Smart The Characterization of Jonathan in Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull

perfect seagull. Based on Bach’s direct comment and Jonathan’s speech, it can be concluded that Jonathan Seagull is hard working.

2. Smart

As a smart seagull, Jonathan can think better than others. In his practicing flying he always has some questions such as how to fly faster, why he cannot fly higher, how to control the speed and how to turn. He can find the answer for his own question by practicing again and again. Away behind the cliffs in the sea shore, Jonathan practices alone. He fails many times, but he never gives up. He keeps trying to fly faster like an eagle. Until one time, he realizes that what he needs just to make little movement and changes in flying. In his own thinking, Jonathan doubts himself. He knows that he does not have shorts wing like a falcon. It seems that it is impossible for him to fly. Yet for a moment he realizes, everything he needs to fly faster in the air is just a short wing. He just needs a falcon’s short wing. Jonathan gets the answer of his own question, how to fly faster and more perfect. All he needs just to fold most of his wings and fly on just the tips alone Bach 24. Jonathan realizes a new way to practice and he knows the answer by himself. One morning on the beach after practicing folded-wing snap roll when Jonathan is out with his instructor, Sullivan, Jonathan asks some questions to Sullivan. He wonders why he and his instructor are alone. He also does not understand where he comes from. Then Sullivan says that there are thousand seagulls that come to that place but Jonathan comes to that place faster than those birds. Most of them come very slowly. Sullivan is very proud of Jonathan because he learns many things. “Where is everybody, Sullivan? “ He asked silently, quite at home now with the easy telepathy that these gulls used instead of screes and gracks. “Why aren’t there more of us here? Why, where I came from there were…..” “The only answer I can see, Jonathan, is that you are pretty well a one-in-million bird. Most of us came along ever so slowly. But you, Jon, learned so much at one time that you didn’t have to go through a thousand lives to reach this one.” Bach 53-54. After that conversation, Sullivan asks Jonathan to practice again. In the first practices Jonathan fails. Yet Sullivan gives him support to keep trying. Finally, Jonathan passes the practice. One evening, when gulls are standing together on the sand thinking, Jonathan encourages himself to come to the Elder Gull, Chiang, and asks something. He asks about home and where he lives now. He asks where they are going from this place and he wants to know another place outside of the place. Those questions always bother him. Chiang, who knows that Jonathan is a smart student, understand that Jonathan wants to become better than others. He says to Chiang that they are not really in the heaven like he was thinking of. Hearing that, Chiang, The Elder, just smiles to Jonathan and he says to Jonathan that he is learning again. Jonathan is learning something new in his life. Jonathan does not understand. He asks to The Elder, “Well, what happens from here? Where we are going? Is there no such a place as heaven” Bach 55. Jonathan is a new bird in that place. He loves to fly very much. Therefore, he wants to learn more and practice more about flying. He wants to know everything that he does not know and he asks his instructor about flying. He learns everyday and practices every time he wants. In a short time, he can fly faster and better than before. By practicing every day, finally Jonathan comes to the level of perfection in speed. Since Jonathan is a smart seagull, he learns faster from his daily ordinary experiences. A month goes by and now Jonathan can fly very fast in the air Bach 60. According to Murphy 161-172, there are nine ways to analyze a character in the story. Based on Jonathan’s thought, speech, the character as seen by another and direct comment, it can be concluded that Jonathan is a smart seagull.

3. Curious