Firdaus The Characteristic of the Major Character

Loving Zarri Bano doesn’t mean he could not love other women. After Zarri Bano being a Holy Woman, Sikander marries Ruby, Zarri’s sister, and he loves Ruby too. Sikander and Ruby have a son named Haris. However, during his marriage life, Sikander always remembers Zarri. He always thinks about her and is always envious of every man approaches her. “All I can say in my defence is that I want to marry Zarri Bano very much- just as I wanted to marry Ruby. I have loved both of your daughters. I don’t know how it was possible to love both sisters but I have and did Qaisra: 237.” Citation above is spoken by Sikander to Shahzada when he wants to marry Zarri after Ruby passes away. In addition, he is also an enduring man. He endurely waits for Zarri Bano from identity transforming, from a Holy woman into a wife.

10. Ruby

Ruby is Habib’s daughter or Zarri’s sister. As her sister, Ruby is physically beautiful and perfect. However, people consider that she is the pale shadow of Zarri. “She is just as nice and nearly as beautiful. I know you both partial to Zarri Bano’s beauty, but in looks you can hardly the difference between the two sisters apart from Ruby’s hairstyles and color of her eyes. …Ruby is very attractive and eligible girl. She is an intelligent, beautiful, graceful woman and has a warm sunny personality Qaisra: 152.” Ruby is also Sikander’s wife and Haris’ mother. As Zarri Bano, Ruby also loves Sikander much. Offered marrying Sikander, Ruby forgets about her sister’s feelings and gets married to Sikander. Because of her love, she is sometimes envious of her sister whom her husband loves. Discomforted, Ruby slid down under the cotton sheet, ‘Was his imagination running away with her again? She and Sikander were happily married and expecting their first child. Zarri Bano had nothing to do with her husband. She was literally in another now. Why then I do still feel jealous of my own sister? Qaisra: 190. However, that is not the first time for Ruby to be envious of her sister. Ruby was even envious of Zarri when Zarri got a chance to study abroad to Cairo, Mesr, though Zarri went there as Holy Woman. “Ruby is the last one, but I have lost her too. She is so bereft without her sister and feels resentful that Zarri Bano was allowed to go and study in Cairo and she wasn’t Qaisra: 121.”

B. The Social Condition of Pakistani Society in the 20

th Century Represented by the Major Characters, Setting and Conflict Langland’s statement that characters can represent society clearly indirectly implies that characters can represent a society- not only the physical environment but also belief, religion and custom. In this subchapter, the writer is going to present some social conditions in Sindh, Pakistan represented by characters in The Holy Woman.

1. Patriarchal System and Women’s Condition

Patriarchal system esteems male authority by oppressing women. This system occurred in Pakistan in the 20 th century and is represented in the novel The Holy Woman. Patriarchal system lets male get greater access to and meditation of resources and rewards of authority structure inside and outside the home. Patriarchal system or patriarchy in Pakistan is represented in this novel. People in Pakistan judged that a son was the most precious thing in a home and a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI