The Relationship between Students' Collocation Knowledge and Their Reading Comprehension (A Correlational Study at the Fourth Semester of the Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta)


(A Correlational Study at the Fourth Semester of the Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta)


Nia Pebriyanti







!',t/ttcttf ion


Syuri{ l{iolutatill*lt Stale l,ylantic { iniversitl, of .lakarlu)


"S,(rrpsi "

Presented to the Facrlty of Tarbi,r,ah a*d Teachers' Training in Partial lrulflllment

r;f the Requirerrents lbr the Degree o{'S.Pd. (S-1) in English Language Education


Iiia Pebriyanti

t1 I 2$1 4000034

Approved by:

Zaharil Anasy. M.Hum. NIP. 19761007 ZAA7rc 1 002






;; li ;\dvisor {


Studenls' Collocation Knowledge and

Their Reading

Comprehension" (A Correlational Study at the 4th Semester of the Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta), r+ritten by Nia Pebriyanti.

student's registration number I 112014000034, was examined by the Committee on

29 July 2A16. The "skripsi" has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one


the requirements lbr the degree of "S.Pd." (Strata-1) in the Department of English


Jakarta,29 July 2016




Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

NIP. 19690912 200901 1 008

Zaharil Anasv. M.Hum. NIP. 19761007 2007t0



Drs. Nasifuddin Dialil. M.As. NrP. 19s60506 199003



Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi. M.Pd. NIP. 19720501 199903















Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,


Tempat/Tgl.Lahir NIM

Jurusan / Prodi

Judul Slripsi

Nia Pebriyanti

Tangerang, 24 F ebruafi 2A16

1 1 12014000034

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggns

The Relationship between Students" Collocation Knowledge

and Their Reading Cornprehension (A Correlatioreal Study at the Fourth Semester Students




English Educatioa Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University) Dcrsen Pemhimbing : 1. Dr. AIek, M.Pd.

2. Zabafil Anasy,

M.Hurn-dengan ini men,vatakan bahwa skripsi yang sa,r,-a buat benar-benar hasil kar1,a sendiri dan saya bertanggung jaw'ab secara akademis atas apa yang say'a tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqas.vah.

Jakarta" 26 Jul"v 2016 Mahasisw'a Ybs.

Nia Petriyanti



Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta). Skripsi of English

Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, 2016.

Advisor I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

This study aimed to find and describe the relationship between students’

collocation knowledge and their reading comprehension. The population of this study was the fourth semester students of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year 2015/2016. There were 46 students from B and C classes selected as the sample of this study. This study used a quantitative method with the correlational study as the research design of study. The instruments used for collecting data were collocation knowledge and reading comprehension tests. Both tests were

conducted to measure students’ collocation knowledge and reading

comprehension. The data which was collected was calculated by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to see whether there was any significant relationship between the two variables. Based on the research analysis, the relationship between the two variables was found at the 99% level of confidence (p < 0.01) with the value of rxywas 0.474 which was in the medium or moderate level. The

value was higher than the value of rtin the significant of 1%, in which 0.474 >

0.376. Moreover, the significance of t contribution revealed that the result was significant with the value of tcountwas 3.571. The value was higher than the value

of ttable at the level of significance 0.01, in which 3.571 > 2.692. Hence, the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In

conclusion, there was a significant correlation between students’ collocation

knowledge and their reading comprehension at the fourth semester of the Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year 2015/2016.

Keywords : Correlational Study, Collocation Knowledge, Reading



Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Dosen Pembimbing II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan hubungan antara pengetahuan kolokasi dan pemahaman membaca siswa. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 4 Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Sebanyak 46 siswa dari kelas B dan C yang terpilih menjadi sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan korelasi sebagai desain penelitian. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah tes pengetahuan kolokasi dan tes pemahaman membaca. Kedua tes tersebut dilakukan untuk mengukur pengetahuan kolokasi dan pemahaman membaca siswa. Data yang diperoleh dihitung menggunakan korelasi Pearson Product Moment untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Berdasarkan analisa penelitian, hubungan antara kedua variabel ditemukan level signifikansi 99% (p < 0.01) dengan nilai dari rxy adalah 0.474

yang berada pada level sedang. Nilai tersebut lebih tinggi dari nilai rtpada tingkat

kesalahan 1%, yaitu 0.474 > 0.376. Selain itu, signifikan nilai t mengungkapkan bahwa hasil tersebut signifikan dengan nilai dari thitungadalah 3.571. Nilai tersebut

lebih tinggi dari nilai ttabel pada level signifikan 0.01, yaitu 3.571 > 2.692. Oleh

karena itu, hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima sedangkan hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan kolokasi dan membaca mahasiswa semester 4 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Univesitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.



All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has given the mercy and blessing upon the writer during completing this skripsi as the final assignment in her study. Peace and salutation may always be upon the Prophet Muhammad, the savior of the humankind, who has brought the light onto this world and turned it into a better place.

ThisSkripsiis a scientific paper that is presented as one of the requirements

for the degree “S.Pd.” in English Education. Completing this skripsi is long processes and the writer would not have been able to complete it without help and support of lecturers, institution, family and friends. Hence, in this occasion, the writer is pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions by conveying her utmost gratitude to them who have helped her in completing thisskripsi.

First, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to her great parents; her father Sanen and her dearest mother Nining Yuningsih for their love, support, and moral encouragement in motivating the writer to finish her study. Next, the writer would like to express the greatest honor and deepest gratitude to her advisors, Dr. Alek, M.Pd., and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., for patiently guiding her and giving her the most valuable help, advice, and support during completing thisskripsi.

Moreover, the writer would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anansy, M.Hum., as the secretary of Department of English Education.

4. All lecturers in the Department of English Education who always give motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.



7. Her family, especially her brother; Maulana Yusuf, for his time provided to help her in inputting the data during writing thisskripsi.

8. Her best friends; Amalia, Mutiara Rahmah, Rizka Amalia, and Poetri Tanjung Prameswara, Dyah Ayu W.L. for the friendship, love, knowledge, support, and time they have provided unconditionally.

9. All of her friends in the Department of English Education, especially for members of B class of 2012 for the encouragement, support, and love.

10. All the people who cannot be mentioned one by one for their contribution to the writer during completing herskripsi. The words are not enough to say any appreciations for their help.

Lastly, the writer realizes that this skripsi is still far from being perfect. Despite the help from the aforementioned people, there are weaknesses and shortages in this skripsi that remain as the writers’ responsibility. She, therefore,

welcomes all kinds of corrections and suggestions for a better writing.

