Which of these responses express reluctant agreement? There is more than one correct answer

Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J 45 meaning which verb? example of the book.  Expression of agreement and disagreement When we agree strongly, we can say:  You‟re absolutely right.  I couldn‟t agree more.  That‟s exactly what I think.  Absolutely  Exactly. Partial agreement is a little more difficult.  Yes, OK, but perhaps..  I see what you mean but have you thought about..  I hear what you‟re saying but..  I accept what you‟re saying but…  I see your point but…  I agree to some extent but..  True enough but….  On the whole, I agree with you but… We also often show we are in general agreement and then say ‗but‘ to introduce a reservation or a different point of view. As well as partial agreement, we can also express doubt or weak disagreement:  Yeah, I‟m not really sure about that.  Maybe, but isn‟t is more a question of …  That‟s not really how I see it, I‟m afraid.  I‟m not really with you on that one.  Mmm, but don‟t you think…? And then of course, sometimes we just have to disagree:  I can‟t agree. I really think…  I have to disagree there..  No, I disagree. What about….?  No way I completely disagree with you  Come on How can you say that….  Absolutely not 46 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J  You‟re talking rubbish.  You don‟t know what you‟re saying.  That‟s absolute nonsense.

G. Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut

Setelah selesai membaca, merangkum dan mengerjakan latihantugas selanjutnya peserta diharapkan mampu 1. menggunakan logical conjunction yang tepat dalam keterampilan berbahasa Inggris khususnya untuk jenis jenis teks yang membutuhkan penggunaannya 2. menggunakan ungkapan agreement dan disagreement secara tepat sesuai konteks dalam diskusi 3. menggunakan core modality yang tepat sesuai konteks pembicaraan Sebagai tindak lanjut, peserta dapat : 1. mencari contoh contoh berbagai jenis teks dan menganalisis penggunaan logical conjuction yang ada dalam teks tersebut . 2. menulis teks dengan berbagai variasi penggunaan logical conjuction di dalamnya 3. mendesain materi pembelajaran mengenai core modal verbs dan ungkapan agreement dan disagreement sesuai dengan level siswa SMP

H. Kunci Jawaban Practice 1

Jawaban didiskusikan Practice 2 1 . Susie refused to take part in the concert. However, she changed her mind the next day. 2. The car beat the red traffic light. As a result, the driver was issued a summons by the traffic policeman. Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J 47 3. Fira won the gold medal after three months of intensive training. Similarly, you too could win if you practice hard enough, Lizas mother said to her. 4. I dont think she can handle this task. Besides, she already has a lot of other responsibilities, said the head prefect to his assistant. 5. The cadets were given new uniforms to wear. In addition, they received free passes to the match. 6. The people strongly opposed the move to build a golf course near their house. Consequently, the proposed plan was cancelled. 7. The final examinations are coming soon. Therefore, it would be advisable for you to begin revising more systematically, the teacher told her class. 8. The neighbors often helped each other, t hus creating a feeling of harmony in the neighborhood. 9. The teenager was caught shoplifting. However, he was let off with a warning. 10. Shaun is directing the movie. Besides, he is playing the lead role in it. 11. Thomas Edison failed several times before he successfully invented the first light bulb. Similarly, you too could attain your dreams if you never give up trying. 12. The bungalow had seven rooms, each with an attached bathroom. In addition, there was a large garden and a swimming pool. Practice 3 Text A This is how you make a call from a public telephone. First, lift the receiver. Then, drop your money into the slot fo the coin box. Note: there are three slots, so be sure that you drop your coin into the correct one. Tha t will be the slot that is about the size of the coin. Then dial the number you want. When the other side answers, press Button A. Do not press Button A until you are sure that your call has got through. Do not misuse public telephones. If you damage a public telephone you may regret it later when you need to make an urgent call. For example, last Wednesday, Raja was very happy when he managed to get a free