The Nature of Perception

24 3 Situation The situation around the environment also influences the perception. The context of the situation in which the objects or event can be seen is important. The situation refers to the time, location or work setting, and social setting of the event. The situation in class can influence the students ’ feeling during the learning process.

B. Theoretical Framework

In conducting the research, the researcher uses the basic theories of writing proficiency, academic essay writing, student-teacher consultation and perception. Since this study is related to the writing proficiency, the basic theories of writing proficiency from Hyland and Brown are used to identify the requirements of a good writing. The theories of the criteria of writing proficiency are asked in questionnaire to identify kinds of criteria that are already achieved by the students through consultation. These are the criteria of writing proficiency which is provided in questionnaire. Table 2.1 The Criteria of Writing Proficiency Hyland 2003 Content of Writing Event, significant, and personal comment on event. Structure Chronological order and reorientation. Language Usage Language control, diction, application grammar. Brown 2004 Punctuation. 25 Meanwhile, the theories of the teacher’s role and the principles of teaching writing are used to analyze and support the finding in chapter four. The theories of the academic essay are used to clarify kind of writing that is written by the students in AEW. It will support the finding and give more information about the academic essay. In addition, the theories of essay writing are presented in order to give clearer information about the academic essay writing. It is used to support the results of the data. The theories of student-teacher consultation are used as the main theories which are used in questionnaire and interview. Since the focus of this study is the influence and the perception on the student-teacher consultation, the theory of student-teacher consultation, the benefits and the aims of the consultation are used to analyze and support the finding in order to find out students’ interpretation and attitude towards consultation in the academic essay writing. These theories explain that student-teacher consultation helps students to learn directly from the teacher as an expert. It will help the students to improve their writing proficiency especially in writing an essay. Then, the theories of perception are the additional theories to support the questions which are related to the student’ perception on the implementation of student-teacher consultation. The theories of the factors which influence students’ perception are used in the questionnaire and interview. This theory provides three factors. The factors are perceiver, target and situation. In the questionnaire, the researcher uses two factors: perceiver and situation. It will strengthen the findings and provide the experts ’ opinion to make the discussion clearer.