


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Register Number 2112220005










Eka Prastia. Deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper. English and Literature Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan. 2016. This study attempts to investigate deixis yound in the yeature columns in Jakarta Post Newspaper. It was conducted to discover the types oy deixis as proposed by Levinson (2004) namely: person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. The objectives oy this study are to describe the types oy deixis, to yind out the most dominant types oy deixis, and to understand why the types oy deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in yeature columns. This study was taken yrom the yeature column oy Jakarta Post Newspaper and ten yeatures are taken as the samples. Documentary technique is due in collecting data. The yinding show that the total number oy deixis yrom whole yeatures were 833 occurrences, 442 occurrences (53,06%) was person deixis, 205 occurrences (24,61%) was place deixis, 104 occurrences (12,49%) was time deixis, 77 occurrences (9,24%) was discourse deixis, and 5 occurrences (0,6%) was social deixis. Person deixis is the dominant type used in those yeatures (53,06%).




First and foremost, the writer would like to thanks to the Almighty ALLAH SWT for the blessing, grace, mercy and protection through her whole life, during her study in her university and especially during the completion her thesis.

The writer is very thankful to many people who have assisted her in different ways, although she had found a lot of difficulties, but with the suggestions and critical comments from her consultant and invaluable advices from people who paid attention to her, especially her family. Thus, the writer finally is able to complete this thesis. This thesis could not be accomplished without the guidance, suggestions and comments from several people. Thus, the writer would like to extend her sincere special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom the Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Arts UNIMED, and to all her staffs.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English Department and also her consultant. Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M.Pd, her Consultant too. For their already motivated her to finish her Thesis by giving advices, supervisions, comment and her precious time during completing this Thesis.

Dra. Meisuri, MA, the Secretary of English Department, Syamsul Bahri S.S, M.Hum, the Head of Non-Education Program, for their suggestions and administrative help during her study.

Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum and Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum, for their suggestions who had given the comprehension of Thesis proposal and for her motivation, advices, comment during compiling this Thesis.

All the Lecturers throughout her academic years at UNIMED, who have taught and given contribution of knowledge to her. Mam Eis Sri


Wahyuni, M.Pd, Administration.  Elman and Erning

spiritual, and also financial support, including their endless love and prayers for the writer.

Eliyani, Hamdika, Riki spirit and advices in her

Her friends in UKM Persma Kreatif Unimed,

thanks for given experiences, knowledge, laugh, sadness during her joins in Kreatif.

 Her fight and joyful b

Ray, Ica, for their laugh, advices, spirits, times, experiences and unforgettable moment during her studies in UNIMED.

 All the others whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their help and supports. Thank for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin


Wahyuni, M.Pd, who has helped her in providing the Academic dministration.

Erning, her beloved parents who have patiently given moral, spiritual, and also financial support, including their endless love and prayers for the writer.

Eliyani, Hamdika, Riki, her beloved sister and brother, who has given ices in her life.

Her friends in UKM Persma Kreatif Unimed, Kru Angkatan L5 and L6, thanks for given experiences, knowledge, laugh, sadness during her joins Her fight and joyful best friends Oonk, Mamas, Luvi, Tirta, Yopi,

for their laugh, advices, spirits, times, experiences and unforgettable moment during her studies in UNIMED.

All the others whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their help and supports. Thank for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin

Medan, August 2016 The researchers

Eka Prastia 2112220005

as helped her in providing the Academic

, her beloved parents who have patiently given moral, spiritual, and also financial support, including their endless love and

, her beloved sister and brother, who has given Kru Angkatan L5 and L6, thanks for given experiences, knowledge, laugh, sadness during her joins

Oonk, Mamas, Luvi, Tirta, Yopi, for their laugh, advices, spirits, times, experiences and

All the others whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their help and supports. Thank for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin










A. Background of The Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 3

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D. The Scope of The Study ... 4

