Understanding of Meaning Concept .1 Process of Translation

6 4. Contextual translation Relating to its context a possible translation of this sentence might be like this: SL : Who has been living with ? TL : Selama ini dengan siapa ia tinggal di sana ? To make the sentence fit the context better for example, add selama ini to the beginning of the sentence and di sana to the sentence and di sana to the end of the sentence.

2.2.3 Understanding of Meaning

Meaning is the important component in the translation process. If the translator wants to translate a text into the other language, he must understand very well what is the meaning of the text.he can change the form of the text. But he can n ot change the meaning. Translation is basically a change of form. Translation consist of transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by going form the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be help constant. The form which the translation is made will be called the source language and the form into which it is to be changed will be called the receptor language. Translation consist of studying the grammatical structure, communication, situation and cultural context of the source language text analyzing it in order to 7 determine its meaning and the reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context. As long as one is dealing with merely one language, the problem of semantic areas are not so acute. What makes the problem infinitely more difficult is that each languages has a distinctive way of segmenting its experience by means of words. Moreover, the ways in which these words are related to each other are also very different. For one thing, there is often a one for many relationship between language. The English word corner is translated into Spanish as esquina an outside corner and rincon an inside corner, while the Spanish word radio corresponds in part to English radio, radium and radius. According to its relationship meaning could be divided into lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, contextual meaning and sosiocultural meaning Machali, 2000 : 24. a. Lexical Meaning Lexical meaning come from the word lexicon means words. Lexical meaning is meaning which is usually found in the dictionary, like in Indonesian English Dictionary, example : dog ---- Anjing. b. Grammatical Meaning Grammatical meaning is a meaning formed by construction of words in phrase, clause or sentence, example meaning formed by adding suffix in the word meminjam and meminjamkan which in English change into to borrow 8 and to lend. If to borrow is followed by direct object then to lend is followed by indirect object. c. Contextual Meaning Contextual meaning is a meaning formed by its relationship with the other words which is used in a text. The example of the meaning bear in these sentence : 1 I can’t bear anymore. 2 She can’t bear children, since womb was removed during a cancer operation. 3 He shot a bear among the trees. Machali 2000 : 24 So the meaning of bear in these sentence is translated and depends in the word context itself, the other example of the word context outside the text, can be seen on this example : SL : The mustang was the fastest in the race TL : Kuda mustang itu adalah yang tercepat dalam pacuan tersebut. Machali, 2000 : 72 It’s better to translate the text with the context following it, so the meaning of mustang could be clearly seen in the target language text. d. Sosiocultural Meaning Sosiocultural meaning is a meaning formed by the culture where the language it used. Example : selamat makan, there is no sentence like that in English culture so they don’t have a sentence like good eat. Although in 9 French we can say bon appetite which has the same meaning. Sosiocultural meaning has also a special social contain, like in the word lunch and luncheon in English. Usually the word luncheon is used by the high class people. Larson also divided the meaning into the referential meaning and the connotative meaning. The referential meaning is a meaning based, like in the example above which can be seen in the lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, and contextual meaning. But the connotative meaning, has an extra meaning like a sosiocultural meaning. The word kursi in Indonesia has a referential meaning but also has a connotative meaning. Example : Ia baru saja mendapatkan kursi yang empuk dalam perusahaan itu. Proyek – proyek miliaran banyak yang diserahkan kepadanya. Machali, 2000 :25 In addition to these chains of many meanings, one must also reckon with differences of classification. For example, but in many languages bamboo is only grass. In some of the language of New Guinea, a cassowary is not considered a bird, for though it doesn’t have feathers and lay eggs it does not fly. Talking about verbal consistency in translating, we focus primary attention upon the way in which specific words are translated, but words are not the only formal features involved in formal consistency. One may, for example have formal consistency of words, phrase, and clause order word other is more difficult to retain than phrase or clause order, length of sentence and classes of words, translating nouns by nouns and verb by verbs. 10 A words is a bundle of meaning components, the translator needs to be able to analyze the lexical items words of the source text in order to translate them. Dictionaries unpack the meanings of wor ds. That’s why a good translator will use all the dictionaries and lexicon available in his study of the source language text. Since language combine meanings differently, there will be many words which will not have an exact one word equivalent in the receptor language. Larson, 1988:59.

2.2.4. Word Classes