Teaching English learning process at SMP N 87 Jakarta The profile of English teacher



This chapter consist of teaching English learning process at SMP N 87 Jakarta, the profile of English teachers of SMP N 87 Jakarta, the profile of the student of SMP N 87 Jakarta 7 grade, teaching material and AVA used.

A. Teaching English learning process at SMP N 87 Jakarta

a. Structure of the Program The development and changes in living society and nation to be follow up and consider in form of arranging new curriculum in every level and unit of education. There for the English teachers in SMP N 87 Jakarta try to develop their on curriculum based on their need. In this school the teacher use the standard of curriculum from the goverment but they develop it into KTSP for the details of their learning target. b. English program in one year in appendix c. English program in one semester even semester in appendix

B. The profile of English teacher

In SMP N 87 Jakarta there are four English teachers. First is Dra Siti Anisah who is teaching English in grade 7 and 8. She was graduated from IKIP Muhammadiyah Jakarta in 1993. She was majoring in English Department. She has been teaching English for 29 years 10 months. Then, Siti Asmonah who is teaching English in grade 7. She graduated from PGSLP Jakarta for D1 of English Department in 1974. And graduated from UT Jakarta for D3 of English Department in 2000. She has been teaching English for 33 years 7 months. Next, Ida Amalia who is teaching in grade 7 and 9. She has been teaching English for 9 years 1 month. she was graduated from IKIP Muhammad Jakarta in 1994. Her background study is in English Department. The last, Hefnimar M, S Pd who is teaching English in grade 8 and 9. She has been teaching English for 30 years 10 months. She was graduate from UNJ Jakarta for S1 is in 2007. Her background study is English literature. From the data of the teachers‟ profile above we can conclude that English teachers in SMPN 87 Jakarta is having the real background of the subjects they taught because they were majoring in English education. So, the writer can say that they were competence enough in teaching English.

C. The profile of the student of SMP N 87 Jakarta 7 grade