Jakarta, July 26, 2016











A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problems... 3

C. Limitation of the Problems ... 3

D. Formulation of the Study ... 4

E. Objective of the Study ... 4

F. Significance of the Study ... 4


A. Reading ... 5

1. Definition of Reading ... 5

2. Types of Reading ... 6

3. Purposes of Reading ... 7

4. Definition of Reading Comprehension ... 8

5. Strategies for Reading Comprehension ... 10

B. Collocation ... 12

1. Definition of Collocation ... 12

2. Types of Collocation... 14

3. Definition of Collocation Knowledge... 18



A. Time and Place of Research... 24

B. Method and Design of Research ... 24

C. Population and Sample ... 25

D. Instrument of Research ... 25

E. Technique of Data Collection ... 28

F. Technique of Data Analysis... 28

G. Statistical Hypothesis ... 30


A. Research Findings ... 31

1. Description of the Data ... 31

a. Collocation Knowledge Score ... 31

b. Reading Comprehension Score... 35

2. Analysis of the Data... 39

a. Analysis of Linearity of Test ... 39

b. Analysis of Normality of Test... 40

c. Analysis of Correlation Coefficient ... 40

d. Analysis of Determination Coefficient ... 44

3. Hypotheses Testing ... 45

B. Discussion ... 47

C. Limitations ... 49


A. Conclusion ... 51

B. Suggestions ... 51




Table 3.3 The Interpretation of Correlation ... 30

Table 4.1 The Collocation Knowledge Score of 4thSemester Students of Department of English Education ... 31

Table 4.2 The Statistical Score of Collocation Knowledge ... 34

Table 4.3 The Reading Comprehension Score of 4thSemester Students of Department of English Education ... 35

Table 4.4 The Statistical Score of Reading Comprehension ... 38

Table 4.5 The Linearity Test Results of the Data ... 39

Table 4.6 The Normality of the Tests ... 40

Table 4.7 The Data Analysis Table of Collocation Knowledge and Reading Comprehension... 41

Table 4.8 Pearson Product Moment Table... 44





APPENDIX 3 The Collocation Knowledge Score of 4thSemester Students of

Department of English Education ... 63

APPENDIX 4 The Reading Comprehension Score of 4thSemester Students of Department of English Education ... 65

APPENDIX 5 Original Collocation Knowledge Test (Before Pilot-test) ... 67

APPENDIX 6 Output Anates of the Pilot Test ... 71

APPENDIX 7 Statistical Calculation of Collocation Knowledge Score ... 80

APPENDIX 8 Statistical Calculation of Reading Comprehension Score... 81

APPENDIX 9 SPSS Correlations “r” Product Moment ... 82

APPENDIX 10 Pearson Product Moment Table ... 83

APPENDIX 11 T-table ... 85

APPENDIX 12Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian... 87

APPENDIX 13Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi... 88

APPENDIX 14Surat Bimbingan Skripsi... 89

APPENDIX 15Surat Permohonan... 90

APPENDIX 16Lembar Uji Referensi... 91



In learning a language, reading is a dominant activity in understanding the contexts of any texts which need to be read by the students. They can get information and improve their knowledge through reading. While reading,

learners’ skill in reading is needed in order to understand the massage of the text easily. Therefore, reading is one of skills which is important to be learned and improved like other language skills.

According to Richards, listening and reading are passive/receptive skill.1 As receptive skill, reading requires the readers to decode the message of written language. Reading can be defined as the process of understanding a text.2The text that learners read will help them to develop their reading comprehension. Reading is often known as a passive activity. However, reading is not totally passive because while reading, students need to make use their background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies for helping them understand a text.3 Reading can be a useless activity when the readers do not get the message of what they read. Therefore, reading is not as easy as thought because learners need some strategies to comprehend written language properly.

One of required strategies in comprehending a text is vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is crucial and important in reading because mastering vocabulary can help them to comprehend a text easily. However, mastering vocabulary is not only knowing word by word but also knowing combination of words. One of word combinations is collocation. Collocation refers to word combination which are usually stick together. As Lewis stated that collocation is the way words naturally


Jack C. Richards and Richard Schmidt, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, (4thEd.), (London: Pearson Education Limited, 2010), p. 322.


Ibid., p. 483.


Elizabeth S. Pang,et al.,Teaching Reading, (France: International Academy of Education, 2010), p. 6.


co-occur in language frequently.4 In learning English as Foreign Language, the awareness of collocation is precise especially in understanding the message of the text accurately. In fact, reading English text is not as easy as reading native language text. EFL learners may have some problems in reading English literatures, books, novels, or any printed materials because of many factors.

One of problems in reading is that the students cannot read effectively and understand fully English texts. Regarding to Kiaee that collocation and context are important and have a strong connection to the reading comprehension,5 lack of collocation knowledge can be one of factors of difficulty in comprehending English texts for language learners, especially non-native language learners who usually have less knowledge of collocation. Unlike native English learners, EFL learners faced some difficulties in learning collocation because English is not used in daily conversation. As a result, at school, when EFL learners read some English books, magazines, newspapers, novels, etc., they are difficult to comprehend the meaning of the texts. Related to preliminary study, many students faced difficulty in comprehending novels and English texts because of unfamiliar vocabularies. The unfamiliar vocabularies are collocation, such as, restore confidence, have second thoughts, give someone a hand, etc. Because of lack of collocation knowledge, they interpreted the meaning of the texts by translation word by word that caused different meaning from the real one. As a result, the students were difficult and slow in comprehending the text.

The statement above is in line with Brown and Kelly who stated that students are helped a lot in reading comprehension by having collocation knowledge.6 Moreover, Lien revealed in his study that EFL learners have better abilities to comprehend a text if they have a better knowledge of collocation.7


Michael Lewis, Teaching Collocations: Further Developments in the Lexical Approach, (Boston: Language Teaching Publications, 2000), p. 132.


Seyyede S. S. Kiaee,et al., The Effect of Teaching Collocations on Enhancing Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension,Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching, vol. 1 (1), 2013, p. 6. Retrieved from


Mansoor Ganji, The effect on Reading Comprehension of Lexical Collocation Instruction, Subject Matter Knowledge, and Cultural Schema, Journal of Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol. 2 (1), 2012, p. 109. Retrieved from



Therefore, learners who do not have knowledge of collocation may translate word-by-word when they read unfamiliar combination of words in the English texts. Consequently, their interpretation of the text will be different with the original massage of the text even they do not get the massage of the text at all. In fact, reading requires more than knowing individual words combined together to produce a meaningful sentences. In this case, the more practice in learning

collocation is needed to increase students’ collocation knowledge. Thus, it will influence their reading comprehension which can understand the text accurately.

Based on the explanation above, it can be assumed that having collocation knowledge has a relationship with reading comprehension, therefore, it can be proved by conducting a research with the tittle: The Relationship between

Students’ CollocationKnowledge and Their Reading Comprehension.

B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the background of study above, the problems which are related to this research can be identified as follows:

1. Students have less motivation in reading because they assume that reading is difficult activity.

2. It is supposed that many students have difficulty in reading because of lack of collocation knowledge.

3. Students still cannot be aware of collocation in English text because the exposure of collocation in school is still very limited.

C. Limitation of the Problems

In order to conduct an effective study, the problem of this research is limited by focusing on the relationshipbetween students’collocation knowledge which is limited in lexical collocation and their reading comprehension. The study is conducted at the fourth semester of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.


D. Formulation of the Study

Based on the limitation above, the research question can be formulated as:

“Is there any relationship between collocation knowledge and students’ reading comprehension at the fourth semester of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University ofJakarta?”

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to know and describe relationship between

students’ collocation knowledge and their reading comprehension at the fourth semester of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

F. Significance of the Study

The results of the study are expected to give benefits not only theoretically but also practically. The significances of the study are conveyed to:

1. Students

By the result of the study, it will provide a reflection for the students in enhancing collocation knowledge as well as their reading comprehension improved;

2. English teachers

Theoretically, it will provide the English teachers an information about the

importance of enhancing students’ collocation knowledge related to their reading comprehension. Therefore, in practice, the result will prompt teachers to give an alternative instruction that will be able to increase and improve

students’ collocationknowledge and their reading comprehension; 3. Further researchers

The result of the study will be useful as an inspiration and additional information for other researchers to do further research.



