14 psychosocial moratorium, those are: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure and negative identity. Erikson 1968: 170 states that identity diffusion is followed by severe identity confusion accompanied by acute upset, inability to concentrate or a self-destructive preoccupation. Adolescent that is unable to face the need of identity development is likely to confront to the state of identity diffusion. In other words, identity diffusion is the unreadiness to explore and accept a proper identity. The process of finding or experimentation about oneself is usually skipped by those who are unable to handle identity diffusion. Identity diffusion can cause disruption in the mind of those who are unable to handle the problem. They are likely to find themselves finding difficulties in concentrating, controlling their emotion and forming relationships with others. The second phenomenon of psychosocial moratorium is identity foreclosure. Identity foreclosure is the premature establishment of the sense of identity. In this type of trouble, a certain adolescent is prematurely put himself into a certain role. The role then is considered as his final role. This is likely to lead the adolescent into confusion in identity and the inability to cope with the real and assigned set of roles in the society. This identity foreclosure is usually set by the goals of the parents or other authority figures. Nurmi 1990: 78 states that the individual with identity foreclosure is being pressured and his sense of conformity is taken from him. So in a sense, his given identity is what his parents forced upon him and the individual accept it as his final 15 identity. The individual who faces this problem is left with no choice in experimenting and exploring his own sense of identity. The last aspect of psychosocial moratorium is negative identity. Negative identity is also known as the loss sense of identity. The loss sense of identity then expressed in the sense of hostility towards the appropriate roles. In a sense, the failure of acquiring a proper identity turns out into a hate toward the appropriate role of identity. The target of the disdain covers a wide range of aspect such as nationality or class membership, masculinity or feminity, race, religion and many more. 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation The young adult stage around 19 to 40 years old is what signified the stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation. At this stage, the young adult will certainly seeks out intimacy. The young adult seeks intimacy by building a deep and long last relationship with others and if going well it will turn into a family. If the young adult fails to find the intimacy, heshe will be faced with isolation instead of intimacy. 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation The seventh stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development is the stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation. Generativity is primarily the interest in establishing and guiding the next generation Erikson, 1980:103. This stage 16 occurs during middle adulthood around 40 to 65 years old. At this stage, the adult will try to do something that will benefit the society. The adult will attempt to leave something for hisher society. The fear at this stage is that when the adult faced with inactivity and stagnation. The success of this stage will lead in the sense of accomplishment, while the failure will lead in the sense of meaningless existence. 8. Ego integrity vs. Despair The last stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development is the stage of Ego integrity vs. Despair. This stage occurs during late adulthood around 65 years until the end of life. At this stage, the adult that have resolved all of the seventh stages of Erikson’s psychosocial development will look back at their life and seek the sense of fulfillment. The goal in this stage will lead the adult into the feeling of having knowledge, experience and wisdom while the failure will result in having despair and regret. 17 Table 1. The chart of Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory adapted from www.clevelandconsultinggroup.comnewlettersccg-news-december-2012.htm Stages Crisis Favorable Outcome Unfavorable Outcome 1 st year of life Trust vs. Mistrust Faith in the environment and future events. Suspicion, fear of future events. 2 nd year of life Autonomy vs. Doubt A sense of self- control and adequacy. Feelings of shame and self-doubt. 3 rd to 5 th years Initiative vs. Guilt Ability to be a “self-starter,” to initiate one’s own activities. A sense of guilt and inadequacy to be on one’s own. 6 th year to puberty Industry vs. Inferiority Ability to learn how things work, to understand and organize. A sense of inferiority at understanding and organizing. Adolescence Identity vs. Identity Seeing oneself as a Confusion over 18 12 to 18 years old Diffusion unique and integrated person. who and what one really is. Early Adulthood 19 to 40 years old Intimacy vs. Isolation Ability to make commitments to others, to love. Inability to form affectionate relationship. Middle age 40 to 65 years old Generativity vs. Stagnation Concern for family and society in general. Concern only for self-one’s own well-being and prosperity. Aging years 65 years until the end of life Integrity vs. Despair A sense of integrity and fulfillment; willingness to face death. Dissatisfaction with life; despair over prospect of death.

