The Third Trichotomy Peirces Classification of Signs

6. Rhematic Indexical Legisign: a demonstrative pronoun. 7. Dicent Indexical Legisign: traffic signs, commands. ” 8. Rhematic Symbolic Legisign: a common noun. 9. Dicent Symbolic Legisign: an ordinary proposition. 10. Argument Symbolic Legisign: a syllogism. 33

5. Typology Signs Charles Sanders Peirce

Classification effort which made by Peirce to the sign has the distinctive way, although it was not quite simple. Peirce distinguished the types of signs to be: Icon, index and symbol based on the relation between representamen and object. 34

1. Icon

Icon is a sign which denotes and have the character of the Object, whether the Object actually exists or not. In the icon, the relationship between representamen and object is materialized as similarities in some quality. 35 For example, the map of Yogyakarta is an icon of the Yogyakarta area which depicted in the map.

2. Index

Index is the sign which is connected with the object because of the cause and effect connection. 36 The example is a footprint above the ground. 33 Ibid. 34 Indiawan Seto Wahyu Wibowo, Op.Cit., p.18. 35 Charles Sanders Peirce, The Collected Paper of Charles Sanders Peirce, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1931 – 1935, p. 367. 36 Ibid. That is an index of a person or animal that has been passed there. Or a knock on the door is an index of the presence of a guest.

3. Symbol

Symbol is a general law or ideas which operates only in a particular situation, areas, or society. Symbol is also called as the type of sign which is arbitrary and conventional according to the agreement or convention of society. 37 For examples, Garuda Pancasila for Indonesia is a bird that has a rich symbolic meaning with the addition of the word Bhineka Tunggal Ika. But for people who have different cultural backgrounds, such as Eskimos, Garuda Pancasila is only regarded as the ordinary eagle. From the Peirce‟s point of view, the process of signification could generate a never-ending series of relationships, so a interpretant will be a representamen, be a interpretant again, then representamen again and so on. Charles Sanders Peirce divided the sign and how it works into three categories as explained above. 37 Ibid. , p. 368. 23


A. The Data Description

Based on the unit analysis of this thesis, the object that will be analyzed in this thesis is twelve selected Greenpeace campaign posters of Climate Change series during 2014. The steps to collect the data are: Download all the posters of Climate Change series from January till December 2014 in the official website of Greenpeace . Then, save the posters on the folder in my computer as a file. In the folder is also written each months of publication of poster. Total of all data poster are 42 posters. The data are arranged into folder before processing. According to Wasito, there are three techniques of random sampling determination which tend to be used in research. They are simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, and stratified random sampling. 38 The researcher decides to use the simple random sampling to determine one poster for every month because it is a fair way of selecting data from a given population since every datum is given equal opportunities of being selected. Looking at total data corpus, the raffle of simple random sampling is used in this research. The steps in this technique are: 38 Hermawan Wasito, Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992, p. 54.