as a zoom lens approach. Long and Richards 1987 say it is a detailed in- class analysis, led by the teacher, of vocabulary and grammar points, in a short passage. When this occurs, content and grammatical structures repeat themselves and students get many opportunities to understand the meanings of the text. Intensive reading is a slow reading of a text aimed to explain every unknown word, grammar structure and style. It also very often involves translation of the read passage. As the main emphasis is on features of the text, rather than on its semantic cont ext, the reader‟s interest in the story may be reduced. The main goal of intensive reading, however, is complete and detailed understanding of the text, thus it is made use of when the reader encounters a more difficult foreign language text. Though intensive reading requires a lot of patience and attention, it helps strengthen the reader‟s knowledge. The first step is prediction that functions as pre-reading preparation. The second step is skimming where students can get the general meaning gist of the story without trying to decode exactly what each word means. The third step is scanning where students can extract specific pieces of information. The fourth step is reading intensively where students can understand the text globally and have a thorough comprehension of the text. During this step, after the students have skimmed and scanned, there will still be stretches of text that offer vocabulary or grammatical difficulties students cant overcome easily. In those cases, reading intensively detailed, word-by-word decoding is necessary. Since Moodle had been chosen to develop the learning model, it was compulsory to find out deeper about Moodle and CALL where it was derived from. First, E-learning was explored as the main root of Moodle. E learning is an educational process that utilizes information and communications technology to mediate asynchronous as well as synchronous learning and teaching activities. E learning is learner-controlled; students are the one who determine how, what and when they access information. It is also dynamic in process. It can be adjusted and personalized to meet the demand and need of the students. The more specific branch of E-learning where Moodle is derived from is Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL. It was marked by the use of computer in the learning process. There are some principles of CALL that need to be present for a successful learning. The first is interaction because it helps learners to gain input in language learning process. Internet provides the ability to expand the interaction. The second is resources. Internet provides access to incredible quantity of information constantly updated which can be accessed anytime and also functions as a storage that allows students to keep up with the learning materials if they are unable to attend classes. The third is motivation. Internet is popular among students because it is associated with fun offered in various activities and games. The fourth is pacing. Every student has different learning style and learning speed. Internet will allow them to set their own pace that suits them without disrupting the other students. After that, needs analysis questionnaire was distributed to find out the students‟ characteristics, needs, lacks, and wants. This was useful to define the additional contents aside from the ones taken from the syllabus and the kinds of features that would make the students motivated to learn. The materials for the content of the learning model were mostly taken from the syllabus. There were three essay questions where they were required to elaborate their answers. The first question was about what materials they wanted to learn from the learning model. Most of their answers were in line with the competence required in the syllabus. The second question was about what difficulties they experienced in reading, all of them answered that they always had difficulty in deciding what strategy they must employ when it comes to reading. The third question asked them about the things or features they wanted the learning model to provide. It could be concluded that most of the students were visually attracted. They stated that they would like the learning model to have an interesting appearance and things such as games that could increase their motivation to study. After that, they also wanted the learning model to provide additional materials aside from the main materials that they would study, including various exercises along with the answers. In addition, they hoped to be able to get constructive feedback from the features provided in the learning model. Furthermore, the students also wanted the learning model to provide some links that would enable them to download handouts ask questions and get the answers to their questions. The complete results of the needs analysis questionnaire could be seen in appendix G. The