Previous Studies An Analysis On Students’ Errors In Learning Reported Speech Of Statements (A Case Study At The First Year Students Of Smk Bintang Nusantara Pondok Aren)

D. Technique of Data Collecting

There were two techniques of collecting data, used in this research, as follow: a. Test Test was a technique in collecting data about the frequency of the errors in the transform of tenses and pronouns in learning reported speech of statement. b. Interview Some students especially who got bad scores were interviewed to reinforce the analysis and to find out the reasons why the students made the errors in learning reported speech of statements.

E. Instrument of the Research

In this research, test was used as an instrument for collecting the data; the a written test focused on the subject matter that would be studied was given. The test consisted of 20 questions which were divided into two parts. The first part consisted of ten statements which the students should change from direct statements into reported statements with the suitable tenses. The second part consisted of other ten statements which the students should fill the blank spaces with the suitable pronouns.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis used in this research was descriptive analysis technique percentage to get relative frequency, which was described in the table percentage. In this table, the formula which was used as follows: P = F X 100 N P = Percentage F = Frequency of error made N = Number of the students 1 1 Drs. Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2001, p. 40 26 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS

A. Data Description

1. Data for Types of Error

In this research, test is given to the students to get some data for types of error. The test is given to the twenty three students of the first year of SMK Bintang Nusantara Pondok Aren. However, there were three students absent when the writer gave the test. The test consisted of 20 items divided into two parts A and B. These two parts of test were given to take student’s score in reported speech of statement; 1. Part A : To test student’s ability to change the direct statement into indirect statement by applying the rule for sequence of tenses in its transformation. 2. Part B : To test student’s ability to change the direct statement into indirect statement by using suitable pronoun in its transformation. The following table is the classification of each item about the test of reported speech of statement into area tested. Table 4.1 Area Tested of Changing Tenses and Pronoun No Area Tested Number of Items I Part A: Changing the direct statement into indirect statement by applying the rule for sequence of tenses: Simple Present-Simple Past Present Continuous-Past Continuous 1,8,9,10 2