Summing up Program Outcomes Of The Faculty Of Technical Education

ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 51 experience, entrepreneurships and teaching factory were introduced massively throughout the country. The idea is good, but as many academicians and practitioners criticized, the devil is at the details of implementation. Regardless of the criticisms, LINK and MATCH is still strongly used as a guide to develop vocational education and training in Indonesia. Related to personal character development in vocational education and training i9nstitutions, the following 12 salient points may be used as considerations: 1. Teaching for what, dealing with the objective of personal character development; 2. What to teach, dealing with curriculum teaching materials; 3. Teaching for whom, dealing with student characteristics; 4. What types of teaching-learning process, dealing with types and forms of teaching; 5. Who will teach, dealing with the qualification and competent teachers; 6. How to teach effectively and efficiently, dealing with strategies and methods of teaching; 7. How to manage the classroom and laboratory, dealing with class room and laboratory management; 8. With what to teach, dealing with teaching-learning media; 9. Where to teach, dealing with the settingcontexts; 10. How to evaluate, dealing with student evaluation; 11. How long to teach, dealing duration of teaching; and 12. How to use time effectively, dealing with time on task The seminar participants may add more on the list because these are not the only.

H. Summing up

I have shared with you some of my pertinent ideas on how develop personal characters education in vocational education and training institutions. Within a dynamic environment, a premium is placed on developing workforce on the workplace know- how, smart mind, good heart personal character, healthy physics, and consequently good behaviors, where the personal character is the focal point of this seminar paper. The major challenge to face is how to reach consensus among vocational education and training institutions on the one hand, public and private enterprises on the other, and the parents on the last hand, regarding the roles and responsibilities of each side in ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 52 improving personal characters suitable to the needs of world of work generally or workplaces in particular. Thank you. Limited Readings: Akida Iida 2004. Paradigm Theory and Policy Making: Reconfiguring the Future. Tokyo, Japan: Tuttle Publishing. Burbules, Nicholas C Carlos Alberto Torres 2000. Globalization and Education: critical Perspectives. New york, NY: Routledge. Drake, Christopher 2006. Living Values in Education: Principle and Practice. Paper Presented at the Tenth UNESCO-APEID International Conference on Education. Bangkok, Thailand: UNESCO. Fuad Hasan 1996. Trends of Value Shifts in the Twenty First Century and Their Implications for Culture Development. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. Department of Employment, Education and Training 1995. Overview of Australia’s Vocational Education and Training System. Canberra: Department of Employment, Education and Training. Lickona, Thomas 1991. Educating for Character: How Our Schools can Teach Respect and Responsibility. New York, NY: Bantam Books Ohio Department of Education 1990. Character Education in Ohio. Columbus, OH.: Ohio Department of Education. Slamet PH 1995. Factors Influencing Student Fighting in Jakarta Metropolitan City. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture. Slamet PH 2009. Entrepreneurship for School Supervisors. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture. Wardiman Djojonegoro 1994. The Meaning of Link and Match. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture ISBN : 978-602-97249-0-5 International Seminar on Vocational Education and Training 53 ISSUES, CHALLENGES, AND OPPORTUNITIES IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: SEAMEO VOCTECH’S PERSPECTIVES ON TVET Dr. Paryono SEAMEO VOCTECH Email: Abstract Southeast Asia is a very dynamic region and has been actively involved both in the regional and global affairs. With a very diverse socio, economic and political background, the regional organizing body such as ASEAN and SEAMEO play significant roles in bridging the gap and uniting the member countries to move closer and work together for better future. Now is a crucial time for reaching the target that has been set up by these organizations and the United Nations. The year of 2015 corresponds with that of the Millennium Development Goals MDGs, the Asian Decent Work Decade which was launched by the ILO’s tripartite constituents in Asia and the Pacific, as well as the establishment of the ASEAN Community. Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVET is one of the important tools to accomplish these goals, especially in enhancing productivity and sustainable development through skills development. This paper addresses some of the issues and challenges regarding what types and at what level of skills—‘soft’ and ‘hard’—that vocational and technical graduates should possess that correspond to various environmental factors in Southeast Asia. Some other issues such as TVET processes, skills standards, certification and recognition of skills will also be addressed. In addition, the paper also shares some opportunities that TVET practitioners should seize especially in the era when it gains important momentum to address various issues e.g. poverty, employment, and sustainable development; increasing number of TVET sector and labor mobility in the region. Keywords: Skills development, issues, challenges, opportunities, technical and vocational education, training, Southeast Asia.

A. Introduction