1. Definition of Reading

In learning English as foreign language, reading is one of essential skills should be mastered. Reading is a dominant activity in understanding the contexts of any texts which need to be read by the students. Reading is a process to get information to improve knowledge. According to Grabe and Stoller, reading is the ability to get the massage of the written text and understand the information properly.1 When people are reading, they are also communicating. In reading, there is an interaction between reader and writer. The text provides massage from the writer which should be constructed by the reader. The statement is in line with Alderson who stated that reading is a process of understanding a text message through some processes of interaction with the text.2

Based on the definition above, therefore, reading cannot be determined as a passive activity. Reading is a complex cognitive activity that involves the reader and text to interact in interpreting the meaningful information.3 Reading is one of receptive skills. According to Harmer, receptive skills are the process of extracting meaning from the discourse from seeing or hearing.4 Therefore, to understand the meaning of the text appropriately, the readers have to use their eyes and mind simultaneously to grasp the massage related to what the writer wants to give in order to avoid misunderstanding between the reader and the writer.

People may have different purposes in reading. Some of them read for recognizing written words, while for the others, they read to practice


William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading, (2ndEd.), (New York: Routledge, 2002), p. 11.


J. Charles Alderson,Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 3.


Sandra Silberstein, Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. xiii.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (4th Ed.), (Cambridge: Pearson Education Ltd, 2007), p. 265.


pronunciation and speaking.5 Through reading, students can improve their other skills such as speaking through the learning how to pronounce the words, writing through the learning the sentence structure from the text, and listening through reading aloud. Moreover, reading also can be a process for students to improve their linguistic competence. As Grabe stated that reading can be defined as a linguistic process which means that the readers will make phonemic connection, recognize the words and the structural phrases organizing the words, and linguistic knowledge of the language of the text.6

Thus, it can be drawn a conclusion that reading is an active attempt that involves the readers to use their eyes and mind simultaneously in order to construct the message of the text with their background knowledge as information. In addition, the purposes reading can be determined in various ways.

2. Types of Reading

In teaching and learning process, reading is a common activity for students to get information. In the reading activity, there are two types of reading which are usually done by the students. They usually read a short text for getting detail information. In addition, they usually read a longer text for getting the overall meaning of the passage. The kinds of reading are intensive and extensive reading.

a. Intensive Reading

Intensive Reading is reading a short text to extract specific or detail information of the text. Students usually need a short time to do this kind of reading. Intensive reading can be a way for the students to increase their knowledge of language features and their control of reading strategies.7 In addition, Intensive reading usually involves translation and comprehension of the text. The use of the translation is to analyze language features that they learned,


Sacha Anthony Berardo,The Use of Authentic Materials in the Teaching of Reading, (The Reading Matrix: Vol.6 (2), 2006), p. 60. Retrieved from


William Grabe,Reading in a Second Language: Moving from Theory to Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 16.


I.S.P Nation,Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge, 2009), p. 25.


and to make sure their comprehension.8 To reach students’ comprehension, they need to pay attention of accuracy of reading regarding to the text, vocabulary, and organization. The purpose of intensive reading is to help students to get the detail meaning of the text, to develop their reading skill such as identifying main ideas, recognizing text connectors, and the knowledge of grammar.9

b. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is reading a larger text in order to comprehend a whole meaningful text. In reading extensively, students usually spend more time because sometimes they need to understand the part of sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. As Nation stated that extensive reading is a learning activity which focuses on meaning input and fluency development. When reading, the students need to pay attention to the meaning of the text rather than the language features of the text.10 Extensive reading can be a way for the students to build a reading culture and their fluency by reading in quantity. In addition, extensive reading provides positive experiences and motivation for the students in reading.11

3. Purposes of Reading

Students can read anything every time and ever where. Of course, they have different purposes in reading. For example, when students read a newspaper, getting main point of the information is their purpose of reading. On the other hand, when they read a novel, the purpose of reading is for pleasure. According to Grabe and Stoller, there are some purposes in reading:12

a. Reading to search for simple information

In reading to search, typically the readers do scanning a text for getting a specific word or specific information.


I.S.P Nation,Loc. cit.


Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge Press University, 2002), p. 296.


I.S.P Nation,Op. cit., p. 50.


William Grabe,Op. cit., p. 322.



b. Reading to skim quickly

In reading to skim quickly, the readers read for getting general comprehension of text in a short time.

c. Reading to learn from texts

Reading to learn from texts refers to learning substantial information which requires linkingthe text with the readers’ background knowledge.

d. Reading to integrate information

For getting information, reading to integrate information requires the reader to decide what information they are going to pick.

e. Reading to write

Similar to reading to integrate information, reading to write refers to reading for selecting information being read which can be a source for developing writing.

f. Reading to critique texts

In reading to critique text, the readers need to select, critique and compose the information of the text.

g. Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general information is actually a complex reading activity which requires the readers to process words, strong skills in forming general meaning in representing of mind ideas, and efficient coordination of many processes rapidly and automatically under very limited time constraints.

4. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is an activity which requires the reader to interpret a written text. In interpreting the text, students need to convert word by word of the text by using their eyes and brain simultaneously and process it with their background knowledge in order to get a meaningful understanding of the text. The process of understanding the meaning of a written text is called reading comprehension.


According to Lems, reading comprehension is a skill to create meaning that is given from a printed text.13 Alexander determined comprehension as an active

process to comprehend a text which requires learners’ background knowledge

with the information of the text.14 It can be described that comprehension needs active readers who bring their ideas or background knowledge related to the information of the text in order to make appropriate inferences easily. Without comprehension, the readers just read word by word without getting the meaning of the text.

Furthermore, reading comprehension is also determined as getting the essential information from a text and understanding it as efficiently as possible.15 Students read a text and comprehend it based on their purposes of reading by getting the information which they are looking for. For example, when they get an advertisement, they deny the unimportant information and seek the most significant information of the text. Therefore, comprehension above means that the readers need the ability to locate the relevant information carefully based on their particular purposes of reading.

Comprehending a text requires readers who have good comprehensions to construct an appropriate message of the text. According to Gillet,et al., there are some characteristics of being a good comprehensive reader such as: recalling their prior knowledge of the reading topic, inquiring some questions about the topic before and during the reading, constructing appropriate interpretations of the text if the ideas are implicitly stated, and getting main ideas, making a summary, and some representation of the words in the text.16

Based on the explanation above, thus, reading comprehension is important and it is a complex process, which requires the readers to integrate words and


Kristin Lems, et al., Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Insights from Linguistics, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2010), p. 170.


J. Estill Alexander,Teaching Reading, (Boston: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1989), p. 127.


Frangoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skill a Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercise, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999), p. 3.


Jean Wallace Gillet, et al., Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 166.


sentences of the text using their brain into a meaningful whole.17 It means that comprehending a text needs active readers to analyze and process words and sentences to construct an appropriate meaning by connecting to their background knowledge, personal experience and vocabulary mastery to get a meaningful understanding of the text.

5. Strategies for Reading Comprehension

A message of written text can be properly received by the readers with varying degrees of comprehending. Readers who have good skills in comprehension will easily construct the meaning of the text. However, being good comprehensive readers is not easy because sometimes they face some reading problems which can disturb their comprehension. There are several essential comprehension strategies for the readers to improve their reading comprehension.18

a. Using Prior Knowledge

In order to comprehend a text, students need to integrate their new information from the text with their background knowledge related to the text.

b. Asking and Answering Questions

When reading, making some questions and reading to answer the questions are reading activities in improving their ability to get significant details from the text. By asking some questions related to the text, the students will more pay attention to the information to answer the questions.

c. Determining What is Important

The purpose of reading is getting information. However, most texts contain so much information which sometimes make students confuse what information should they get from the text. In this case, students need to deny the unimportant information and focus on the most significant information from the text based on their purpose of reading.


