Theory on Characterisation Review of Related Theories 1. Theory on Character

c. Setting of society :

In her book, Society in Novel, Langland said that society is medium; comprehending not merely peoples and their classes but also their customs, conventions, beliefs and values, their institutions- legal, religious and cultural, and their physical environment. Langland, 1984: 6 4. Theory on Conflict Each person has different view point, ideology, need, belief, desire and thought. Those differences prove that everyone in this world is different. Those differences, further, can create conflicts between individuals. Most people do not want to get involved in conflicts and sometimes prefer to avoid conflicts. Nevertheless, none could escape from conflicts Beaty and Hunter, 1989: 778. Pooley asseerted that conflict can be defined as an argument between opposing forces, like man against man, man against nature, man against fate or an internal one between the two opposing parts of man’s personality 1968: 9. Redman divides conflict into 2 kinds: a. The inner conflict : a struggle between the heart and mind of the protagonist and the conflict between oneself b. The external conflict : a struggle between the protagonist and an outside force, for example conflict between two or more people. Further Redman also suggests the way to find out the conflict is by signing the problems in the story including the characters’ attitude toward the problems. In this way, the conflicts between the characters will be clearly identified and then the end of conflict can be obtained 1964: 363.

5. Theory of Relation among Literature, Society, Author and Criticism.

Discussing literature as a literary work cannot be separated from discussing society, consequently, many scholars showed the relationship among the society, literature and indirectly the author; the creator of literature who lives in that society. Writers who mentioned this relationship were Abcarian and Klotz. Historically, a group of people bound together by kinship and geography will form a society that exhibits a culture common language, behavioral rules, traditions, skills, mores, religion and art that desire the civilization of that group. Literary works, including folklore and myth, are inseparable from the particular human society from which they emerge Abcarian,, 1998: 665. Furthermore, in their book, Wellek Warren added that literature, as a social creation, usually has a conexion with particular social institutions. In this way, the conexion may represent live in reality. Literature is a social institution using medium language which represents ‘life’ and ‘life’ is a social reality even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation 1956: 94. Nevertheless, literature is not merely a reflection or an imitation of society or social process because in creating a literary work, an author, whom Wellek and Warren called as poet artist, indirectly would put his or her view point, ideological or opinion about society in his or her life time. By knowing author’s aim in presenting society affected by his or her view point, readers as well as audience could achieve the values of a literary work. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI But such studies seem of little value as long as they take it for granted that literature is simply a mirror of life, a reproduction and thus obviously a social document. Such studies make sense only if we know the artistic method of the novelist studied, and can say- not merely in general terms but concretely- in what relation to picture stands to the social reality. Is it realistic by intention? Or is it, at certain points, satire, caricature, or romantic idealization? 1956: 104. An author may write a society he or she knows fully, a society he or she recognizes superficially or a society he or she knows hearsay. He may imply social criticism by his depiction of a society without writing a clear protest novel 1971: 127- 129. Those theories imply that readers have to look at society represented in the novel and society in reality, and how differ society represented in the novel from society in reality, in order to find out an author’s motive and criticism toward a society. Those differences could show up the ideology, the view and at the same time the criticism of author toward that society. In short, readers may compare the society in reality and in the novel to find out the author’s criticism.

C. Review of Pakistani Society in 20

th Century 1. Patriarchal System and Women’s Condition Patriarchal system resulted in women discrimination. Women discrimination or women inferiority in Pakistan was appeared in the obstacles of getting higher education, position in job or politic; honor killings and poor living standards. Furthermore, women were judged not only to be subordinate to men but also inferior to women in West Robinson, 1989: 374. Women media admitted that chador clad Muslim women were the repressive and orthodox nature