Shahzada The Characteristic of the Major Character

“Born and bred in the rural world, Kaniz herself didn’t care a paisa for city ways. When she had been given the option of either marrying into an ‘ordinary’ but very much an urban family, or staying on in the village and marrying a very wealthy landlord, Kaniz without a moment’s hesitation and plummeted for the honor of becoming zemindar’s wife……she didn’t have to be told that her wildest materialistic dreams would be realized - and so they were Qaisra: 12 As a materialistic chaudarani, Kaniz is proud of her status and her wealth. Because of her proud of her status, she makes a distance between her and her servants or people from lower class. She never regards them as human beings. She becomes an arrogance and malicious woman in order to retain her authority and her position over everybody. In other words, she becomes a snobbish, selfish and viper woman who never cares of others. Kaniz wasn’t an easy woman to work for. Both proud and cruel she rarely praised but expected everything to be done to the highest of standards. She kept all her servants at distance including Neesa- her housekeeper for twenty- nine long years. As her subordinate she didn’t think it was right to honor Neesa with her confidence Qaisra: 15. Pride that Kaniz has made she snobbish and tyrannic. As a chaudarani and as a woman, Kaniz cannot accept the fact that her husband loved another woman, Fatima, and she was the second option. The fact makes Kaniz hate Fatima and her family for years. Because of this past event, Kaniz also declines the idea of Khawar of marrying Firdaus, Fatima’s daughter. Moreover, Fatima is from lower class and that will give bad image to her status. “Firdaus and Khawar apparently want to marry each other. Then why are you preventing it? I’ll tell you why sister, It is all due to your pride, which one day will prove your downfall… cannot bear the thought that you were second best, that he really wanted to marry Fatima but she refused Qaisra: 150.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In addition, she is also characterised as a woman who is confidence and blunt- always saying what she loves and hates to whoever without trying to be polite, even to Siraj Din as the elder in that village. Kaniz was never- ever known to be at a loss for words…she was agreat mistress of speech, adept at a keeping it flowing and putting people in their place…this was the Kaniz he knew, loud, violatile, always sure4 of herself and infinitely domineering…only Kaniz had the temerity to stand up to him and say what she liked without mincing her words and then get away with it Qaisra: 146. However, as her appearance changes, her pride also changes. Being sent away by Firdaus, Kaniz becomes a vulnerable woman who respects others especially her servants. She realises that she has been a cruel woman who hurts everyone. She also becomes a woman who is less confidence, timid and gloom. She loses her pride and is fearful to see anyone. She turns into a weak woman who likes crying and trembling. In addition, she laments all her malices and now esteems her neighbour and other servants. On top of all is that she accepts Firdaus as her daughter in law and forgives all Firdaus’ mistakes. “She is a different woman now….do you know her hand actually trembled when she lifted a cup of tea ….She has always been a beautiful woman but now she looks quite haggard. She actually, regarded me, for the first time in her life as a human being not just as a servant to do her bidding. There was warmth in her look. She didn’t say much, but whatever she uttered bore no resemblance to the old demanding Kaniz Qaisra: 286.” On the other hand, Kaniz is a mother who loves her son, Khawar, much. As a single mother, she always takes care of and keeps abreast of everything related to her son. Because of her love, as a proud woman, she did something she PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI promised would not ever do, that is bending on her foe’s daughter to ask Firdaus to marry her son. Desperation born out of love for her, made Kaniz part with the last ounce of her pride and she did now what she thought she would