Jane Oakhill,et al.,Understanding and Teaching Reading Comprehension:A Handbook, (New York: Routledge, 2015), p. 1.


Raymond Philippot, and Michael F. Graves, Fostering Comprehension in English Classes, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2009), pp. 107—115.


d. Summarizing

Students need to summarize of what they read using their own words by selecting the important ideas and choosing significant detailed from the text. Practice in summarizing a text may lead the students to improve their skill in understanding a reading text.

e. Making Inferences

Sometimes, many texts have unstated ideas which require the readers to construct the full meaning of the text. Therefore, in this strategy, students infer the meaning of what they read when the ideas of the text are not explicitly stated. Inferring the meaning of the text can be done by using information

from the text and students’ existing schemata to fill in information.

f. Dealing with Graphic Information

Sometimes, a text consists of illustrations, graphs, maps, or diagrams. Students need to pay special attention to the graphic information because they often provide key points that students can use to support them in understanding the message of the text.

g. Imaging

When imaging, it is necessary for students to create mental pictures of the text. The imaging consists of graphically organizing key ideas of the text. Imaging can help students to visualize what they read so that they easily have fully understanding of the text.

h. Monitoring Comprehension

To achieve greater comprehension of texts, students need to monitor their comprehension by considering their desire to gain from a text and their understanding of the text. Students can monitor their comprehension by asking

them some questions such as “Am I understand what the author is saying?

What can I do to increase my understanding?” Students can reread the text to

build meaning and they can use dictionary if they face unfamiliar words during the rereading.


B. Collocation

1. Definition of Collocation

When students learn a language, they also will learn the form of words of its language. All languages have different word formations that become a uniqueness of every language. However, many languages may have similar word formations, for instance, the combination of words which usually go together. Some linguists call the combination of words as ‘lexical phrases’ or ‘lexical items’, others prefer to call them ‘chunks’ of language. Meanwhile, the combination of words with words which usually go together has been called as collocation.

Collocation is important and crucial in every language. Collocation can be found in many kinds of text, such as magazines, newspapers, and/or educational texts. When people hear the word ‘collocation’, they may have different perspectives to define it because there is no single definition of collocation. The first definition of collocation was introduced by Firth, J.R. who defined

collocation as ‘the company words keep’ which means the relationship of one word with other words.19 The term of collocation is originally from the Latin verb

‘collocate’ that means ‘to set in order/to arrange’.

Other definitions of the term of collocation have been defined by linguists in different ways. According to Palmer, collocation is a combination of two or more words which must be learned by analyzing its essential whole part of its component not pieced together.20 In addition, Hunston added, the statistical tendency of pair of words which co-occur together can be defined as collocation.21 For example, the word shed collocates with words garden, job, etc. When shed

collocates with garden as garden shed, the word shed is a noun. In other case, it becomes a verb when it collocates with the wordjobasshed job. According to the


Michael Lewis, Teaching Collocations: Further Developments in the Lexical Approach, (Boston: Language Teaching Publications, 2000), p. 48.


Graeme Kennedy, Amplifier Collocations in the British National Corpus: Implications for English Language Teaching, TESOL Quarterly, vol. 37 (3), 2003, p. 468. Retrieved from


Susan Hunston, Corpora in Applied Linguistics, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 12.


definitions above, collocation is determined by structure and occurs in pattern which is considered from the statistical/frequency-based perspective.

On the other hand, other linguists defined the term of collocation from lexical point of view. Unlike statistical/frequency-based definition of collocation, a lexical definition identifies collocation as a combination of two or more words that frequently occur in a language.22 Michael Lewis pointed the words that to be considered as collocation, are not combined freely, but the words co-occur naturally.23 In addition, the statements above are in line with McCarthy who argued that collocation is combination of words in a language which is closely associated each other in natural way, for instance, it is common to sayshe has got blonde hairrather than she has got yellow hair.24 Although both of the sentences have similar meaning, learners are not suggested to collocate one word with other words as they wish. Since there are many words combinations that usually stick together, this does not mean that all co-occurring words can be considered as collocation. Then, there are no rules to combine words to be collocation, people usually determined the collocation by seeing the words that often stick together in common sense. In short, collocation consists two or more words that sound naturally for native language.

From definitions above, it is worth noticed that there is no single definition

of the word ‘collocation’. Since, there is no single meaning to describe what collocation is, the form of collocation is usually unclear for many EFL learners because sometimes the form of the words combination in target language have different meaning when it is translated into the native language. For example, the

students may translate “membuat kesimpulan” from L1 into L2 “make a conclusion”. However, the words are not usual for native speakers because they

usually use “draw a conclusion”, inwhich “membuat kesimpulan”as its definition in L1. Therefore, it is translated as “draw a conclusion” to make the words


Ronald Carter, Vocabulary Applied Linguistic Perspectives, (2nd Ed.), (New York: Routledge, 1998), p. 51.


Michael Lewis,Op. cit.,p. 132.

24Michael McCharty and Felicity O’Dell,

English Collocation in Use: Intermediate, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 4.


acceptable without destroying the meaning and keep the original message in the source language.

2. Types of Collocation

Knowing patterns of collocation is important because the words occur together based on its patterns. Many experts classify collocation into several types. There are two major classifications of collocation; grammatical and lexical collocation.

a. Grammatical Collocation

Grammatical collocation is the words occur together within a combination of lexical and grammatical word.25 In grammatical collocation, the co-occurring words consist of a noun, an adjective, or a verb, plus a preposition or a grammatical structure such as an infinitive or clause.26 A grammatical item is a unit of language whose presence in the text is due to its grammatical function rather than to any meaning it may represent. According to Ilson,et al., in The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English, grammatical collocations fall into following combination:27

Type Pattern Example

G1 Noun + Preposition blockade against

apathy towards


Noun followed byto+


It was apleasureto do it. They had theforesightto do it. They felt acompulsionto do it. They made anattemptto do it. He was afoolto do it.

G3 Noun followed bythat


we reach an agreement that she would represent us in court


Michael Lewis,Op. cit.,p. 134.


Jens Bahns, Lexical Collocation: a Contrastive View, ELT Journal, (Oxford University Press, vol. 47 (1), 1993), p. 57. Retrieved from


Robert Ilson, et al., The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co, 2010), pp. xix—xxx.


Type Pattern Example

G4 Preposition + Noun

by accident in advance in agony

on somebody’s advice

G5 Adjective + Preposition They areangry atthe children

They arehungry fornews.

G6 Adjective and a followingto

+ Infinitive

Adjective with dummy subject “it”:

It was necessary to work

Adjective with real and animate subject:

She (the girl) is ready to go.


Adjective followed bythat


She was afraid that she would fail her examination

It was imperative that I be there at three


G8 Verb Pattern of Collocation

Verb with specific preposition and an object:

They came by train

Verb followed by an object + to infinitive:

They permitted the children to watch television

b. Lexical Collocation

Lexical collocation is the words occur together within two lexical different elements.28 Unlike grammatical collocation, lexical collocation does not contain of prepositions, infinitives, or clauses, but typically contains of various combination of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.29 A lexical item is a unit of language which represents a particular area of meaning which has a unique pattern of combination with other lexical items. According to Ilson, et al., in The BBI


Michael Lewis,Loc. cit.