C. Previous Research Findings

A research study on Bank’s The Wasp Factory has been done before by Radek Holcepl 2012. The title of the research is “Postmodernism Mentality in The Wasp Factory”. The research is conducted from the postmodernism point of view and is focused on the relation between forms and contents from the perspective of sociology and depth psychology. The main focus of the research is to find out the 19 relation between literature, religion and technology in postmodernism era that represented in the characterization of Frank from The Wasp Factory. The similarity of this research and the research done by Radek Holcepl is the object, the main character from The Wasp Factory. While in general, the difference from those researches is the theory and perspective used. Holcepl’s research uses postmodernism theory while this research uses Erikson’s psychosocial development. The research objective is also different. This research focuses on the mental development of the main character from the story, while Holcepl’s research focuses on the postmodernism mentality that reflected in the main character from the story. Other similar researches are also done by students in English Department of State University of Yogyakarta. Desi Anggi Ayuning Saputri 2012 wrote a thesis entitled “The Failure of Leo Colston’s Adolescence and its Effects Viewed Through his Psychological Development Reflected in The Go Between by L.P. Harley”. The objective of the research is to explain the factors that influence the failure of Colston’s adolescence identity and to explain its effects on his life. The research is done by looking at the psychological identity development of Colston. The other research is done by Anestiya Fiddin Rosyada 2013. Rosyada wrote a thesis entitled “Identity Crisis of The Second Generation of Asian-Indian Americans as Reflected in the Lahiri’s The Namesake”. The research aims to identify identity crisis of the second generation of Asian-Indian Americans and also to explain 20 the impact of the crisis depicted in the novel entitled The Namesake. The researcher uses the theory of psychosocial development stage of identity by Erikson. Another research is done by Tri Nurlianingsih 2014. Nurlianingsih wrote a thesis entitled “Esther’s Problems of Personality as an Impact of Her Failure in Accomplishing Self-Identity: A Psychosocial Analysis to Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar”. The objective of the research is to find out in which stage Esther faced with the problem of identity failure and also to explain the impact of identity failure toward her personality. The research done by Nurlianingsih is based on Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. The similarity between this research and those three researches done by Saputri, Rosyada and Nurlianingsih is the theory and perspective used. The focus of those three researches and this research is the psychological development of a certain character and based on the Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. While there are some researches that based on Erikson’s theory. There is still no research that has been done on Bank’s The Wasp Factory in the English Department of State University of Yogyakarta.

D. Background of the Novel

1. The Author

Iain Banks 1954-2013 is a famous writer from Scotland and his works mainly deal on the genre of mainstream fiction and science fiction. Even though his 21 works are usually science fiction, it was his first work The Wasp Factory that makes him a famous writer. The story of The Wasp Factory is about a teenager with a serious gender identity problem and it is considered to be one of the most inspiring teenage novels. Following the success of The Wasp Factory, Banks writes several books in the genre of science fiction such as Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games, Use of Weapons and many more. Banks is also known for his unique pen name, in all his fiction books he use the name of Iain Banks and as for his science fiction books he use the name of Iain M. Banks. As a writer, Banks has received a lot of awards in literary field such as British Science Association Fiction Award 1994, Honorary Fellow of the Association for Scottish Literary Studies 2013 and many more.

2. The Wasp Factory

The Wasp Factory story revolves around the life of a teenage girl named Frank. The story is told in a first person perspective of Frank describing her present life as a wicked teenager and also her gruesome childhood memories. Although Frank is a girl, in the whole story she is depicted as a boy frantically searching for her self- identity and it is not until the last part of the story that she is revealed to be actually a girl. That gender confusion is the main theme of the story and that problem leads Frank to commit various defiant behaviors such as violence, social withdrawal and also ritualism. 22 Franks lives in a certain island in Scotland with her father, Angus Cauldhame. Even though Franks is a legitimate daughter of Angus, Frank has no birth certificate and social insurance card, her father never registers her. Also, as instructed by her father, Frank always answers to people that she is Angus’ nephew and not his daughter. Frank’s father is protective toward Frank, he always do all the cooking and cleaning. He also tells Frank to choose who she interact with. Her father also has a secret room in their house that is forbidden for Frank. She knows that he is doing some secret experiments because Frank’s father is a scientist before. Just like her father, Frank also has her own secrets. Frank has been secretly killing small animals and insects in order to perform strange ritual and she is also responsible for the deaths of three children in her family. Frank always performs her strange ritual in the third floor loft of her house. She creates her own device which she named The Wasp Factory. The device is enclosed in a glass and is similar to a clock with each number represents different torturing tools. Frank routinely catches small insects and puts the insects into The Wasp Factory, the insects then will move into certain number in the device that lead them into miserable death such as eaten by ants, burned to death, bitten by a poisonous spider and other cruel ends. By doing this Frank believes that each death is an omen that somehow can answer all the questions she has. Those bizarre behaviors are the product of Frank confusion in finding her self-identity. The cause of Frank’s confusion is her father, it is known from the story

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