The Call Comes More than Once

63 stages of hero’s journey in which the hero gains the supplies like magical gift, knowledge, insight, training, advice, and confidence that are needed to overcome fears of the call to adventure and to prepare the hero ’s mental to begin the Journey. In The Alchemist, the mentor comes as Santiago is reluctant to take the call. The functions of the mentor are to persuade the hero to take the passage and to prepare him with guidance, advice, and magical equipment. Santiago, in the hesitation of the journey, then meets with an old man who admits himself as the king of Salem. Then the king informs Santiago that he knows about S antiago’s dream and the way to find the treasure. This datum describes how the old man appears to be the mentor: Give me one-tenth of your sheep, said the old man, and Ill tell you how to find the hidden treasure. …. Im the king of Salem, the old man had said. Why would a king be talking with a shepherd? the boy asked, awed and embarrassed. For several reasons. But lets say that the most important is that you have succeeded in discovering your Personal Legend. The boy didnt know what a persons personal legend was Coelho, 1993: 20-21. In this moment, Santiago is not aware that the old man will guide and encourages him to begin the adventure until he notices that the old man is a wise and sensible person. There are two major functions of the mentor. They are source of wisdom and supply of equipment as explained below.

a. Source of Wisdom

One function of the mentor is a source of wisdom. Santiago learns some knowledge from the old man especially about “personal legend”, “mysterious force ”, and how to realize one’s “personal legend” or destiny. These parts 64 Coelho, 1993: 20-21 are depictions of the knowledge Santiago has got from the mentor: The boy didnt know what a persons Personal Legend was. Its what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is. At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny. He wanted to know what the mysterious force was….Its a force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your Personal Legend. It prepares your spirit and your will, because there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, its because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. Its your mission on earth. In this moment, the old man tells Santiago about how everyone has a “personal legend”. The old man says that “personal legend” has appeared since a man is brave enough to have a dream or purpose in his life. However, as a man gets older, he starts to think that it’s impossible to achieve the dream. It is the “mysterious force” that obstructs the man with a negative thought or event so that he loses his desire to accomplish his real mission on earth. That is why, Santiago must understand that there are dangers if he reamains in the same place and ignores the “personal calling”. The path of the “personal calling” is not easier than any other path, for there is a “mysterious force” that will hamper him in achieving his dream. However, Santiago must be prepared with some knowledge and has patience in dificult times. No matter what, responding the “personal calling’ and dealing with the destiny will lead him to realize his task in this earth. Besides, Santiago is told how to realize his destiny or “personal legend” and gets the treasure. That is by following the omens. An Omen is a sign that only