B. Research Participants

This study was conducted in English Language Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. The researcher chose the students who took Microteaching class in academic year 20092010 as the participants. The researcher took the participant from that academic year because the study was conducted at the same time with the academic year. There were 60 questionnaires distributed. There were 52 participants filled in and returned the questionnaires. The Participants of this research were chosen randomly from seven Microteaching classes. For the interview, there were 4 participants who were chosen randomly with different lecturers. Those four participants with different lecturers were expected to represent the perception of the whole class. It was expected that the participants would share their experience in giving and receiving peer feedback to the researcher.

C. Research Instruments

In order to gather the data, the researcher used questionnaires and interview as the instruments. The instruments were used to gather the data from the participants as the evaluators and the participants as peer feedback receivers. The first instrument was questionnaire. According to Ary et al. 2002: 566, questionnaire is an instrument in which participants give written answers or responses. The questionnaire was used to answer both of the research questions. The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are type of questions that provide some 28 answers so that participants only need to choose their answer from the answers provided. Meanwhile open-ended questions are questions that do not provide fixed response so that participants can answer the questions freely Ary et al. 2002. The closed-ended questions were aimed at investigating participants ’ perception on peer feedback in Microteaching class, while open-ended questions were aimed at knowing both participants ’ perceptions and participants’ suggestions on peer feedback in Microteaching class. This study employed Rating Scale in closed-ended questions. Cohen explains in his book Research Method in Education fifth ed. 2000 that we can see degrees of response, intensity of response, and the move away from dichotomous questions has been managed in Rating Scales. In this study, the researcher used Likert scale in the questionnaire. Likert scale belongs to rating scale. Ary et al., 2002: 562 state that “Likert scale is a measurement scale consisting of a series of statements followed by response categories, typically ranging from strongly agree to st rongly disagree”. There were four choices of response to the statement on the questionnaire used in this research. There were SD Strongly Disagree, D disagree, SA Strongly Agree, and A Agree. There were 18 closed-ended questions and three open –ended questions in the questionnaire. The purpose of the questions in the questionnaire was aimed at knowing the participants’ perception both from the participants as the evaluators and from the participants as peer feedback receivers. Statement number 1,3,4,5,6,18 are statements used to know participants’ perception as the evaluators. Statement 29 number 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 were statements that were used to know participants’ perception as peer feedback receivers. The table below is the blueprint of the questionnaire. The researcher made the blueprint mainly based on the theory of purposes of feedback by Lewis 2003 and the theory of perception by Altman et al. 1985 and Gibson et al. 1985. The following are the questionnaire blueprint. Statement number 1 up to 11 are related to the theory by Altman et al. 1985 and Gibson et al. 1985 and the statement number 12 – 18 are related to the theory by Lewis 2003. Table 3.1 The Questionnaire Blueprint NO Questions Items Number QUESTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS AS EVALUATORS 6 1 You had experienced of giving feedback to your peer. 3 You gave feedback to your peer seriously. 4 You gave feedback to your peer honestly. 5 You gave feedback to your peer objectively. 6 Time to do peer feedback in Microteaching class was sufficient for you. 18 You could be more critical to your peer performance by doing peer feedback. NO Questions Items Number QUESTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS AS PEER FEEDBACK RECEIVERS 12 2 You had experienced of obtaining feedback from your peer. 7 You read the feedback after you got it from your peer. 8 You felt that the feedback given to you was mere criticism. 9 You felt that the feedback given to you was objective. 10 You keep the feedback. 11 You were satisfied with your friends’ feedback. 12 The feedback is very useful for you. 13 You were motivated to teach better after you read the feedback. 14 The use of peer feedback helped you evaluate your teaching practice. 30 NO Questions Items Number QUESTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS AS PEER FEEDBACK RECEIVERS 15 The use of peer feedback helped you improve your teaching skills. 16 You were able to identify your teaching strength after reading the feedback given to you. 17 You were able to identify your teaching weaknesses after reading the feedback given to you. The second instrument was interview. Interview is an instrument to collect the data through direct verbal interaction between individuals Borg and Gall. 1983. Interview was used to make clarification about students’ answer in questionnaire. The following was the interview guide. Table 3.2 The Interview Guide No Questions Dari segi pemberi feedback Perception from the participants as peer feedback receivers 1. Menurutmu waktu untuk melakukan peer feedback cukup atau tidak? Apa alasanmu? What do you think about the time provided to do peer feedback in Microteaching class? Is it sufficient? What is your reason? 2. Dari segi si pemberi feedback, apakah kamu serius, jujur, dan objektif saat memberi komentar feedback terhadap teman anda? Apa yang mendasari kamu melakukan itu? From the evaluator side, Did you give comments to your peer seriously, honestly, and objectively? What is your reason doing that? 3. Apakah dengan melakukan peer feedback membantu kamu mempersiapkan diri menjadi guru yang sebenarnya? Dalam hal apa? Do you think by doing peer feedback helps you preparing yourself to be a real teacher? In what aspect? 4. Menurutmu, keuntungan apa saja yang kamu peroleh dengan melakukan peer feedback?What advantages did you obtain from peer feedback? 5. Kesulitan apa saja yang kamu temukan selama melakukan peer feedback? What difficulties did you find when doing peer feedback?