Computer-Assisted Language Learning Theory

4. E-Learning Electronic Learning

Moodle is a Course management system CMS, a software package designed to help educators easily create quality online courses, thus it is also one example of e-learning form. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this term in depth.

a. Definition of E-Learning

E-learning is a method of teaching in electronic form Internet system with the use of management system. In order to accomplish the technical and material aspect, approaches for computer and electronic education usage, standards for the establishment of electronic course and multimedia textbooks, trained teachers for its realization are needed. Courses happen online over the use of applications that have distinctive classroom features such as discussion forums, calendars, and chat rooms where students can connect in real time with one another, with quiz and other activities. Files, such as word processing documents, sound files, pictures, and videos can be uploaded to the virtual classroom for observing by students. Therefore, the platform itself is fundamentally a place that looks like a private website and is intended to work like an electronic classroom. The classes delivered on these platforms are accessible via the Internet, and are usually private, meaning that only individuals who are registered for the class can see the password protected website. A platform for online courses may also be called an LMS Learning Management System or LCMS Learning Content Management System.

b. Learning Concepts in E-Learning

There are several basic learning concepts in e-learning. Nedeva 2005 proposes four learning concepts in e-learning. It is simplicity and user- friendliness. It has a simple, lightweight, efficient, compatible, low-tech browser interface. It can be adjusted and personalized to meet the demand and need of the students. Next, it is a means for feedback and evaluation. Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade. Students can upload their assignments any file format to the website. Next, it is summary of the work and progress of the students during the course. Lastly, it has good opportunities for communication during the course. A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course, including restricting other teachers.


The learning materials in this research will be developed using Moodle. Therefore, it is important to know about Moodle in-depth.

a. Definition

MOODLE Modular, Object-Oriented, Dynamic, Learning Environment is one of many web based learning management systems LMS through which teachers can work with students, whether in distance mode or as a supplement to face to face teaching. Some others include Blackboard, Blog and Nicenet. This section discusses the definition of Moodle, the nature of Moodle. Moodle stands for ―Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle has already become a term of its own synonymous with a software package designed to help educators create quality online instruction. Moodle started out as a hobby for Martin Dougiamas and evolved into the topic of his Ph.D. thesis: ―The use of Open Source software to support a social constructionist epistomology of teaching and learning within Internet-based c ommunities of reflective inquiry.‖ It was the brainchild of Martin Dougiamas. It is designed to help educators create quality online instruction Brandle, 2005. Besides, Moodle is used interchangeably as a Learning Management System for developing and delivering Internet-based courses. It is used by a growing number of universities, schools, and corporations. Moodle is free and without advertising to anyone who finds it useful.

b. Features of Moodle

This section explains the features of Moodle environment that support the conditions of L2 learning as described below. Over the years, Moodle has evolved in a number of ways that makes it more powerful for the teachers record keeping, as well as its power to engage the students for more interactive exercises. In the classroom, it is used to give quizzes, check student understanding of content or supply information to other useful links and resources. It includes several features such as class schedule, class assignment, participant profiles, chats, email lessons, and even workshops Mougalian Salazar, 2001. Moodle is based on the social constructivism pedagogy, which relates to contemporary achievements for increasing interaction among students. Moodle includes 15 modules – Activity, help and discussion: Assignment module, Attendance module, Book module, Chat module, Choice module, Database module, Dialogue module, Exercise module, Flash modules, Forum module, Glossary module, Hotpot module, Journal module, Lesson module, Questionnaire module, Quiz module, Resource module, SCORM Module, Survey module, WebQuest module, Wiki module, Workshop module. The Assignment Module allows students to submit a file for assessment and feedback from the instructor. A comment box and a pull-down menu for a grade can be used for feedback. On the other hand, the quiz-making function is described as Moodles built in functions that allow you to make different types of quizzes. Quiz types relevant to language teaching are: Multiple choice, TrueFalse, Numerical, Matching, Description, and Cloze. Hot-Potatoes is a very popular authoring program that allows teachers to create browser-based activities. While HotPot activities can be linked as resources within Moodle, one problem until now has been the tracking of student use — an important feature if one wants to know who has or hasnt done the activities and with what degree of success. Discussion Forums, a common component of all CMSs, is the discussion forum or bulletin board feature which allows the students to interact with their instructor and the other students on specified topics. Moodle differs from many systems in that its messages are not only archived in the course but are also sent as e-mail to the students registered e-mail address as long as the student has subscribed to that specific forum. The Lesson Module allows you to provide information to the students in small chunks, ask a comprehension question about what they have just learned and then conditionally branch out depending on their response. It can be used for stepwise lessons or even as a set of flipcards where students review items answered incorrectly until all the items have been correctly answered. They can repeat the process if the instructor has permitted multiple passes through the lesson. The Attendance Module permits automatic attendance-taking for students with activity during the stipulated time periods, or by physically clicking on the attendance module each class period. The instructor can even specify a grade value for attendance figures, with appropriate adjustments for tardy attendance. While, the Questionnaire Module, currently under development, will provide an excellent tool for eliciting student opinions for further discussion either online or in class.

6. Instructional Design Models

In this part the researcher presents ADDIE Instructional Design Model. Rogers 2002 develops ADDIE model into five phases. They are performing a need analysis Analyze, identifying instructional goals and analyzing tasks, and