E. The Significance of The Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Linguistics ... 6

2. Pragmatics ... 7

3. Deixis ... 9

4. Types of Deixis ... 10

a) Person Deixis ... 11

b) Place Deixis ... 12

c) Time Deixis ... 13

d) Discourse Deixis ... 15

e) Social Deixis ... 16

5. Newspaper ... 18

6. Jakarta Post Newspaper ... 19

7. News ... 20

8. Feature News ... 21

a) Structure of Feature News ... 23

b) Example of Feature News ... 24

B. Relevant Studies ... 26

C. Conceptual Framework ... 28



A. Research Design ... 30

... B. The Source of Data ... 31

... C. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 32

D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 32


A. Data ... 34

B. Data Analyssis ... 39

1. Into The Deep Waters of Kei Island ... 39

2. The Battle to Save Taiwan’s Queen Head ... 41

3. A Portrait of Siberut Children’s Education ... 42

4. Be Thankful with Fun Holiday Cocktail ... 44

5. Tasting Nordic Flavours with Chef Jaakko Sorsa ... 45

6. Film Festival Brings The Light of Scene ... 47

7. World Toilet Day One Billion People have Nowhere ... 49

8. His Toilet Talk Cartoons ... 51

9. Honors for A King’s protector ... 52

10. The Nine Lives of Russia’s Heritage Cats ... 54











Tables 4.1The Analysis of Deixis in Feature News ... 34 Tables 4.4 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in Into The Deep Waters

of Kei Island ... 39 Tables 4.3 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in the Battle to Save

Taiwan’s Queen Head ... 41 Tables 4.4 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in A Portrait of Siberut

Children’s Education ... 44 Tables 4.5 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in Be Thankful with Fun

Holiday Cocktails ... 44 Tables 4.6 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in Tasting Nordic Flavors

with Chef Jaakko Sorsa ... 45 Tables 4.7 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in Film Festival Brings

The Light of Science ... 47 Tables 4.8 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in World Toilet Day One

Billion People Have Nowhere to Go... 49 Tables 4.9 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in His Toilet Talk

Cartoons ... 51 Tables 4.10 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in Honors for a King’s

Protector ... 54 Tables 4.11 The Calculation of The Types of Deixis in The Nine Lives of





Appendix 1 ... 62 Appendix 2 ... 97





A. Background of The Study

Language is an important position in our life, it is the system of communication that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each other. Without language people can not communicate properly. As state by Cruse (2000:19), language is a complex sign system, 'designed' to ensure infinite expressive capacity, that is to say, there is nothing that is thinkable which cannot in principle be encoded (provided no limit is placed on the complexity of utterances). Moreover, Givon in Perkins (1992:106) state that language evolved as an oral tool initially in immediately obvious context, dealing with immediately obvious topics and tasks, involving face-to-face communication among small groups of intimates who shared much of the pragmatic presuppositions about their universe and the social and motivational structure.

Jackendoff in Levinson (2004:3) has argued that some aspects of language may be residues from ancient human communication systems, but he curiously omits deictics from the list. There would be reasons for caution, because indexicality in human communication has some special properties. As state by Vachek in Perkins (1992:W) the development of language can only be satisfactorily accounted for as due to an incessant adaptation of the means of expression to the ever-increasing



communicative needs obtaining in the given language community. We can produce text, when we speak or write.

A spoken language is in the forms of conversation, speech, storytelling, etc. While writing language is reflected in the forms of newspaper, magazine, book, novel, etc.

Talking about language, directly relating about linguistics. Linguistics is scientific study of human language. There are many sub-field of structure-focused linguistics, one of them is Pragmatics. Pragmatics is a study on the language expression in communicative situation to get some meanings from the speakers, therefore pragmatics also has a role in getting meanings. In all languages, there are many words and expressions whose references rely entirely on the circumstances of the utterance and can only be understood in light of these circumstances. This aspect of pragmatics is called deixis. Deixis shows the important meanings which is expressed by the writers to help the readers to understand the text. Deixis is an important field of language study in its own right and has some relevance to analysis of conversation and pragmatics. There are five types of deixis, namely person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis.

Nowadays, mass media is very influential in daily life of society. All people can get the information from the media everywhere. It is an important thing in a social community in this era. One of the kinds of mass media is a newspaper. Newspaper is one of the information tool to get some news in human’s life, daily or weekly.



In this study, the researcher uses Jakarta Post Newspaper as a source of data. Jakarta Post Newspaper is one of the international news providers in Indonesia. The column in Jakarta Post Newspaper consist of various fields, such as Headlines, National, World, Opinion, Business, Sports, Feature, etc. The researcher choose the feature column as a source of data. Feature news are articles that have human interest, descriptive, colourful, thoughtful, reflective pieces of journalistic writing about original ideas.

Language and text have relation each other. A language can create the meaning of text. Written text will be conceived of as the written record of a potential communicative event, or one meaningful part of it, where the intended mode of communication between writer and reader is written word. In presenting an article, the writer must be able to arrange the ideas within the text. Because, when we read a text, rarely happens that the people sometimes repeat what the previous already stated in order to avoid misunderstanding.

