The Ideational Function The Interpersonal Function

meaning semantic are related each other either in spoken or written language. SFL believes that such a kind of relation is one of realizations. Therefore, the linguistics analyses of texts can help us to find out why some text are more effective than other text at communicating information. Text analysis is advantageous in giving us a better understanding of the nature of language use in English in many fields. SFL puts a great interest in the relation between language and context. If a text can be understood by the speakers or writers, there is a great deal about the context in which the text occurs can be revealed. Therefore, SFL has been described as a functional semantic approach to language which explores how people use language in different context, and how language is structured for use as a semiotic system.

2.1.4 Metafunctions of Language

Systemic functional Linguistics SFL describes that language is functional. In general, metafunctions of language is major function of language to give the message which has good formulation. Metafunction of language consists of three major functional components, they are: The Ideational Function, The Interpersonal Function, and The Textual Function. The Ideational Function

The Ideational function relates to the inner worlds of reality, it is “language about something”. According to Halliday 1978:112, whenever one reflects on the external world of phenomena or the internal world of one’s consciousness, the representation of that reflection would takes the form of ‘content’. This form of content is called the experiential meaning. Universitas Sumatera Utara - Experiential Meaning Focusing the language on the clause level with respect to the notion of clause as representation. Clause as a representation means that one function of the clause is as representation of experience of both external realities i.e. reality outside oneself and internal reality reality inside oneself. The experiential or representational function of language clause is realized by the transitivity system of language. The outer world of reality that is brought into the inner world of reality in one’s consciousness, which is encoded in the transitivity system of language, is interpreted as a what-is-going-on process, which is related to material actions, events, states and relations. The what–is-going-on process falls into various processes. Halliday has identified the encoding processes of the realities under discussion, and he has also linguistically grammatically classified the various process types: 1 material, 2 mental, 3 relational, and he classified other processes into three subsidiary process types: 1 behavioral, 2 verbal, and 3 existential Halliday 1985d,1994 The Interpersonal Function

The interpersonal function is an interpretation of language in its function as an exchange, which is a doing function of language; it is concerned with language as an action. This meaning represents the speaker’s meaning potential as an intruder that takes intro account the interactive nature of relations between the addresses speakerwriter and the addressee listenerreader. At the grammatical level of interpretation with respect to the clause function it is interpreted that the clause is also organized as an interactive event Universitas Sumatera Utara that involves speaker, writer, and audience listener or reader. Clauses of the interpersonal function as clauses of exchange, which represent speech role relationship. As Halliday 1985d:68-71 suggests, whenever two people use language to interact, one of the things they do it is establishing a relationship between them. In this, he sets out two most fundamental types of speech role or functions: 1 giving, and 2 demanding Halliday, 1994:68-69. The interpersonal meaning of language clause in its as an exchange, in which clauses of the interpersonal meaning that function as clauses of exchange representing the speech role relationship, is realized by the mood system of language clause, the mood system of the clause is represented by the mood structured of the clause, which comprises two major elements: 1 mood and 2 residue. A mood element of an English clause typically consist of a subject and a finite, whereas a residue element of a predicator, one or more complementss, and any number of different types of adjuncts. An act of speaking is in interact, i.e. an exchange, in which there is something either given, which implies there is something received, or else demanded, which implies there is something given. If not, there is no interaction. In other words, in an interaction involving speaker and listener, the speaker is either giving something, which implies the listener is giving something in response. What is exchange demandedgiven or givenreceived is a kind of commodity exchanged falls into two principle types: 1 good services, and 2 information. These two variables or types of commodity exchanged defined the four primaries speech function of 1 offer, 2 command, 3 statement, and 4 question. For example: Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. May I help you? offer 2. Shut up command 3. John can type 45 words per minute. statement 4. When will he join the army? question The interpersonal meaning of the clause can be observed on two levels. On the first level, the speakerwriter as the producer of the clause can speaker or write from a position carrying the authority of a discipline or an institution. In this, the way the interpersonal meaning is delivered is determined by the knowledge or power relationship exiting between the speakerwrite and listenerreader. On the other level, the speakerwriter may choose to communicate with the listenerreader. appositions as a person, with no authority of a discipline, an institution, or the like. For example: The lecturer says, “submit our homework next Wednesday ” first level My friend said to me, “Will you join with us tonight The Textual Function