RED Model of Critical Thinking

Oshima and Hogue propose the four steps in the writing process comprising creating ideas, organizing ideas, writing a rough draft, and polishing the rough draft by editing and making any revisions needed. 22 In line with Oshima and Hogue ’s view above, Ploeger reveals that the writing skill covers five processes as follows: a. Planning To think and contemplate about what to write by determining a topic, and gathering some information related to the purpose, audience, topic, and main idea of the writing; b. Drafting The process in which a writer pours hisher outline or idea into a text; c. Simmering This is the incubation time on which the writer takes a break or keeps away from the writing activity for a few moments. In case there is any ideas come into the writer’s mind, the ideas will be saved into a folder to be used later; d. Revising To reconsider and focus on different aspects of the composition, for instance the organization of the ideas and the sentence structure; e. Editing To have any correction of the shortcoming or errors of the writing found, such as punctuation, spelling, and so on. 23 Moreover, Ruetten and Pavlik state that there are four steps of the writing process as follows: a. Prewriting The step which is commonly conducted in the initial process of writing before the writer writes hisher thought onto a piece of paper. It comprises the activity of considering audience or the readers, getting ideas, narrowing the topic through brainstorming, deciding a controlling idea, choosing support of the idea, and organizing the idea logically; 22 Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing, New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007, 3rd Edition, p. 15. 23 Katherine M. Ploeger, op. cit., pp. 6 —10. b. Drafting The step in which a writer writes any ideas that come into hisher mind into a paragraph; c. Revising The step in which a writer makes any warranted changes of hisher work and makes sure that the ideas will be understandable and able to be followed by the reader; d. Editing The steps in which a writer rechecks hisher composition, particularly in terms of its grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 24 To sum up, based on the explanations above, the writing process respectively comprises: a. Making a preparation, planning and creating the ideas about what to write; b. Transferring the thoughtideas into a text; c. Making sure whether or not the ideas are developed well; d. Rechecking the writing again if there are still some errors on its punctuation, spelling, grammar and so on. Nevertheless, Harmer argues that to get a real final version of writing, a writer frequently needs to repeat some stagessteps as described in Figure 2.2: Figure 2.2 25 The Writing Process Wheel 24 Mary K. Ruetten and Cheryl Pavlik, Developing Composition Skills: Academic Writing and Grammar , Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2012, 3rd Edition, pp. 20 —25. 25 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, op. cit., p. 6. Planning Drafting Editing Final Version? Final Version Figure 2.2 above reveals that the writing processes which lead to the last real final version of writing are a recursive process. A writer needs to do some stages, processes, or steps to finish his final draft. Although it seems that the writer has attained hisher final draft version, heshe should recheck his writing through re-planning, re-drafting, and re-editing to get hisher real final draft version. In addition, Figure 2.2 above also indicates that among one stage and other stages might be overlapping during the writing process. For instance, as a writer is in the planning process, heshe can do the editing process while heshe is also trying to do a drafting process, and vice versa. In conclusion, the writing process which consists of some stagessteps depends upon the writer’s views whether heshe has already obtained the goal of hisher writing. It is feasible for himher to do some recursive stagessteps until heshe feels that the real final version of hisher writing has been obtained.

3. Characteristics of Good Writing

The quality of writing which is considered as the good one is established through the writer’s endeavor to create a work that is not only valuable for himher but also for others; besides, it is also associated with the elements building the writing, for instance the word choice used, a sequence in which it is organized, and the other formal agreement usage. Hairston mentions that there are some characteristics of good writing as follows: a. Significant A writing which is considered as a significant work is if it can fulfill the readers’ need. In this case, not only they can enjoy as they read it but also they can learn something from it; b. Clear A clear writing provides an apparent depiction or explanation to the readers that lead them not to reread it many times to get its point or idea;

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