The Mens Domination on Firdaus Society

55 motivation qtd in Petri 302-304. Therefore, Firdaus’ searching for freedom must be motivated by the causes behind her searching for freedom. The Mens Domination on Firdaus Society

According to Qosim Amin, from the time of her birth to the time of her death in Egypt a woman is a slave because she does not live by or for herself. A woman lives through and for the man, and depends on him for all her needs 18. This condition is really happened on Firdaus. Since her childhood, Firdaus is always considered as a second important rather than men around her. Never in my life had anyone put me first before himself. My father used to occupy the oven room in winter, and leave me the coldest room in the house. My uncle had the bed to himself, while I slept on the wooden couch. Later on, when I married my husband ate twice as much food as I did, yet his eyes never lifted themselves from my plate 48. This text shows that in Firdaus life, no men even put her as the first. No matter her father, her uncle, or her husband always be the first important rather than her. She is always positioned under men and suffers because of them. A patriarchal society means men domination upon women. Thus, men control womens life. Firdaus life is controlled by men around her. She even cannot state her opinion toward something. As a daughter, Firdaus is only valued by the dowry which her parents can get from the husband. Under Firdaus uncle and aunts will, Firdaus marries with Syeikh Mahmoud. He is a man who is so much older than her. Firdaus aunt and uncle even do not care with Firdaus’ feeling toward the marriage. It can be seen from the conversation between Firdaus uncle and Firdaus aunt below: “Supposing Firdaus refuses him?” “Why should Firdaus refuse him. This is her best chance to get married. Dont forget what a nose she has. Its big and ugly like a tin mug. Besides, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 she has inherited nothing, and has no income of her own. We will never find a better husband for her than Syeikh Mahmoud.” El-Saadawi 37 In fact, Firdaus does not love her husband at all. She even resembles her husband as the most disgusting creature which smells like a dead dog, with a terrible abscess on his chin El-Saadawi 43. She hates to be touched by her husband. She even washes her face and lips, arms and thighs, and every part of her body several times with soap and water carefully from her husbands fingertips when he sleeps El- Saadawi 43-44. This proves Firdaus disability to state her opinion. Although Firdaus hates her husband, she hides her real feeling of him since she has to obey her uncle and aunts decision upon her. Not only unable to make a decision, but Firdaus also cannot choose. Firdaus disability to make a choice on her entire life is shown on Firdaus statement. She says: “No one has asked me before whether I preferred oranges or tangerines. My father never brought us fruit. My uncle and my husband used to buy it without asking me what I preferred.” El-Saadawi 47 This proves that in Firdaus life, she is never asked to choose. The men around her are the people who choose for her. No matter she likes it or not, she has to agree with their choice upon her. These explanations draw mens controlling Firdaus’ life. Her disability to decide and choose and her position as a second importance rather than men are caused by male domination toward women in Firdaus society as a patriarchal society. Mens controlling Firdaus life is stated by Firdaus. According to Firdaus, men are controlled womens life of both on earth and on heaven El-Saadawi 91. The Society’s Bad Treatments toward Women