Theoretical Hypothesis THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

experimental group as a group that gets the treatment and the control group that did not get treatment. 5 The researcher implements Collaborative Strategic Reading CSR technique in the first class and Grammar Translation Method is implemented in the second class. This study focuses on giving treatment to the experimental class by applying Collaborative Strategic Reading in teaching reading, and then the researcher observes the result through classroom observation and test.

C. The Population and Sample

The researcher conducted the experiment of SMA PGRI 109 Kota Tangerang. The population of the research is the second grade of senior high school. There are 4 classes of second grade. The total number of students or population is 140 students. The sampling technique of this research is Purposive Sampling, because it takes the sample with any consideration. 6 In this research, the researcher chooses XI IPA 1 as the experimental class and XI IPA 2 as the control class, because according to the English teacher in that school, those classes were appropriate to become the object of this research. Both of those classes consist of 35 students. The researcher chooses the second- grade because reading skill is the crucial skill for them in the preparation of facing the National Examination in the third grade.

D. The Instrument of the Data

The instrument of this study is a test of English which consist of 25 multiple choice questions taken from some books of English for Second Grade. The 25 items of the tests is tested to the students from the third grade. After the test is applied, the researcher measures the instruments’ validity and reliability used ANATEST. For the ANATEST result, it can be seen on appendices. 5 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 2006, p. 311. 6 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Pendidika,. Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012, p. 124.

E. Data Collection Techniques

Technique of collecting data in this research is using pretest and posttest that was given to both experimental class and control class. In this research, the researcher gave pre- test to see students’ basic capability in reading before using Collaborative Strategic Reading CSR technique in reading class. The next test was post-test which will measure the effectiveness of CSR technique towards students’ reading comprehension achievement in a certain period.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher used T-test to find out the differences between the students’ scores which were taken from pre-test and post-test in experiment class and control class. Before calculate the hypothesis testing, the researcher first measure normality and homogeneity test. Moreover, the writer analyzed the data by using SPSS v.16 for Windows software to do the normality test, the homogeneity test, and T-test.

1. Normality Test

Normality test is done towards two classes; those are experimental class and control class. Normality Test is used to know whether the data from both sample groups which is examined comes from the population of normal distribution or not. The normality test is done with SPSS v.16 for Windows with requirement as follows: If the significance score of Asyim Sig 2 tailed 0.05, so the data is come from the normal population, but if Asyim Sig 2 tailed 0.05, so the data is not come from normal population.

2. Homogeneity Test

After normality test gives indication that data is distributed normally, so it needs to do homogeneity test. Homogeneity Test is used to know the similarity of the two conditions or population. The researcher also uses SPSS v.16 for Windows to do homogeneity test which is Analyze-Compare Means- One Way ANOVA.

3. Hypothesis Testing

For The Hypothesis Test, the researcher uses T-Test to find out whether there is the differences between two variables in this study. The researcher uses SPSS v.16 for Windows program to find the result. After gaining the t- value , the researcher compares T- value and T- table . Testing hypothesis uses criteria with significance degree 0.05. The conclusion is gained as follows: If t- value t- table , the H o is accepted. If t- value t- table , the H o is rejected or H 1 is accepted. 7 H 1 : There is an influence of Collaborative Strategic Reading CSR technique on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension of narrative text. H : There is no influence of Collaborative Strategic Reading CSR technique on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension of narrative text. 7 Suharsimi Arikunto, op. cit., p. 311.

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