Definition of Test Language Test



A. Language Test

1. Definition of Test

In order to know how well the result of teaching and learning process, a teacher should evaluate it. By evaluating, the teacher can collect information or have concept whether the teaching and learning activity has successed or not. Actually, there are many ways that use to evaluate the teaching learning process. One of the ways is test. Generally, the test serves to motivate the learner and to give the unity to the portions of the material being studied at different times. It can be device to prove the skills and abilities inlearning. There are some definitions about test. Penny Ur 1996 said that “Tests are used as a means to motivate students to learn or review specific material”. 1 It means test is one motivation of students to learn or review material in their school. 1 Penny Ur, a Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, P.34 Furthemore Fernandes 1984 states that a test as a systematic procedure for surveying a person‟s behavior and explaining it with the aid of a numerical scale or a category system.” 2 While Airisian and Russel sais that “test is a formal, systematic procedure used to gather information about students‟ achievement or other cognitive skill.” 3 In addition, according to Linn Gronlund 1995, “a test is a particular type of assessment that typically consists of a set of questions administered during a fixed period of time under reasonably comparable conditions for all students”. 4 Based on the definitions above, the writer conclude that the test is the particular types of assessment to reinforce learning and to motivate students by giving a task or a set of tasks. Through the test, the teacher do not only measure and motivate the students‟ ability but also improve the lesson in teaching learning process. In order to make a proper decision, the teacher needs accurate data and to gain data, so a good instrument is needed.

2. The Kind of Test