B. The Problem of The Study

The problem of the study are formulated as the following :

1) What types of deixis are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news?



2) What types of deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news?

3) Why the type of deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news?

C. The Objectives of The Study

The objectives of the study are:

1) To describe the types of deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

2) To find out the most dominant types of deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

3) To understand why the types of deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

D. The Scope of The Study

This study will describe all types of deixis based on Levinson (2004:33) there are five main types of deixis: Person deixis, Spatial/Place deixis, Temporal/Time deixis, Social deixis, and Discourse deixis. This research is limited on analysing deixis in the features news of Jakarta Post Newspaper. The features taken from Jakarta Post Newspaper are November 17th – 19th 201W editions.



E. The Significance of The Study

The research findings will hopefully be significant for:

1) For researchers, these findings of the study are expected to enrich their knowledge about deixis and types of deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

2) In Theoretic, the findings of this study are expected to be useful and give much information and knowledge to the readers about deixis and its types which are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news. 3) In Practice, the findings of this study are expected to be useful for viewer

and who would like to enlarge their knowledge about deixis especially for the students who are interested in analysing deixis and its types in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the use of deixis in the feature column of Jakarta Post Newspaper, conclusions are drawn as the following:

1. All types of deixis which used Levinson Theory in the ten features column of Jakarta Post Newspaper. They are person, place, time, discourse and social deixis. The calculation for each type is person deixis were 442 out of 833 or 53,06%, place deixis were 205 out of 833 or 24,61%, time deixis were 104 out of 833 or 12,49%, discourse deixis were 77 out of 833 or 9,24%, and social deixis were 5 out of 833 of 0,6%.

2. the type of deixis is dominantly used in the features column of Jakarta Post Newspaper is person deixis with total 442 or 53,06%

3. Person deixis is dominantly used because the features elaborate the aspects of human’s being or personal identity and written by the author’s experience.



B. Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, it is well suggested that:

1. The researchers to create the further research about deixis in other field or studies.

2. The readers should take this thesis as a reference when they decide to discuss about deixis for their thesis.

3. It is also suggested to the students should study deixis because by knowing deixis, they will be able to comprehend the idea of the speakers and the writers.




Ary, et al. 2002. Introduction to Research in Educations (sixth

edition). Australta: Wadsworth Thomson Learntng.

Cruse, D.A. 2000. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and

Pragmatics. New York : Oxford Untverstty.

Ekowatt, A and Sofwan, A. 2014. The Use of Pragmatics Deixis in Eonversation

Texts in “Pathwax to English”. Semarang: Faculty Languages and Arts

State Untverstty of Semarang.

Hennesy, B. 2006. Writing Feature Article (fourth edition).Oxford :


Levtnson, S.C. 2004. Deixis and Pragmatics. Cambrtdge: Cambrtdge


Nadar, F.X. 2009.PragmatikdanPenelitianPragmatik. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu.

Patton, M.Q and Cochran, M. 2002. Qualitative Research


Perktns, R.D. 1992.Deixis, Grammar, and Eulture. Amsterdam: John

Benjamtns Publtshtng Company.

Potter, D.2006.Handbook of Independent Journalist.U.S Department of State.

Raftna, 2012.Deixis in Inside Sumatera Magazine. Medan: Faculty

Languages and Arts State Untverstty of Medan.

Rosmawaty, 2013.Analxsis The Use of The Kind of Deixis on “Axat

AxatEinta” Novel bx Habiburrahman El-Shirazx. Medan: Faculty

Languages and Arts State Untverstty of Medan.

Sugtyono. 2010. MetodePenelitianKuantitatif, Kualitatifdan R&D. Bandung:


Wttt, L. 1991. The Eomplete Book of Feature Writing (First Edition).USA:

F&W Publtcattons.

Yule, G. 2010. The Studx of language (fourth edition).

New York: Cambrtdge Untverstty. (accessed on May 19th, 2016 at 10.30 p.m)



In this study, the researcher uses Jakarta Post Newspaper as a source of data. Jakarta Post Newspaper is one of the international news providers in Indonesia. The column in Jakarta Post Newspaper consist of various fields, such as Headlines, National, World, Opinion, Business, Sports, Feature, etc. The researcher choose the feature column as a source of data. Feature news are articles that have human interest, descriptive, colourful, thoughtful, reflective pieces of journalistic writing about original ideas.

