Siraj Din The Characteristic of the Major Character

She is not a high spirited woman who likes debating and objecting neither to her husband nor her father in law. As the result, she rebels her husband and her father- in- law by keeping silent. She tends to show her obedient and that is one reason for Siraj Din loving her. “Sometimes I wish you were like Gulshan’s mother- petulant, disobedient and willful. For if you had been like that you would have fought for your daughter by tooth and nail. But you are too perfect, too submissive to ever think of rocking our patriarchal boat. For this, you have a very special place in my heart Qaisra: 247.” Not only to her family, has Shahzada paid attention, but also to her servants. She is nice and cares about her servants. She always regards them as friends. She also admits, Fatima- her servant, as her family. Treating all her servants and subordinates as equals and with innate kindness, Shahzada had built a special rapport with Fatima. She had been with them for over twenty years and was therefore almost like another member of family Qaisra: 46. However, it does not mean that she has never struggled to fight male tyranny. She is an audicious woman in against male tyranny for her daughter’s sake. She arranges Zarri and Sikander’s marriage by sending Zarri Bano to Karachi to get close to Sikander’s family though Habib forbids her. Even though at last she fails to make the marriage happen she is sure that she has done the right thing. “I have done nothing wrong Shahzada rebelled, trembling inside with rage. Remember her beloved elder daughter’s wistful eyes, Shahzada found the courage to look her father in law straight in the eye, she also had the presumption to speak boldly in front of the most revered elders of their clan Qaisra: 20 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

5. Kaniz

Kaniz is the next character who experiences personality changing in life. Kaniz is characterised as a chaudarani in Chiragpur. She is a widow of a landlord in Chiragpur named Sarwar. She has one son, Khawar. As a chaudarani, Kaniz is a glamorous woman who really cares about her appearance, at first. According to her, all problems can wait but her appearance problem cannot. As she peered closer in the mirror, she saw to her horror a small chaiei- abrown mark forming just under her left eye on her very fair cheek. Kaniz’s eyes widened. This was a bigger problem than Firdaus and her scheming mother. For no blemishes were ever allowed to mark her face- she had always made sure of that. The mirror was probably playing tricks on her. She picked up the small hand mirror from the wooden dresser and decided to go up on to the top balcony, to have better look in the open sunlight Qaisra: 64. However, as the conflicts go on, Kaniz also changes. She changes from glamorous woman into a woman who even does not care about her appearance. She is careless about her appearance, her dress, and her wealth. She noticed that Kaniz had worn the same cotton chador for the past three days and felt her eyes with tears. Changing her clothes twice a day had been the norm for Kaniz ever since she was eighteen years old, this self neglect showed clearly how low she had fallen Qaisra: 257. Socially, Kaniz is characterised as a chaudarani who was bred in rural world. She married Sarwar, a zemindar in Chiragpur. However her husband did not have a long life. As the result, Kaniz lives with her only son and her husband’s wealth and land. Bred in rural world, Kaniz loves living in village rather than in city. However, she loves more on wealth and status. She prefers to live in village with a zemindar than in a city with an ordinary man without money. “Born and bred in the rural world, Kaniz herself didn’t care a paisa for city ways. When she had been given the option of either marrying into an ‘ordinary’ but very much an urban family, or staying on in the village and marrying a very wealthy landlord, Kaniz without a moment’s hesitation and plummeted for the honor of becoming zemindar’s wife……she didn’t have to be told that her wildest materialistic dreams would be realized - and so they were Qaisra: 12 As a materialistic chaudarani, Kaniz is proud of her status and her wealth. Because of her proud of her status, she makes a distance between her and her servants or people from lower class. She never regards them as human beings. She becomes an arrogance and malicious woman in order to retain her authority and her position over everybody. In other words, she becomes a snobbish, selfish and viper woman who never cares of others. Kaniz wasn’t an easy woman to work for. Both proud and cruel she rarely praised but expected everything to be done to the highest of standards. She kept all her servants at distance including Neesa- her housekeeper for twenty- nine long years. As her subordinate she didn’t think it was right to honor Neesa with her confidence Qaisra: 15. Pride that Kaniz has made she snobbish and tyrannic. As a chaudarani and as a woman, Kaniz cannot accept the fact that her husband loved another woman, Fatima, and she was the second option. The fact makes Kaniz hate Fatima and her family for years. Because of this past event, Kaniz also declines the idea of Khawar of marrying Firdaus, Fatima’s daughter. Moreover, Fatima is from lower class and that will give bad image to her status. “Firdaus and Khawar apparently want to marry each other. Then why are you preventing it? I’ll tell you why sister, It is all due to your pride, which one day will prove your downfall… cannot bear the thought that you were second best, that he really wanted to marry Fatima but she refused Qaisra: 150.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI