Main Product Revision Overall Evaluation

discussion on the forum to express their opinion on something and to find answers to any questions or difficulties that they might encounter with their classmates and the teacher. The screen shot of the first topic in the initial iconic learning model could be seen in figure 4.15 below. Figure 4.15: First Topic The topic in the second week was skimming. Similar with the previous topic, students were given the explanations on skimming. There were also some exercises for the students to develop more understanding about skimming. The students also encouraged to participate in the class discussion on the forum to express their opinion on something and to find answers to any questions or difficulties and to give feedback to others‟ opinion. The screen shot of the second topic in the initial iconic learning model could be seen in figure 4.16 below. Figure 4.16: Second Topic The third week‟s topic was scanning. In the beginning, students were given the explanations on scanning, and the difference between scanning, skimming and making predictions. There were also some exercises for the students to develop more understanding about scanning. The students also encouraged to participate in the class discussion on the forum to express their opinion on something and to find answers to any questions or difficulties and to give feedback to others‟ opinion. The screen shot of the third topic in the initial iconic learning model could be seen in figure 4.17 below. Figure 4.17: Third Topic The third week‟s topic was reading intensively. In this topic, the students were required to use all of the strategies they learned in the previous meeting. The students needed to be able to read carefully the text using the strategies to understand what the writes means. They would have to finish all exercises about reading strategies. The students also encouraged to participate in the class discussion on the forum to express their opinion on something and to find answers to any questions or difficulties and to give feedback to others‟ opinion. The screen shot of the third topic in the initial iconic learning model could be seen in figure 4.18 below. Figure 4.18: Fourth Topic At the end of the course, user validation was conducted. This was included into the summative evaluation phase of ADDIE model. User validation aimed to evaluate the learning model and to obtain feedback and suggestions that would be useful to revise and develop the learning model into a final iconic model. User validation was conducted by distributing user validation questionnaire to the