Combinatory Dictionary of English, lexical collocations fall into following combination:30

Type Pattern Example


Verb (usually transitive) + Noun/Pronoun (or prep. phrase)

Verb denoting creation:

Come to an agreement Compose a music

Verb denoting activation:

Fly a kite

Launch a missile

L2 Verb (eradication and/

nullification) + Noun

Reject an appeal Break a code

L3 Adjective + Noun Strong tea

A chronic alcoholic

L4 Noun + Verb Bombs explode

Bees sting

L5 Noun + Noun

Larger unit to which a single member belongs:

A herd of buffalo A bouquet of flowers

The specific, concrete, small unit of something larger, more general:

A bit of advice An article of clothing

L6 Adverb + Adjective Hopelessly addicted

Sound asleep

L7 Verb + Adverb

Amuse thoroughly Apologize humbly Appreciate sincerely



In addition, due to the importance of learning collocation, Hill suggested the types of collocation which need to be taught to English language learners, as follows:31

Pattern Example

Adjective + Noun A huge profit

Noun + Noun A pocket calculator

Verb + Adjective + Noun Learn a foreign language

Verb + Adverb Live dangerously

Verb + Preposition + Noun Speak through an interpreter

Adverb + Verb Half understand

Adverb + Adjective Completely soaked

Furthermore, He also classified collocation into more specific types, as follows:32

a. Unique Collocations

Unique collocations are fixed collocations in the sense that the word fixedly collocates with the word and cannot be replaced by other words. For example,

foot the billand shrug our shoulders. b. Strong Collocations

Strong collocations are less fixed than unique collocations but they have a strong and very strong combination. Few words can replace the target collocates, for example,rancid butterandmove to tears.

c. Weak Collocation

Weak collocations are easily predictable combinations of usual words in English. For example, long hair and green shirt. Since they cause no real


Jimmie Hill, Revising priorities: from grammatical failure to collocational success. In M. Lewis (Ed.), Teaching collocations: Further Developments in the Lexical Approach, (Boston: Language Teaching Publications, 2000), p. 51.



difficulty for learners, they need to be made aware of their predictable collocations.

d. Medium-Strength Collocations

Medium-strength collocations are words that frequently go together. These are neither free nor completely fixed. Students may know the individual words

hold and conversation, but not the word combinations. For example, hold a conversationandmake a mistake.

3. Definition of Collocation Knowledge

The acquisition of vocabulary is a significant component in using a language. The knowledge of words can be seen as a learners’ ability to store words in their memory and use them accurately and appropriately in a given context. Doczi, et al., grouped vocabulary knowledge into passive and active vocabulary knowledge. Passive vocabulary knowledge is an ability to recognize and understand lexical units. Meanwhile, an ability to use lexical units in speech and writing is called active vocabulary knowledge.33 Learners need to have vocabulary knowledge because by having vocabulary knowledge, they are able to use it to form a language production and form a meaning in comprehension as needs in communication.

Nevertheless, having vocabulary knowledge does not only know words but also know the combinatory possibilities of the words. Learners must be able to combine words to other words to form phrases, and combine words to form grammatical patterns, clauses, and sentences to use a language. The combination of words with words usually has been called as collocation.34 Meanwhile, the ability to store sequences of words as the bases of language learning is called collocation knowledge.35

Having knowledge of collocation is clearly crucial for foreign language learners in learning English. Hill pointed out that “It is possible that up to 70% of


Brigtta Doczi, and Judit Kormos,Longitudinal Developments in Vocabulary Knowledge and Lexical Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), p. 7.


Robert Ilson,et al.,Op. cit., p. vii.


Yu-han Ma and Wen-yin Lin, A Study on the Relationship between English Reading Comprehension and English Vocabulary Knowledge, Journal of Education Research International, 2015, p. 3. Retrieved from


everything we say, hear, read, or write is to be found in some form of fixed expression.”36It seems that knowledge of collocation relates to the proficiency of language learning. Having collocation knowledge can help learners to form an appropriate understanding of text. The reason that learners do not understand what they read is that they read every word as if it were separate from every other word. In other words, they do not recognize collocation as meaningful phrases, which would inhibit their understanding of the text. Moreover, knowledge of collocation can help learners to use appropriate words in producing a language. For instance, the words beautiful and handsome have similar meaning, however, it is not appropriate to say she is a handsome girl and he is a beautiful boy. There are many collocations that are more appropriate to use in natural way. It means that the given context is central in using collocation to create the appropriateness of words.

However, for English foreign language learners, having collocation knowledge might be nearly impossible. Collocation sometimes cannot be understood literally, therefore the words cannot be used with confident. Learners may know words but their collocation knowledge is very limited because collocation frequently occurs in spoken and written English in fact English is not used in everyday life in foreign language learners’ area. Therefore, there should be a further effort to learn collocation to improve their collocation knowledge.

Ideally, the acquisition of collocation is not instantaneously acquired. It must be learned gradually from numerous exposures. Collocation can be learned in various ways. There are varieties of collocation dictionary for those who wish to learn more about collocation. The dictionaries provide a much more comprehensive account of a word collocates rather than the traditional dictionary. Novels, newspapers, magazines, radio programs, and movies also can be sources for learning collocation. In addition, corpora concordances also can be a good resource for learners to determine their collocation frequencies and explore the collocation use.



From the explanation above, it can be concluded that collocation knowledge is defined as an ability to store the combination of words to other words which sound naturally, to use them accurately to produce a language, and to construct meaning in comprehension. In addition, collocation must be recognized in a text or speech and learned in order to improve collocation knowledge. By having collocation knowledge, it will improve English learners’ fluency, accuracy, and appropriateness in forming a language production and meaning in comprehension.

C. Related Previous Studies

The relationship between collocation and the language proficiency has been conducted by some researches. Zahra Yazdandoost, et al., has investigated The Relationship among Collocation Knowledge and Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners. The study focused on investigating both lexical and grammatical collocation knowledge and their relation to the language proficiency; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. There were 50 male and female Iranian graduate students of different fields of study who were studying English as a foreign language involved in this study. Both lexical and grammatical collocations tests are conducted in this study to measure the students’ collocation knowledge. For finding out students’ listening, reading, speaking, and writing proficiency, the study took an IELTS sample tests (IELTS Practice Plus Pearson Education Longman University, Version two). The study revealed that the language proficiency has a relationship with students’

lexical and grammatical collocation knowledge. Moreover, knowledge of

collocation can predict the students’ performance or proficiency in all four

language skills.37

In addition, Elsa Sastrawati, et al., investigated A Correlation between

Students’ Reading Interest and Their Lexical Knowledge of Collocations towards

Their Reading Ability. The aims of the study were to find out the relationship

between students’ reading interest and their lexical knowledge of collocations and


Zahra Yazdandoost, et al., The Relationship among Collocation Knowledge and Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners, Journal of International Scientific Publications, vol. 8, 2014, pp. 408—419. Retrieved from


how these affected to their reading ability. There were 88 second year students of English Department of Bung Hatta University who were involved in this study. For correlation study, approximately 30 samples were regarded enough that relates variables. This study distributed questionnaire to find out the students’ response in reading interest, conducted collocation test to measure the students’

knowledge in lexical collocation, and conducted reading test to find out the

students’ ability in reading. The result of analyzing data of this study revealed that

reading interest has a relation with lexical knowledge of collocation towards

students’ reading ability.38

Another study isThe Effect of Teaching Collocation on Enhancing Iranian

EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension by Seyyede Samaneh Sadat Kiaee, et al.

