The Road Back The Archetypes of Hero’s Journey in The Alchemist

88 where shepherds and their sheep slept. In my dream, there was a sycamore growing out of the ruins of the sacristy, and I was told that, if I dug at the roots of the sycamore, I would find a hidden treasure. But Im not so stupid as to cross an entire desert just because of a recurrent dream. And they disappeared. The boy stood up shakily, and looked once more at the Pyramids. They seemed to laugh at him, and he laughed back, his heart bursting with joy. Because now he knew where his treasure was. P.162- 63 The impact of the climax of the Resurrection leads to the resolution. The story above shows the resolution and leads to think of some part in the opening of the story. In the introduction or in the stage of The Call to Adventure, when Santiago sleep under the sycamore tree which grows within a ruined church in Spain, he has dreamed of a treasure that lies or burried in the Pyramid of Egypt. Meanwhile, In the end of the story, the truth is revealed, there is no treasure that is burried or hiden in the Pyramid. The man The Arabian who is the opposite character at the last story tells Santiago not to be so stupid, for, the man also has dreamed of a treasure when he sleep at the Pyramid. The dream told the man to go to the ruined church in Spain and to dig at the roots of a sycamore tree. However, the man says he is not as stupid as Santiago to believe in dream. He is unwilling to cross the desert just because of a recurrent dream. No matter what, Santiago laughs as the man leaves. That is because the man just gives him the clue where the treasure really is. Meanwhile, the treasure that he gets in the Pyramid is not the expected treasure gold coins or precious things, it is the ability to interpret the language of the world. Coincidence or not, Santiago enables to interpret the man ’s dream at the Pyramid or viceversa. The man’s dream uncoincidentally is uttered as the reward, for Santiago finnaly 89 whole-heartedly responds the personal calling.and reaches the Pyramid.after fights trials and enemies. This great reward can mean “The elixir”, since it can be a great treasure or magic potion, love, wisdom, or simply the experience of surviving the special world. The hero may show the benefit of the Elixir, using it to heal a physical or emotional wound, or accomplish tasks that had been feared in the Ordinary World. In The Alchemist, both the the reward that is the knowledge of language of the world and the hiden treasure are the Elixir. In fact, Santiago shows the benefit of gaining those Elixirs. First, Santiago is able to interpret the man’s dream about where the treasure really is and he does not fear the dream will lead him to another burden that he did in the Ordinary World. Second, Santiago returns to Spain to pursue and to finish his “personal calling” or his destiny. His return is to dig the root of the sycamore tree where the treasure is burried. After he finds the treasure, he shared it with the Gipsy woman as his promise.

B. The Literary Elements that presents the Archetypes of Hero’s Journey in

The Alchemist Structuralism approach relates literary texts to a larger structure like a model of a universal narrative structure. It is used to reveal the structure of a narrative and the ways its structure gives understanding to the readers in viewing the whole story. Structuralism argues that there must be a structure in every text. In other words, everything that is written seems to be managed by specific rules. Besides, this approach concentrates and focuses more on the elements of narrative. 90 Hence, the researcher evolves this approach with the aim to expose that the narrative pattern of a single story is integrated into a structure which is constructed as the form pattern for all stories, in this case, the archetypes of hero’s journey or the Monomyth as the universal structure for all stories. The aim is to examine the narrative pattern of The Alchemist related to the form of the archetypes of hero’s journey revised by Christopher Vogler. Thus, some elements of narrative are used to demonstrate the narrative pattern of the novel. Those elements are plot and setting.

1. By Plot

Structure is the basic principle of construction and it becomes the main object investigation in structuralism approach. Since the structure of linear sequences of actions is presented through plot, the plot is a useful element to examine and demonstrate how the rules of the Monomyth or the archetypes of hero’s journey govern the pattern of a text. Thus, the stages of hero’s journey are presented through the development of the plot. The Alchemist employs chronological events with progression. It contains six distinct phases. In the case of relation section among the phases or parts of the story, each phase is characterized by its role in developing the storys conflict. It is also characterized by the level of tension. These phases are; exposition or introduction, rising action, complication, climax, falling action and resolution. The image of the plot diagram or graphic in the form of arc and line shows the plot progression in this story.