Major constructs in motivation

14 6 Hedonism Hedonism comes from the assumption that we are motivated by pleasure and pain; we learn to approach situations that are pleasurable and learn to avoid situations that are painful Petri, 1981:7. 7 Growth of Motivation Growth of motivation stresses the idea that humans are motivated to reach their full potential-physical, psychological, and emotional needs. Rogers 1961 calls it as the fully functioning individual while Maslow 1970 uses the term self- actualization Petri, 1981:7. From those explanations we can see that there are many things that can force us to do something. However, in reality, there are two things That are dominant. They are learning and social interaction. Learning is a motivation that is gained from inside a human, that is human thinking. We can say that it is the inner factor. While social interaction is the outer factor that a person gets from his acquaintance with others. However, both factors do not stand alone, they influence each other.

4. The Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow in Franken 2002: 14-15 groups needs in a hierarchical arrangement, with the more basic or primary needs at the bottom. Only when the needs at the most basic level are satisfied does the next set of needs become relevant; people will concern themselves with safety needs only when their physiological needs have been met. Those needs are: 15 a. Physiological needs The first level of the hierarchy is the physiological needs such as hunger and thirst. Since human is a living being, he is motivated to fulfill his first biological need that is to avoid hunger. b. Safety needs These needs represent the need for safety or security in our environment. Higher needs become unimportant when one’s life is endangered. c. Love and belongingness needs These needs involve a hunger for affectionate relationships with others, a need to feel part of a group, or a feeling that one ‘belongs’. d. Esteem needs These are the needs for a positive, high evaluation of oneself. There are two categories of this need; a need for self-esteem and a need for esteem from others. e. Cognitive needs Cognitive needs consist of the wish to know, to understand, and to explore others and the surroundings. f. Aesthetic needs They are the needs of order, beauty, and so forth. g. Self actualization needs Self actualization needs are the highest needs one an individual where he or she search for self-fulfillment and realize his or her potential. The following is the diagram of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs taken from Franken 2002:15: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 From the above explanations, we can conclude that human has many kinds of needs. Basically, most people will put physiological needs first, because it is part of human instinct to do that. However, since the society demands more, nowadays people are looking more toward esteem needs, that is how to gain the approval and recognition of others.

5. Lifestyle a. Definitions

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Smith and Pergola 1991:1 define lifestyle as personal behaviours and habits. Lifestyle includes exercise, eating habits, cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug use, safety, stress management, fashion, or relationship. Since it is defined as personal behaviours and habits,