The study used quasi-experiment as a research design to examine the effect of

collocation instruction on enhancing Iranian EFL learners’ reading

comprehension. The study involved 70 EFL intermediate students from Safir English Institute in Tehran, Iran. They were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group was given collocation treatment while there was no treatment for control group. In experimental group, the

procedure of collocation instruction included teaching and recognizing

collocations, giving examples, and practicing activities, all of which were designed to enhance the participants’ understanding of collocations. The study used reading comprehension pretest and posttest consisted of three reading

passages which had about 40 collocations to test the level of students’ reading

comprehension. The result indicated that the experimental group outperformed the control group in reading comprehension. Thus, it revealed that the teaching of


Elsa Sastrawati, et al., A Correlation between Students’ Reading Interest and Their Lexical Knowledge of Collocations towards Their Reading Ability,Abstract of Undergraduate of Faculty of Education of Bung Hatta University, vol. 4 (1), 2015, pp. 1—14. Retrieved from 5106&path%5B%5D=4323.


collocation has a significant role in improving EFL learners’ reading


Although there has been a study examined EFL learners' collocation knowledge with language proficiency and there has been a study examined the relationship between reading interest and lexical knowledge of collocation towards reading ability, not many studies have investigated EFL learners' collocation knowledge which is limited in lexical collocation with respect to a specific language skill, reading. Moreover, since there has been the investigation that concerns with the effect of teaching collocation on enhancing EFL learners’

reading comprehension in the Iranian setting, it is worth noting that the present

study, therefore, examined the relationship between students’ collocation

knowledge limited in lexical collocation and their reading comprehension in Indonesian setting.

D. Thinking Framework

Based on the theories above, reading is one of language skills which is important to be learned. In learning a language, students will get information through reading in order to improve their knowledge to produce a language. Reading is defined as a process of interpreting text to get information and expand knowledge. In reading, the use of eyes and brain are required to process the words and connect it with their background knowledge to get information appropriately. Reading is not only knowing the words but also comprehending the text. Comprehending a reading text is a skill to construct meaning of the text appropriately. Hence, comprehending a text needs an active reader who is able to connect their particular knowledge to the information provided in the text to interpret the message properly. Without comprehension, the readers just read word by word without getting the message of the text.

Moreover, when students read a text, they also will analyze words in the text to construct meaning. There are many word formations in passages. One of them


S. S. S. Kiaee, et al., The Effect of Teaching Collocations on Enhancing Iranian EFL

Learners’ Reading Comprehension, Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching, vol. 1 (1), 2013, p. 1. Retrieved from


is multi words, namely collocation. Collocation consists of two or more words which co-occur together frequently in natural way. Collocation can be found in English texts such as books, magazines, newspapers, novels, etc. In learning a language, collocation is crucial because by having collocation knowledge, it will help students in comprehension and production of a language. Collocation knowledge is defined as an ability to store multi words which frequently co-occur together.

Having a better knowledge of collocation also has an impact to thestudents’

language proficiency, especially reading. In reading, students frequently translate word by word to understand the text. However when they face collocation in a text, they may not translate it word by word. For example, students who have lack

of collocation may translate “have second thoughts about something” as think about it twice, however the correct one is decide that it may not be a good idea after all. When students face collocation words, they have to guess the meaning of one word to the collocated word and connect it to the context of the text in order to get complete comprehension. Therefore, the students need to aware every collocation they get after hearing or reading, in order to improve their knowledge of collocation. By having better knowledge of collocation, it will help them in comprehending a text accurately.

Thus, based on the explanation above, it can be identified that collocation has a great deal with reading. It can be supposed that the more students getting aware about collocation and having a better collocation knowledge, they will easily and quickly get a complete comprehension of the text; while students who have lack of collocation knowledge will not able to comprehend the text properly.

E. Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the theories discussed above, it can be proposed theoretical hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between students’ collocation knowledge and their reading comprehension.




This study was conducted for two months, from May to June 2016. The study was conducted for distributing collocation knowledge and reading comprehension tests. The place of the study was at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta which was located at Jalan Ir. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. The consideration of conducting the study at this site was because of the accessibility and familiarity of the situation and the participants.

B. Method and Design of Research

The method of this study was quantitative method. Meanwhile, the research design of this study was correlational study. The real design of the study is represented as follows:

Figure 3.1 Research Design


X = Independent Variable Y = Dependent Variable

r = Relationship

From the chart above, this study investigated the correlation between two variables. The variables were independent and dependent variables. The

independent variable was “collocation knowledge” which was known as X

variable. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was “reading comprehension”which

was known as Y variable.


C. Population and Sample

The population of the study was the fourth semester students of Department of English Education at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year 2015/2016. There were 3 classes; 4A, 4B, and 4C and each class consisted of 17, 23, 23 students. The total number of 3 classes was 63 students. The target population of this study was chosen because they have already passed or learned the related subjects investigated in this study such as vocabulary, morphology and reading subjects. According to Cohen, taking the larger sample is better to give greater reliability and facilitate more sophisticated statistics to be used.1Therefore, the study was considered to take large sample for collecting data

consisted of 46 students which were selected using purposive sampling technique. The samples were chosen from 4B and 4C classes of Department of English Education. Meanwhile, the other 17 students from 4A class were involved to be participants in testing validity and reliability of the research instrument.

D. Instrument of Research

In this study, test was used as the instrument for collecting data. There were two different tests conducted in this study; reading comprehension and collocation knowledge tests.

1. Reading Comprehension Test

In this study, the reading comprehension test was adopted from Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test Preparation for the Computer and Paper Test by the reason that the book consisted of the TOEFL paper-based test which usually used in the institutional TOEFL. In other words, the test was suitable for the participants of this study as undergraduate students. After being analyzed manually, the passages in the reading test contained lexical collocation whose score was appropriate to be correlated with the score of lexical collocation knowledge in order to find its significant relationship.

1Louise Cohen, et al., Research Method in Education (6thEd.), (New York: Routledge,


a. Conceptual Definition

Reading comprehension is an ability to understand the meaning of a text by identifying main idea, detailed information, finding reference and similar words, and making inference of the text. Reading comprehension test was conducted to

identify the students’ reading comprehension.

b. Operational Definition

Reading comprehension is an ability shown by the score gained by the students based on the test, which comprises of main idea, detailed information, reference word, similar word, and inference of text. The test was conducted by using multiple choice test type which consisted of four passages. Total items were twenty which were divided by five items in each passage.

Here was the blue print of reading comprehension test:

Table 3.1

The Blue Print of Reading Comprehension Test

Aspect Indicator Item Number Total Item

Comprehending the English Text.

1. Determining main idea of the text 1, 6, 11, 16 4

2. Identifying stated detail

information on the text 3, 13, 20 3

3. Identifying unstated detail

information on the text 5, 9, 15 3

4. Making inference based on the

text 4, 8, 18 3

5. Finding reference word in the text 7, 14, 17 3

6. Identifying similar word in the

text 2, 10, 12 19 4


2. Collocation Knowledge Test

In the collocation knowledge test, the items were adapted from two collocation workbooks, Natural English Collocation written by Jon Marks and Alison Wooder; and Using Collocation for Natural English written by Elizabeth Walter and Kate Woodford. The test was conducted by using multiple choice test type. Before administering the test, there were 40 items which have been analyzed to check the validity and reliability of the test (see appendix 5). The result revealed that the validity and reliability of the test were 0.65 and 0.79 (see appendix 6). After being analyzed, there were 20 items of collocation knowledge test which were chosen for collecting data (see appendix 1).

a. Conceptual Definition

Lexical collocation knowledge is an understanding about a combination of two or more words such as various combinations of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs that go together frequently and naturally in a language. In this study,

lexical collocation knowledge test was conducted in order to know students’

knowledge of lexical collocation.

b. Operational Definition

Collocation knowledge is an understanding shown by the score gained by the students based on the test, which comprises of 8 lexical collocation categories such as V + N/Pronoun, N + V, Adj + N, N + N, Adv + Adj, V + Adv, V + Adj + N, and Adv + V.

