Jonathan both interpersonal and intrapersonal. This study entitled The Influence of Jonathan’s Character on Resolving His Personal Conflict in Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull. This study is to find out the influence of Jonathan’s character on resolving his personal conflicts when he faces the conflict.

C. Theoretical Framework

There are some theories applied to answer the problems formulated in this study. The theory of critical approach is used as a tool to analyze the problems in the novel. There are five approaches and this study is applied on the psychological approach. To get a deep understanding, the researcher uses the theory of character and characterization. The theory is used to analyze the character in the novel. This theory is used to help the researcher to figure out what kinds of Jonathan’s characters in the novelette are. By understanding what character and characterization are, researcher is able to find out Jonathan’s character that is characterized in the novel and how the character influences him on resolving his personal conflict. In analyzing the conflict faced by the character, the researcher uses the theory of conflict. The researcher uses theory from Worchel and Cooper to analyze the type of conflicts faced by the character of Jonathan. In analyzing the conflict, the researcher analyzes the types of conflict, causes of conflict, resolutions of conflict, and managements of conflict. To analyze the conflict resolution, the researcher uses theory proposed by Isenhart and Spangle. 21


This chapter covers three main parts: object of the study, the novel Jonathan Livingston Seagull, approach of the study which explains the use of the approaches in analyzing the novel and method of the study which contains the steps taken in doing the analysis.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel written by Richard Bach entitled Jonathan Livingston Seagull. This novel was published in 1970 and it became the best seller throughout the United States by the end of 1972. The novel reached the top of the New York Times Best seller list in 38 weeks. In 1973, the novel became the topped the Publisher Weekly list of best selling novels in the United States. Richard Bach was famous with his enormous works included fiction and nonfiction such as Jonathan Livingston Seagull 1970, Illusions: The Adventures of A Reluctant Messiah 1977, One 1989, Out of Mine 1999. From those works, Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions became the best-seller in 1970s. The novel, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, was published by Macmillan Publisher. It consists of 93 pages. There are three parts in the novel. Jonathan Livingston Seagull talks about a seagull, which loves to fly rather than to catch some food, like what other seagulls do. Jonathan learns about life and flight and self-perfection. This novel describes a daily life of a seagull which eagerly flies for love and shares the experience to others in a society that got in