frequency of occurrence of each type of maxim flouting found in the movie. However, the total frequency of occurrence of each type is different. The occurrence of quantity maxim flouting with 33.33 becomes the highest among all. This percentage means that quantity maxim flouting occurs 20 times out of 60. On the second rank, quantity maxim flouting is followed by quality maxim flouting with the percentage of 28.33. The percentage means that the total occurrence of quality maxim flouting is 17 times out of 60. The third rank is relation maxim flouting with the percentage of 21.67. It means that the occurrence of relation maxim flouting is 13 times out of 60. Then, manner maxim flouting with the percentage of 16.67 becomes the least prominent among all. The total occurrence of this maxim flouting is only 10 out of 60. Based on the second objective of this research, all of the types of maxim are flouted by using some strategies. On many occasions, there are ten strategies which are used to flout maxim. They are tautology, overstatement, understatement, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, banter, sarcasm, changing the topic, and being obscure. Tautology, overstatement, and understatement are the strategies which are mainly used to flout maxim of quantity. Overstatement strategy becomes the most used strategy to flout maxim of quantity with the occurrence of 15 times out of 60. The characters who flout maxim of quality using overstatement strategy tend to give too much information when they are talking about something. The use of this strategy also happens when some characters in the movie try to convince the other characters to think more about the detailed information which is given. Furthermore, understatement strategy also becomes the strategy which is used to flout maxim of quantity. Understatement strategy occurs 5 times out of 60. This strategy happens in a small number of frequency because the characters in the movie are rarely being uninformative with their utterance. On the other hand, none of the data shows the use of tautology strategy to flout maxim of quantity. It happens because tautology is identical with a meaningless expression. This strategy also could not bring enough information. Therefore, tautology strategy does not appear in this research. The characters in the movie usually prefer to give too much information rather than to give too little information which is confusing. In other words, the characters in the movie rarely say something which has no communicative value. Then, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, banter, and sarcasm are the strategies which are used to flout maxim of quality. Hyperbole strategy becomes the most prominent strategy to flout maxim of quality. This happens because some characters in the movie exaggerate their statements. Meanwhile, none of the data shows the use of banter which becomes an offensive way of being friendly as the strategy to flout maxim of quality. It happens because some characters prefer to give their mocking tone to hurt the other characters feeling rather than to be friendly with them. Therefore, this strategy does not appear. Furthermore, changing the topic strategy becomes the only strategy to flout maxim of relation. In addition, changing the topic also becomes the second prominent strategy which is used by the characters in the movie. The occurrence of changing the