Here was the blue print of collocation test:

Table 3.2

The Blue Print of Collocation Test

Aspect Item Indicator Item Number Total Item

1. Understanding the meaning of

collocation based on the context.

Verb (transitive) +

Noun/Pronoun 1, 4, 16 3

Noun + Verb 5, 20 2


Aspect Item Indicator Item Number Total Item

2. Using collocation based on the context.

Adjective + Noun 2, 11, 19 3

Adverb + Adjective 6, 14, 18 3

Verb + Adverb 3, 9, 17 3

Adverb + Verb 10, 13 2

Verb + Adjective + Noun 8, 12 2


E. Technique of Data Collection

This study employed two different tests for getting the data. The tests used in this study were collocation knowledge test and reading comprehension test. The

tests were conducted to measure the students’ collocation knowledge and their

reading comprehension. A multiple-choice test type was used in designing both tests and each test consisted of 20 items. The assessment guideline for assessing the tests was number of true score was divided by total number of the test and was multiplied by 100. In collecting the data, the first test conducted in this study was

collocation test for collecting data of students’ collocation knowledge. Afterward, reading comprehension test was conducted for collecting data of students’ reading

comprehension test.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

For analyzing the data, the study used a formula of Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. Pearson product-moment correlation can be used to analyze data which is collected from the result of the two variables measurement in interval scale.2 The formula used for finding the number of correlation, as follows:3

2Jonathan Sarwono, Metode Penelitan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu,

2006), p. 149.

3Donald Ary,et al.,Introduction to Research in Education(8thEd.), (Belmont: Wadsworth,


r =

( )( )

( ) ( )

In which:

N = the number of respondent

X = the student’s score in collocationknowledge Y = the student’s score in reading comprehension

ΣX = the sum of collocation knowledge score

ΣY = the sum of reading comprehension score

ΣX2 = the sum of squares of collocation knowledge score

ΣY2 = the sum of squares of reading comprehension score

(ΣX)2 = the squares of the sum of collocation knowledge score

(ΣY)2 = the squares of the sum of reading comprehension score

ΣXY = the sum multiple of collocation knowledge score and reading

comprehension score

Then, the contribution of the independent variable (x) towards the dependent variable (y) was investigated through the determination coefficient (r2) as


R = r2x 100%

R = value of determinant coefficient

r2 = value of the squared correlation coefficient

Moreover, after getting the r score, the significance between two variables was tested to know the correlation between variable X and variable Y. The formula of the significance test is:5


to = t value

4Subana,et al.Statistik Pendidikan, (Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2000), p. 145.

5 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,


r = value of correlation coefficient

n = number of sample

After getting the index score ofrcorrelation, product moment (rxy) usually

used the interpretation such as bellow.6

Table 3.3

The Interpretation of Correlation

The score of “r” product

moment (rxy) Interpretation

0.00—0.19 There is a relationship between X and Y, but the

correlation is very weak or little so it is ignored or it is considered no correlation in this rating.

0.20—0.39 There is a relationship between X and Y, but it is

weak or little.

0.40—0.59 There is a relationship between X and Y. The

value is medium.

0.60—0.79 There is high relationship between X and Y.

0.80—1.00 There is a very high relationship between X and


G. Statistical Hypothesis

To know whether there is any significant correlation or not between X variable and Y variable, the statistical hypotheses were used as follows:

1. If ro> rt = Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that there is a

relationship between collocation knowledge and reading comprehension. 2. If ro< rt = Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. It means that there is a no

relationship between collocation knowledge and reading comprehension.



1. Description of the Data

The research was conducted at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in which the fourth semester students of Department of English Education were involved as the participants of the research. There were two different tests conducted in this study; collocation knowledge test and reading comprehension test. The tests were conducted in order to get data of students’

collocation knowledge and their reading comprehension. The data was described as follows:

a. Collocation Knowledge Score

These are the score of collocation knowledge gotten from the collocation knowledge test conducted by the researcher.

Table 4.1

The Collocation Knowledge Score of 4thSemester Students of Department of English Education

Participants Collocation Knowledge Score (X)

Student 1 60

Student 2 70

Student 3 55

Student 4 80

Student 5 55

Student 6 65

Student 7 65

Student 8 70

Student 9 70

Student 10 45

Student 11 55

Student 12 60


Participants Collocation Knowledge Score (X)

Student 14 75

Student 15 60

Student 16 80

Student 17 80

Student 18 85

Student 19 65

Student 20 85

Student 21 50

Student 22 60

Student 23 65

Student 24 75

Student 25 60

Student 26 55

Student 27 90

Student 28 70

Student 29 85

Student 30 50

Student 31 70

Student 32 65

Student 33 50

Student 34 75

Student 35 60

Student 36 80

Student 37 65

Student 38 60

Student 39 95

Student 40 65

Student 41 50

Student 42 70

Student 43 50

Student 44 80

Student 45 70


To provide an additional vivid description of the data distribution of collocation knowledge, the histogram of frequency distribution is presented in figure 4.1 as follows:

Figure 4.1

The Histogram of Data of Collocation Knowledge

From the figure 4.1 above, the total number of students is 46 students. The student who got score 45 is 1 student, students who got score 50 are 5 students, score 55 are 5 students, score 60 are 7 students, score 65 are 8 students, score 70 are 7 students, score 75 are 3 students, score 80 are 5 students, score 85 are 3 students, student who got score 90 is 1 student, and score 95 is 1 student. Apparently, from the symmetrical bell-shaped curve, it shows that the data of collocation knowledge is normally distributed.

Furthermore, the statistical score of collocation knowledge were counted using Frequencies of Descriptive Statistics in SPSS statistic program version 22.0


to know the mean, mode, median, and standard deviation score of the collocation knowledge test. It can be described as follows:

Table 4.2

The Statistical Score of Collocation Knowledge Statistics

Collocation Knowledge

N Valid 46

Missing 0

Mean 66.63

Median 65.00

Mode 65

Std. Deviation 11.928

Variance 142.283

Range 50

Minimum 45

Maximum 95

Sum 3065

From the descriptive statistic above, the respondents of this study are 46 students. The mean of collocation knowledge score is 66.63 which means that the average score the students obtained. The median score or the middle score of collocation knowledge is 65.00. Then, the mode score or the score that appears the most is 65. It means that most of students obtained 65 in collocation knowledge test. In addition, the highest score of collocation knowledge is 95 whereas the lowest score is 45. Therefore, the range score between the highest and the lowest score is 50. The last, the standard deviation of collocation knowledge test is 11.928 with variance 142.283.

In Department of English Education, the score are characterized as follows:

80—100 = A

70—79 = B

60—69 = C

0—59 = D

An “A” is characterized as an excellent score. It is the highest score and the students who obtained itpassed the test excellently. Then, “B” is characterized


as a good score. Next, “C” is characterized as a medium score, or the test takers passed the test but it is recommended to retake the test or have remedial test. The last, “D” score is characterized as a bad score or the test takers failed to pass the test.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the 4th semester students of Department of English Education in academic year 2015/2016 obtained medium score in collocation knowledge. It is revealed that most of students obtained score 65, which is characterized as C, a medium score. Overall, the 4th semester students of Department of English Education at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year 2015/2016 have adequate collocation knowledge.

b. Reading Comprehension Score

These are the score of reading comprehension gotten from the reading comprehension test conducted by the researcher.

