Background of the Study. Literature Review. Problem Statement. Limitation of the Study. Objectives of the Study. Benefits of the Study.


A. Introduction

1. Background of the Study.

Individual psychology is a term used specifically to refer to the psychological method or science founded by the Viennese psychiatrist Alfred Adler Fall, Holden, Marquis, 2002. The English edition of Adlers work on the subject 1925 is a collection of papers and lectures given mainly in 1912-1914, and covers the whole range of human psychology in a single survey, intended to mirror the indivisible unity of the personality.

2. Literature Review.

Prince of Persia movie is a good movie and as long as the writer knows, the writer cannot make the comparison with the other researches. Besides, thereis many students of English Department have ever studied the Individual Perspective Analysis as a research problem, but for the little Destiny of the Sands of Time never studied by the students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and Surakarta Region.

3. Problem Statement.

Based on the title and background of the study the writer formulates the problem as follows: “How is the Destiny of the Sands of Time reflected in Prince of Persia’s Movie?”

4. Limitation of the Study.

The writer focuses on analysing the characteristic of Dastan as main character in Prince of Persia Movie 2010 based on a Individual Psychlogical Approach.

5. Objectives of the Study.

The objective of the study are mentioned as follows: a. To analyze the Princeof Persia’s movie based on the structural elements of the movie. b. To analyze the movie based on the structural elements of the movie. 3

6. Benefits of the Study.

There are two benefits that expected from this study are as follows: a. Theoritical Benefits. The study is hoped to give some contribution of the large body of knowledge to the literary study in The Sands of Time movie based on a Individual Physicological Approach.

b. Practical Benefit.

The study is expected to improve the researcher’s understanding and about the content of the movie especially.

7. Underlying Theory.