Language and text have relation each other. A language can create the meaning of text. Written text will be conceived of as the written record of a potential communicative event, or one meaningful part of it, where the intended mode of communication between writer and reader is written word. In presenting an article, the writer must be able to arrange the ideas within the text. Because, when we read a text, rarely happens that the people sometimes repeat what the previous already stated in order to avoid misunderstanding.

B. The Problem of The Study

The problem of the study are formulated as the following :

1) What types of deixis are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news?



2) What types of deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news?

3) Why the type of deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news?

C. The Objectives of The Study The objectives of the study are:

1) To describe the types of deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

2) To find out the most dominant types of deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

3) To understand why the types of deixis are the most dominantly used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

D. The Scope of The Study

This study will describe all types of deixis based on Levinson (2004:33) there are five main types of deixis: Person deixis, Spatial/Place deixis, Temporal/Time deixis, Social deixis, and Discourse deixis. This research is limited on analysing deixis in the features news of Jakarta Post Newspaper. The features taken from Jakarta Post Newspaper are November 17th – 19th 201W editions.



E. The Significance of The Study

The research findings will hopefully be significant for:

1) For researchers, these findings of the study are expected to enrich their knowledge about deixis and types of deixis in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.

2) In Theoretic, the findings of this study are expected to be useful and give much information and knowledge to the readers about deixis and its types which are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news. 3) In Practice, the findings of this study are expected to be useful for viewer

and who would like to enlarge their knowledge about deixis especially for the students who are interested in analysing deixis and its types in Jakarta Post Newspaper especially in feature news.





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the use of deixis in the feature column of Jakarta Post Newspaper, conclusions are drawn as the following:

1. All types of deixis which used Levinson Theory in the ten features column of Jakarta Post Newspaper. They are person, place, time, discourse and social deixis. The calculation for each type is person deixis were 442 out of 833 or 53,06%, place deixis were 205 out of 833 or 24,61%, time deixis were 104 out of 833 or 12,49%, discourse deixis were 77 out of 833 or 9,24%, and social deixis were 5 out of 833 of 0,6%.

2. the type of deixis is dominantly used in the features column of Jakarta Post Newspaper is person deixis with total 442 or 53,06%

3. Person deixis is dominantly used because the features elaborate the aspects of human’s being or personal identity and written by the author’s experience.



B. Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, it is well suggested that:

1. The researchers to create the further research about deixis in other field or studies.

2. The readers should take this thesis as a reference when they decide to discuss about deixis for their thesis.

3. It is also suggested to the students should study deixis because by knowing deixis, they will be able to comprehend the idea of the speakers and the writers.




Ary, et al. 2002. Introduction to Research in Educations (sixth edition). Australta: Wadsworth Thomson Learntng.

Cruse, D.A. 2000. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. New York : Oxford Untverstty.

Ekowatt, A and Sofwan, A. 2014. The Use of Pragmatics Deixis in Eonversation Texts in “Pathwax to English”. Semarang: Faculty Languages and Arts State Untverstty of Semarang.

Hennesy, B. 2006. Writing Feature Article (fourth edition).Oxford : Elsevter

Levtnson, S.C. 2004. Deixis and Pragmatics. Cambrtdge: Cambrtdge Untverstty.

Nadar, F.X. 2009.PragmatikdanPenelitianPragmatik. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu. Patton, M.Q and Cochran, M. 2002. Qualitative Research


Perktns, R.D. 1992.Deixis, Grammar, and Eulture. Amsterdam: John Benjamtns Publtshtng Company.

Potter, D.2006.Handbook of Independent Journalist.U.S Department of State. Raftna, 2012.Deixis in Inside Sumatera Magazine. Medan: Faculty

Languages and Arts State Untverstty of Medan.

Rosmawaty, 2013.Analxsis The Use of The Kind of Deixis on “Axat AxatEinta” Novel bx Habiburrahman El-Shirazx. Medan: Faculty

Languages and Arts State Untverstty of Medan.

Sugtyono. 2010. MetodePenelitianKuantitatif, Kualitatifdan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Wttt, L. 1991. The Eomplete Book of Feature Writing (First Edition).USA: F&W Publtcattons.

Yule, G. 2010. The Studx of language (fourth edition). New York: Cambrtdge Untverstty. (accessed on May 19th, 2016 at 10.30 p.m)