Table 4.3

The Reading Comprehension Score of 4thSemester Students of Department of English Education

Participants Reading Comprehension Score (Y)

Student 1 50

Student 2 65

Student 3 75

Student 4 90

Student 5 80

Student 6 50

Student 7 85

Student 8 80

Student 9 55

Student 10 75

Student 11 60

Student 12 65


Participants Reading Comprehension Score (Y)

Student 14 85

Student 15 65

Student 16 75

Student 17 75

Student 18 90

Student 19 60

Student 20 70

Student 21 70

Student 22 75

Student 23 75

Student 24 50

Student 25 85

Student 26 65

Student 27 85

Student 28 65

Student 29 75

Student 30 70

Student 31 55

Student 32 75

Student 33 60

Student 34 95

Student 35 65

Student 36 75

Student 37 70

Student 38 70

Student 39 95

Student 40 65

Student 41 55

Student 42 70

Student 43 60

Student 44 90

Student 45 80


To provide an additional vivid description of the data distribution of reading comprehension, the histogram of frequency distribution is presented in figure 4.2 as follows:

Figure 4.2

The Histogram of Data of Reading Comprehension

From the figure 4.2 above, the students who got score 50 are 3 students, score 55 are 3 students, score 60 are 4 students, score 65 are 8 students, score 70 are 7 students, score 75 are 9 students, score 80 are 3 students, score 85 are 4 students, score 90 are 3 students, and score 95 are 2 students. Apparently, from the symmetrical bell-shaped curve, it shows that the data of reading comprehension is normally distributed.

Then, the statistical score of reading comprehension were counted using Frequencies of Descriptive Statistics in SPSS statistical program version 22.0 to


know the mean, mode, median, and standard deviation score of the reading comprehension test. It can be described as follow:

Table 4.4

The Statistical Score of Reading Comprehension Statistics

Reading Comprehension

N Valid 46

Missing 0

Mean 71.30

Median 70.00

Mode 75

Std. Deviation 11.806

Variance 139.372

Range 45

Minimum 50

Maximum 95

Sum 3280

From the descriptive statistic above, the respondents of this study are 46 students. The mean of reading comprehension score is 71.30 which means that the average score the students obtained. The median score or the middle score of reading comprehension is 70.00. Then, the mode score or the score that appear the most is 75. It means that most of students obtained 75 in reading comprehension test. In addition, the highest score of reading comprehension is 95 whereas the lowest score is 50. Therefore, the range score between the highest and the lowest score is 45. In addition, the standard deviation of reading comprehension test is 11.806 with variance 139.372.

In Department of English Education, the score are characterized as follows:

80—100 = A

70—79 = B

60—69 = C


An “A” is characterized as an excellent score. It is the highest score and

the students who obtained it, passed the test excellently. Then, “B” is characterized as a good score. Next, “C” is characterized as a medium score, or the test takers passed the test but it is recommended to retake the test or have remedialtest. The last, “D” score is characterized as a bad score or the test takers failed to pass the test.

Based on the data description above, it can be concluded that the fourth semester students of Department of English Education in academic year 2015/2016 obtained good score in reading comprehension. It is revealed that most of students obtained score 75, in which score 75 is characterized as B, a good score. Overall, the fourth semester students of Department of English Education of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta in academic year 2015/2016 have good reading comprehension.

2. Analysis of the Data

a. Analysis of Linearity of Test

The linearity of the tests was checked in order to see whether the regression of relationship between two variables is linear or not. The data was analyzed by using SPSS statistic program version 22.0 and presented by ANNOVA table. The table is presented as follows:

Table 4.5

The Linearity Test Results of the Data ANOVA Table

Sum of

Squares df


Square F Sig.

Reading * Collocation

Between Groups

(Combined) 2095.192 10 209.519 1.756 .107

Linearity 1407.691 1 1407.691 11.797 .002

Deviation from Linearity

687.500 9 76.389 .640 .755

Within Groups 4176.548 35 119.330


From the table above, it reveals that collocation knowledge and reading comprehension have linear regression. The result of linearity is 0.002 and deviation from linearity is 0.755 in which the data distribution is a good linear regression because the significant of linearity is smaller than the significant of 5% (0.002 < 0.05) and deviation of linearity is bigger than 0.05 (0.755 > 0.05).

b. Analysis of Normality of Test

The normality of the tests was checked using SPSS statistic program version 22.0 in order to see whether the data populations of the tests are normally distributed or not. The normality test used Shapiro-Wilk at the 0.05 level of significant. The result of the analysis is represented in following table:

Table 4.6

The Normality of the Tests

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Collocation .120 46 .097 .967 46 .206

Reading .116 46 .142 .968 46 .224

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction/

From the result above, both collocation knowledge and reading

comprehension score are normally distributed because the values of both score are higher than value of 5% or 0.05. Due to the total number of samples which less than 50, the test of normality was analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk. The test results reveal that the significant value of collocation knowledge is 0.206, in which 0.206 > 0.05. Moreover, the significant value of reading comprehension is 0.224, in which 0.224 > 0.05. Since the data distribution is normal and linear, the statistical analysis will use parametric procedure, which is Product Moment Correlation.

c. Analysis of Correlation Coefficient

In this study, the statistic calculation of the Pearson Product Moment Formula was used to analyze the data of collocation knowledge and reading comprehension. Before doing the calculation, the data is described as follows:


Table 4.7

The Data Analysis Table of Collocation Knowledge and Reading Comprehension

Participants X Y XY X2 Y2

Student 1 60 50 3000 3600 2500

Student 2 70 65 4550 4900 4225

Student 3 55 75 4125 3025 5625

Student 4 80 90 7200 6400 8100

Student 5 55 80 4400 3025 6400

Student 6 65 50 3250 4225 2500

Student 7 65 85 5525 4225 7225

Student 8 70 80 5600 4900 6400

Student 9 70 55 3850 4900 3025

Student 10 45 75 3375 2025 5625

Student 11 55 60 3300 3025 3600

Student 12 60 65 3900 3600 4225

Student 13 65 70 4550 4225 4900

Student 14 75 85 6375 5625 7225

Student 15 60 65 3900 3600 4225

Student 16 80 75 6000 6400 5625

Student 17 80 75 6000 6400 5625

Student 18 85 90 7650 7225 8100

Student 19 65 60 3900 4225 3600

Student 20 85 70 5950 7225 4900

Student 21 50 70 3500 2500 4900

Student 22 60 75 4500 3600 5625

Student 23 65 75 4875 4225 5625

Student 24 75 50 3750 5625 2500

Student 25 60 85 5100 3600 7225

Student 26 55 65 3575 3025 4225


Participants X Y XY X2 Y2

Student 28 70 65 4550 4900 4225

Student 29 85 75 6375 7225 5625

Student 30 50 70 3500 2500 4900

Student 31 70 55 3850 4900 3025

Student 32 65 75 4875 4225 5625

Student 33 50 60 3000 2500 3600

Student 34 75 95 7125 5625 9025

Student 35 60 65 3900 3600 4225

Student 36 80 75 6000 6400 5625

Student 37 65 70 4550 4225 4900

Student 38 60 70 4200 3600 4900

Student 39 95 95 9025 9025 9025

Student 40 65 65 4225 4225 4225

Student 41 50 55 2750 2500 3025

Student 42 70 70 4900 4900 4900

Student 43 50 60 3000 2500 3600

Student 44 80 90 7200 6400 8100

Student 45 70 80 5600 4900 6400

Student 46 55 65 3575 3025 4225

N = 46 X= 3065 Y= 3280 XY= 221550 X = 210625 Y = 240150

After getting the results above, the calculation of the data to Pearson Product Moment Formula is presented as follows:


r =

( )( )

( ) ( )









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