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13 the detail of literary text in order to discover the fundamental structural units or functions that manage the pattern of narrative in its text. Saussure’s work also used by other scholars in Rusia as a model for their investigation of phenomena other than language. Vladimir Propp is one of Rusian scholar in folktales studies who tries to explore the dynamic possibilities of using Saussure’s work in analysing the structure of folktales. Then, Propp Guerrin et al, 2005: 371 categorises the number types of characters and actions which are called as actants and functions. The functions recur and thus represent in their unity of the underlying system, or “the grammar” or rules for any fairy tales. To recall the Saussurean model, it can be said that the entire group of functions is the langue; the individual tale is the parole. For example, Propps theory identifies hero, rival or opponent, villain, helper, king, princess, and so on, and such actions as the arrival and the departure of the hero, the unmasking of the villain, sets of adventures, and the return and reward of the hero. Another scholar who contributed in developing structuralist model of analysis is Claude Levi-Strauss. Levi-Strauss Guerrin et al, 2005: 372 combines psychology and sociology in cross-cultural studies and found structures comparable to those discovered by Saussure in language- that is, systems reducible to structural features. In contrast to Saussure and the Russian formalists, however, Levi-Strauss stressed on the paradigmatic approach, by which he concentrated on the deep or embedded structures of discourse that seem to evade a conscious arrangement by the artisan but are somehow embedded vertically, 14 latently, within texts and can be represented sometimes as abstractions or as paired opposites binary oppositions. In using the system of binary oppositions, Levi-Strauss organizes the units of myth like the basic linguistic units and calls it as ‗mythemes’. According to Levi-Strauss Guerrin et al, 2005: 272-273, the structures of myth refer to the structure of the human mind that is common to all people like the way all human beings. Myth thus becomes a language. It is a universal narrative mode that transcends cultural or temporal barriers and speaks to all people, in the process tapping deep reservoirs of feeling and experience. He believes that, even though we have no knowledge of any entire mythology, such myths as we do uncover reveal the existence within any culture of a system of abstractions by which that culture structures its life . Narratives are generally based on cause and effect relationships which are emerged by such events to build the sequences of stories. Narrratology is a branch of structuralism that studies the nature of story rather than individual tales in isolation. According to Fludernik 2009: 3 fictional narrative whether in fairy tale, novel or film, its author produces and develops both the story and the narrative discourse that goes with its narrative text, it’s not goes from other source. The methods of narratology or narrative theory are inspired by modern linguistics which demonstrates language system that is how language meaningfully developed from the combination of basic elements like phonemes,