporter societry, especially in Karonese. So that, it is importan to mine deeply and accurate.

1.2 Scope of Study