Conclusion SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta

ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 196 be successful if they follow the competence-based assessmentCBA conducted by independent institutions. That could happen, because the students who have attended CBT and OJT programs correctly will have a good knowledge and skills appropriate to industrial standards.

F. Conclusion

The result of assessment process in the Vocational Secondary School depends on the curriculum development, implement of competence-based training and on-the job training. This study is used to improve the performance of the school and the good student competencies. The best students who are qualified at knowledge and have skill- based in the workplace will get a national certificate. References Akhyar, Muhammad. 2008. Model Penilaian Kompetensi Kejuruan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Teknologi Industri. Yogyakarta: Disertasi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Biemans, H., Nieuwenhuis, L., Poell, R., et al. 2005. Competence-based VET in the Netherlands: background and pitfalls. Netherland: Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 56. www.bwpat.de7eu. Cumming Joy. J. and Maxwell, Graham S 2004. Assessment in education: principles, policy and practice. Volume 11 , Issue 1 March 2004 , pages 89 – 108. 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Budi Santosa, Teacher at Yogyakarta 2 nd State Vocational Secondary School, Student in Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University, Automotive Assessor in Yogyakarta Certification Body for Automotive Technician ProfessionCBATP Lembaga Sertifikasi Teknisi OtomotifLSPTO ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 199 INFORMATION SYSTEM TO SUPPORT FACILITY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Deny Budi Hertanto 1 , K. Ima Ismara 2 Electrical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University Email: 1 , 2 Abstract Vocational High School VHS generally has many equipment and facilities to run their activity. Those equipment and facilities need maintenance periodically so that they can operate optimally according to the function as a means of production that produce profit. Ignoring that can retard school activity. The facilities will be quickly experiencing damage. To avoid that, we need good steps of systematic facilities maintenance procedure. One solution is by developing information system for facilities maintenance management called SIMAF. SIMAF developed by four stages of SDLC System Development Life Cycle. Those stages are designing, planning, implementation and program testing. The result is prototype software called SIMAF. This program is a prototype, so that it still needs a lot of developments. But SIMAF supposed can be a starting point of developing a better program, so that it will be applicable well in Vocational High School in future. Keywords: facilities, maintenance, Information System A. Introduction Information about teaching-learning activity in school is a need in global rivalry era at the moment. Without accurate information, VHS will be difficult to optimize learning process and decision making quickly Joko, 2007. VHS generally has many equipment and facilities to run their activity. Those equipment and facilities need maintenance periodically so that they can operate optimally according to the function as a means of production that produce profit Davis, 1995. Ignoring that can retard school activity Dirjen Dikdasmen, 2001. The facilities will be quickly experiencing damage Doris, 1998. To avoid that, we need good steps of systematic facilities maintenance procedure Bob, 2001. ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 200 So, we need system and information about detail facilities and the treatment manner. One of the steps from facilities treatment can be done by using treatment preventive. So we need accurate information about facilities and the treatment procedure Grover, 2003. Computer technology presence with the process strength has created management information system development based on computer. By applying computer technology, we got a lot of benefits and ease, such as storing, organizing and retrieving various data. Supported with software and correct hardware configuration, company can build a reliable management information system and influencing significantly towards companies performance as a whole. Preventive facilities maintenance can be done by using information system based on computer that cultivate facilities data and the treatment data in one data base that store facilities data. With computer base system, facilities information, treatment, cost and detail of facilities data can be stored and scheduled according to treatment data that being input into data base. B. Method We give name SIMAF for Information system that is built, abbreviation from facilities management information system. SIMAF development stages are: 1. SIMAF Design Method There are several steps to develop SIMAF. Those steps are being processed by a chosen method, which is System Development Life Cycle Pressman, 2002. a. Planning This stage is done by studying existing problem through research and interview. The result are, known that in course of facilities maintenance management, we found two principal activities, which are facilities maintenance planning and facilities maintenance execution. These two activities must be documented and reported to the manager. Main goals of making SIMAF are to record maintenance planning data, maintenance execution data, facilities and supporting data. It is supposed that by recording these various data, we can work on various activities of facilities maintenance management systematically and paternally. So that existing facilities can really get good and regular maintenance. ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 201 Based on documentation of facilities maintenance management process, we got data dictionary as follows: 1 Facilities data, which is data that transcribe specifications and details from facilities. 2 Category data, which is data about facilities classification. 3 Official data, that is data about official related to facilities, for example supervisor or technician that have a duty to operatetake care of facilities. 4 Division data, study program at VHS related to facilities that used. 5 Group data, grouping facilities based on certain rule. 6 Category data, grouping facilities based on kind or the function. 7 Maintenance planning data. 8 Maintenance execution data. b. System Design System design begins with arranging Data Flow Diagram DFD, and then Entity Relationship Diagram ERD. Diagram 1 below showed series of information flows in DFD to design SIMAF. Diagram 1. Context Diagram DFD Level 0 Diagram 1 showed that system interact with an external entity called pegawai. System accepts main data, which is maintenance plan data. Then, pegawai accept data about maintenance schedule. Next, if pegawai has carried out maintenance, the data is given to system. Afterwards, system gives report hits treatment execution to official. ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 202 Diagram 2. DFD Level 1 After context diagram, next step is making DFD that show process from main system, called with top level DFD. Diagram 2 shows that there are facilities data flows from pegawai to process 1: Facilities Data Input. Supporting data are category, group, division, pegawai, and other data to complete Facilities Data Input process. Then, process 1 flow facilities data to process 2: Maintenance Facilities Plan. From process 2, maintenance schedule data flow to pegawai. Afterward, maintenance schedule data flow to Process 3: Input Maintenance Execution, so that Process 3 responding by giving report of Maintenance Execution to Pegawai. Finally, after process flow and entities described, then we design database tables and relation between tables in ERD. 1 Table Fasilitas, consist of attributes as follows: 2 Table Kategori, consist of attributes as follows: ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 203 3 Table Grup, consist of attributes as follows: 4 Table Divisi, consist of attributes as follows: 5 Table Pegawai, consist of attributes as follows: 6 Table Lokasi, consist of attributes as follows: 7 Table Rencana Perawatan, consist of attributes as follows: ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 204 On Table Rencana Perawatan, if the process is maintenance planning process, then all data field filled except status_pelaksanaan, tgl_realisasi and Pelaksana, because all three data filled on Input maintenance execution Process. From all of those tables, arranged relation between tables in ERD as follow: Diagram 3. ERD c. SIMAF Implementation SIMAF developed based on planning stage and designing stage. SIMAF is an information system based on computer that manages inventory property of an institution. This information system will ease facilities maintenance process. It is guided by study of system management of facilities configuration and maintenance. SIMAF prepare facilities for goods process management, consist of goods inventory, category, and division up to direct related operator with existing facilities. Then it will compose facilities maintenance planning time- table and the realization. d. Program Specification SIMAF built with programming language visual basic and data base management system with Microsoft Access using windows based computer. Application built until stage prototype with very limited features. Therefore, it is supposed that there furthermore study to develop this program, so that it can be applied directly at VHS or another institution. ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 205 e. Program Structure of SIMAF Generally, SIMAF divided in 3 modules, which are master facilities, facilities maintenance transaction and reporting facilities. Master facilities consist of forms to input facilities data, facilities category, division, institution data, official and facilities group. Facilities maintenance transaction consists of form to input maintenance planning and maintenance realization from planning that has been made. In reporting part, user can see and print reports, which are facilities report, maintenance planning report, and maintenance realization report. Diagram 4. Struktur Program SIMAF As shown in Diagram 4, input data process must be in sequence from master data  transaction, and then we can see reports. In module master data, input process must initially begin from supporting data group, category, division, institution data, official, and others, afterwards we can input facilities data. After all facilities master data filled, we can use transaction module. Transaction that has been done can be seen in report module. Seq uen ce o f F aci liti es M ast er D ata in pu t SIMAF Master Fasilitas Maintenance Facilities Transaction Report Group Grup Category Division Data Lembaga Pegawai Facilities Maintenance Planning Maintenance Realization Facilities Report Maintenance Planning Report Maintenance Realization Se qu en ce o f t ra nsa ctio n D ata in put ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 206

C. Result