The Types of Error

5. The Procedures of Error Analysis According to Rod Ellis, there are four procedures of error analysis, as follow: 1. Identifying errors 2. Describing errors 3. Explaining errors 4. Evaluating errors 54 The first step is identifying errors. In this step, teacher identifies students’ errors from the tasks given by comparing the sentences that the learners have produced with correct sentences in the target language. For example: The women is my sisters. The correct sentence should be: The women are my sisters. The second step is describing errors. This step comes after identifying error process has finished. Describing error means that the teacher should classify the errors which have been made by the students into the types of error. The third step is explaining errors where the teacher should try to predict or even establish the source of errors. In other word, the teacher should consider how the errors can happen and why the errors can happen. The last step is evaluating errors where the teacher should decide to whom the evaluation will be given, what errors which will be asked to the students to judge, and how they will be asked to judge them.

D. Previous Studies

There are some studies dealing with this study as a skripsi of Qori 55 and Zulyadi 56 . The short explanations of those studies are described in the following. 54 Rod Ellis, Second Language Acquisition, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, p.15. 55 Sesilia Umdatul Qori, An Analysis on Students’ Errors in Learning Reported Speech of Question Sentence, Third Year of SMKIT Nurul Qolbi Bekasi: PU UIN JKT, 2011. Qori conducted a case study on analyzing on the students’ error in learning reported speech of question sentence. Qori focused on the errors made by the students in learning reported speech of question sentence in the change of tenses and pronoun. The method of the study was descriptive analysis. The result of the study was the third year students of SMKIT Nurul Qolbi Bekasi still made errors in learning reported speech of question sentence, especially when they are asked to transform from direct question into indirect question. The most common types of errors are in area of Misordering which consists of 139 75.1 errors, it is followed by Over- Generalization 36 19.5, Omission 5 2.7, Over-Regularization 4 2.2, Addition 1 0.5, and there is no error in Double Marking. Then, Zulyadi did an error analy sis on students’ errors in using direct and indirect speech. Zulyadi focused on the errors made by the second grade students of SMAN 90 Jakarta in using direct and indirect speech. The method of the study was descriptive analysis. The finding showed that there were 907 errors made by the students. The most common type of errors was Miss- selection which consisted of 507 errors or 55.90. 56 Rahmat Zulyadi, An Analysis on Students’ Errors in Using Direct and Indirect Speech, Secon Grade of SMAN 90 Jakarta: PU UIN JKT, 2012. 23 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

A. Place and Time of the Study

In this study, the study was conducted at SMK Bintang Nusantara Pondok Aren which is located at Jl. Raya Pondok Aren - Jombang No. 15 Pondok Kacang Timur Tangerang Selatan, Banten. The research was carried on 7 May to 14 May 2013.

B. Data Source

In this study, data source was taken in the first year students of SMK Bintang Nusantara Pondok Aren. The students consisted of two classes. Class X-Multimedia consisted of 33 students and class X-Akuntansi consisted of 23 students . Therefore, the whole students were 56 students. By some considerations, it was only one class taken X-Akuntansi which consisted of 23 students as data source. The data source was taken by using purposive sampling technique, the determining of class which would be studied based on the policy and ease from the school.

C. Method of the Study

In conducting this study, field research and descriptive analysis were used. In the field research, the observation was directly executed to the school. In this case, the test was given to the student about the topic would be studied and interviewed students to get some data. Meanwhile, descriptive analysis was used to describe the errors made by the first year students of SMK Bintang Nusantara Pondok Aren and the causes of why the students made the errors when turning direct speech into reported speech of statements.

D. Technique of Data Collecting

There were two techniques of collecting data, used in this research, as follow: a. Test Test was a technique in collecting data about the frequency of the errors in the transform of tenses and pronouns in learning reported speech of statement. b. Interview Some students especially who got bad scores were interviewed to reinforce the analysis and to find out the reasons why the students made the errors in learning reported speech of statements.

E. Instrument of the Research

In this research, test was used as an instrument for collecting the data; the a written test focused on the subject matter that would be studied was given. The test consisted of 20 questions which were divided into two parts. The first part consisted of ten statements which the students should change from direct statements into reported statements with the suitable tenses. The second part consisted of other ten statements which the students should fill the blank spaces with the suitable pronouns.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis used in this research was descriptive analysis technique percentage to get relative frequency, which was described in the table percentage. In this table, the formula which was used as follows: P = F X 100 N